PRmerger;12635865]Source, please. How was happiness in Sweden measured?
If it’s important, I can find the article. However, happiness is measured by how the respondents answer the question as to whether or not they are “happy”, which would include things such as health, well being, finances, work, leisure time. Therefore, unless we want to claim that people who say they are happy when asked that question really aren’t, because happiness to you means something other than the dictionary definition, I think we have to accept the respondents answers.
How can anyone here NOT create the God of their own desires? Let’s presume for a moment that you have read all of the bible and come away with a belief that God condones hell because he’s "God’ and can do what he wants. You could NOT believe this to be unjust in your own mind, and your personality would be one that rationalizes this and agrees with this. Take another person who has read the very same bible as you do but does not believe in hell, and believes that a non believer is just excluded from God. That person’s personality is such that he is probably was raised in a more liberal family than were you, had more liberal friends than you, and/or decided that he could not square the concept of hell with a loving God. Both of you “Catholics”, and both of you have vastly different God concepts.
That doesn’t really argue against the actual existence of God, however.
One thing I have found in my decades of discussions with those who claim the “Christian” hat is that they conflate the word “God” with their own particular denomination. In other words, they like to argue for a generic God instead of defending the denomination they happen to be in. Your sentence "That doesn’t really argue against the existence of God could be used by a Muslim, or by a Mormon.
We could all “create the God that resonates with our own wants”, yet God could still exist, right?
I am brand new here, and I’m not sure if this site wants to keep young, impressionable minds from reading posts from non believers, so if I am banned, so be it. The existence or non existence of A “God” is unknowable. There is no way you can disprove that the Muslim God is false. For that matter, if you lived in Iran, your God belief would be vastly different, and yet…you could and WOULD use the same arguments you are making to me about the CATHOLIC god, except you and many others conveniently leave out the word Catholic or Christian when using the word God. For what it’s worth, IF there is a God, any God, that God would most definitely not be the Catholic God. Can I prove that? Of course I can’t. Neither can I disprove their is no Mormon God, no Muslim God, no Jesus orbiting the Halle Bopp comet.