I suspect when we begin to use the word “sacrifice” in terms of volunteering someone other than ourselves to be sacrificed, we begin to tread murky moral waters. Child sacrifice was regarded as an abomination in the Old Testament. There were a number of Canaanite cultures that engaged in child sacrifice. How would your suggestion above be fundamentally different from offering children to G-d by throwing them in a fire rather than dismembering them in the womb and offering the pieces to G-d?I would not say that the unborn child is “murdered” but rather “sacrificed” and, further, returned to G-d, for the purpose of saving the physical life or health of the mother.
I am not clear that ancient Judaism would have promoted the idea of human beings unilaterally doing the choosing with regard to what valuables could be appropriately considered as sacrificial offerings.
It is not clear to me that your perspective on child sacrifice doesn’t lead us into the territory of Aztec paganism.