It isn’t clear to me that a 3 week old fetus is any more or less dependent than a 3 week old baby. The only difference seems to be place of residence - one is inside the mother’s womb, the other is outside.
The fact that a 3 week old baby is outside means that killing and disposing of its body is more obvious and less amenable to coverup, either by the words used to describe the reality or the technologies used to do the dirty work.
What the recently released videos have shown is that the fetus at 20 weeks is determinably a human baby and not a glob of tissue. In fact, it is abundantly clear that the PP doctors involved are very aware of that fact - which makes their callousness towards the unborn even more disturbing. They know these are baby human beings they are dismembering and cannibalizing for parts but simply could care less.
To be fair, once the life has been extinguished, it is just a blob of matter that just happens to look more or less like a baby (depending on how developed). After an adult dies, it is equally just a (bigger) blob of matter. With all my heart I can wish and hope and pray and work that the number of abortions reduces and reduces…but once one has happened no amount of anguish can undo it (like capital punishment, IMO). In that circumstance, it would be the crowning act of depravity to then not at least find some way to profit from the evil act already and irrevocably committed.
(To presage Godwin’s Law: when the US “rescued” Nazi scientists in 1945, among them a number of people involved with the American space programme, weren’t they directly profiting from research funded by Nazis? It’s the same principle, in my view, and if one is justified so is the other. But in both cases I’d rather abortions and the Nazis didn’t exist).
Explain, if you can how a 3 week old baby is less dependent on someone to “mother” it than a 3 week old fetus and why it would be morally wrong to dismember and dispose of a three week old baby if it is not morally wrong to do so to a 20 week old fetus, given that all its “baby parts” are present - which is why it is being cannibalized for those exact parts by PP?
I know I maybe sound callous (forgive me!) but once the 3 week old baby is dead anyway, if the parents are willing, what IS wrong with dismembering it or ‘cannibalising for parts’? Remember that PP wasn’t stealing foetuses (foeti?) from the bins at the back of the office and selling them (sorry, “
providing them”). Mothers of aborted babies gave their consent that they be used in this way. If a (born) baby were to tragically die, it’s quite possible someone would ask the parents if they could similarly donate the body (and adults choose to donate their own all the time). Abortion is wrong (and this doesn’t justify it), but learning from the dead, once they are dead, is laudable IMO.
Hold the phone.
How is this different than a fetus? A newborn is fed by his/her mother (or a stand-in for the mother). Does the newborn supply the warmth around it? Does the newborn forage for its own food? A fetus doesn’t need any action on the mother’s part to keep him/her alive; just time, food, and warmth (each supplied inactively).
I can’t buy into that line of thinking.
I can’t either! It’s when my devil’s-advocacy collapses. I was struggling already!
What about the father? Was he in another room when the woman got pregnant?
How many fathers would probably be glad to not have that responsibility? (Particularly if the pregnancy was from an extra-martial or even extra-relationship encounter?). But you’re right, the opprobrium shown towards women who have an abortion should be directed equally at those who support her (eg husbands, boyfriends, family members, etc). Of course I think the opprobrium isn’t helpful anyway, but if it’s there it should be equal in its use…