Of course the debate that we had before this post of yours was never about atheist’s salvation, and about the passages of scripture that you cited in this post and which you didn’t mention before in your discussion with me. The debate was about Psalms 14:1 and if atheists can do any good. And here Pope Francis affirms they can. You shifted the goalposts and along the way gravely distorted my position.Yes, everyone is capable of good, both atheists and theists. The question is not whether they are capable of good, but whether they are capable of being saved. The theist is capable of being saved, though many theists doubtless are not saved because they die with great sins on their souls and are unrepentant.
But the atheist who has denied the God who has offered himself to him, and dies therefore unrepentant because he doesn’t believe there is anyone he must repent to, is likely to be denied his salvation. This is what we are told in scripture, which you cited.
But of course Al will say that Jesus didn’t really mean what he said, and that my interpretation must be wrong because his (Al’s) must be right. And Al will invoke Pope Francis as being on his side against Scripture and the saying of Jesus you cited above, which is about as plain and obvious as a saying can be.
Then Al will call me a fundamentalist Protestant, just as inocente has called me a raging relativist.
Go choose between what Jesus says and what Al says Pope Francis says, though Al never gives us the precise sentence he means to be Pope Francis’ refutation of what Jesus says:
"But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father." Matthew 10:32-33
“He who believes and is baptized will be saved; he who does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 16:16
“If we have died with him we shall also live with him; if we persevere we shall also reign with him. But if we deny him he will deny us.”
2nd Timothy 2:11-12
So Al, please give us the sentence where Pope Francis refutes Jesus. Thank you.
Has Pope Francis also refuted Mark and 2nd Timothy?
But by now I am used to these constant willful distortions of yours – you applied them repeatedly in the discussion Intelligent Design vs. evolution as well. No surprise here.
If your distortions are not malicious, which I would hope, then you should avoid them – they do make the impression of being precisely that, intended or not.
And for the record: no, atheists can’t go to heaven as atheists.** We agree.** Surprised?
(But that I went through the pains of actually linking to a Catholic site when it came to what the Pope said, and not to the Huffington post or NYT or similar, where they distorted what the Pope actually said, must have evaded your attention as well (shrug)).