There is more than a little question begging of your own in this definition, since it presumes a certain kind of direct, third-party observable and immediate kind of harm is the only harm to be taken under consideration - in other words, only physical injury is included. Ergo, “I can do whatever I like as long as I cause no one harm.”
You should read what I write not what you want to read.
Harm. If you cause no harm, then you have done no wrong. The harm doesn’t have to be physical.
I will of course accept your apology for misrepresenting my position.
Since you don’t allow that sin exists you have a convenient means by which to define morality in what you think are indisputable and objective terms, but which leave out of account a great deal of immorality by rendering it non-existent, by definition.
One possible means of showing your view to be inadequate is to point out that merely refraining from doing others direct physical harm does not make anyone a paragon of virtue. Thus, simply NOT murdering, NOT raping, NOT abusing and NOT stealing things that others need for living - merely refraining from doing such harmful things - does not definably make anyone a good moral agent.
Did anyone suggest that? I don’t think I did. No, I’m absolutely sure I didn’t. So you are misrepresenting my position
yet again.
Doing it once I can put down to an honest mistake. Doing it twice has me thinking that maybe you aren’t paying attention to what I say.
That leaves us Believers with a whole lot of leeway, doesn’t it, to tell you why something is immoral. We can say: gay “marriage” is wrong because it harms society.
Sure you can. If I agreed with any arguments that you make to that end, then as a reasonable person I would change my views and agree with you. As it is, despite the fact that I am, I don’t and therefore I haven’t.
Just like you say adultery is wrong because it harms a relationship. Although you haven’t really said how it *harms *a relationship. Esp. if no one ever finds out.
One of the definitions of a good relationship (let’s say marriage but you don’t have to be married for this to be true) is that both partners do not cheat on each other (well, it’s one of my definitions – you can agree or not). If one does, then the relationship, that trust that they had in each other, whether the other one is aware of it or not, is broken.
If you knew two couples, one couple faithful to each other, but the woman in the other relationship slept around (without her husband knowing) would you say that the relationships that both couples had were the same? I’d suggest that you’d agree that the second one was broken. Even if the husband didn’t know. Cheating isn’t cheating only if you get caught.
Excellent. You are not an biblical expert on tribal warfare. So please stop explicating on it. Your opinion would have no value. If we are operating on the premise that only biblical experts can expound and pontificate here.
We’re not.
Or one doesn’t necessarily have to be a biblical expert on tribal warfare in order to have an opinion on it…and that means you have stated that it did happen but yet also deny some of the other things that the bible records never happened? How is it that you know this?
If we’re discussing talking snakes and global floods, then yes, I know these things didn’t happen. Everything else is either definitely true, probably true, possibly true, possibly false, probably false and any other permutation that you can think of, all depending on the evidence.
Excellent. So you do believe someone named Jesus walked the earth?
I’m putting that in the ‘probably true’ box.
Sex is a natural event with a holy purpose. When we deprive it of its purpose, we act against the will of God. We cannot fool our Father God any more than we can fool our Mother Nature.
If you can’t offer a good argument against sex (including first person singular activities) without mentioning God, then you are back to: ‘It’s wrong because it’s wrong because…well, the church says so’. The fact that you agree with the church’s decision doesn’t matter whatsoever.
You need a better argument other than ‘God doesn’t want you to’.