:clapping: Absolutely irrefutable! It reminds me of a materialist on this forum who stated that the belief that torturing a child is wrong is just a question of sentiment.""Who on earth said it was ‘kind of OK’ to kill a daughter for getting a divorce? It is in no way OK at all. Perhaps you seem to think that if the father can come up with some reasons for killing her, then that grants it some validity. Is that what you are saying? That because it is wrong there can never be a reason he can give for doing it? Which is, if that is indeed what you are implying, bizarre. “”
Your implying that if God doesn’t give you a reason you can fully understand fir every one if his actions that this makes him evil or wrong ?
I’m trying to understand this statement ?
If God who can see all unfold past , present and future doesn’t explain every action of his in a way that you fully can’t understand then he is wrong or evil . You bradski who is a finite being like all of us who can’t see things on a scale that God sees them can presume to judge his goodness or or wrongness ?
It’s like a 2 year old kid going into a candy store and grabbing every piece if candy that is in there after being told not to by his parents 10 times. The kid gets spanked and ends up calling his parents evil and uncaring . Granted this isn’t the same as eternal punishment t but the analogy fits .
I know he is God . I know that he is love itself , that he is morality itself , that he is justice itself . Maybe one day he will reveal all of the answers to us , but I don’t see how we can fully comprehend him now.
Does not the bible say that Gods ways are way above mans ways ?
It’s irrational to believe we can know it all here. We simply aren’t God.
That’s not to say that he doesn’t explain himself on many things because he does .
Who are u bradski to say what is objectively good or objectively evil. In a worldview that views humans as just mindless robots that happened to come together through blind chance and chemical interaction why should evil and good even exist ?
If you just yell out Objective Morality! and leave it at that, you are saying that no reasons need be given. But surely, even if something is Objectively Wrong, it must be so for some reasons. So articulate them. Tell me why, without mentioning God, Natural Law, the church or anything at all to do with religion, why he should not kill his daughter. Give me your reasons.
If you can do it, there’s no need to mention objectivity at all (it will be wrong for the reasons given - no need to play any trump cards). If you can’t do it, if you can’t give good reasons, then you lose the argument."""
That’s just it objectively morality can’t be fully explained without a transcendent moral law giver who is morality itself . You can search your heart for the answers as it is said in the bible that God has written his laws into ur heart , but remember that there is another being that operates on this earth and his goal is to try to take you away from the objective moral law giver.
Bradski in your worldview you can’t even explain why helping an old lady across the street is anymore objectively good or evil then a tyrant who kills off a few billion people for population control .