The “possibility” of a medical problem in the future is not the same as an existing condition now. Removal of a perfectly normal, functioning body part is considered mutilation, not amputation, and years ago, no respetcable doctor would consider it. In modern times however, our morals and ethics have become more and more confused and today we have doctors voluntarily killing patients, rather than fighting to the last breath to save them. During pregnancy, we now have the capabilities to do tests to determine a likelihood, or “possibility” that a baby may have down’s syndrome, or some other birth defect. If these tests come out positive, then many doctors will advise you to have an abortion. However, I can show you countless cases where the baby turned out just fine, despite the doctor’s advice. Catholic teaching says it is wrong to murder a baby, despite medical advice to the contrary. It is also wrong to undergo voluntary sterilization or to use ABC to prevent the possibilty of pregnancy, despite medical advice to the contrary. The Catholic church is not wrong, and this situation is not special or different, and it has been addressed. You just don’t like the answer. Aside from the Pope himself spelling it out for you specifically, I don’t think you are going to agree. ABC to prevent pregnancy is wrong. Period. No special case. The only way ABC is acceptable is if preventing pregnancy is not the intended effect, and in this case, it IS the intended effect. You can use all the medical terms you want, but that is what you are really saying. If your wife gets pregnant, there could be a problem. Or things could be just fine. You need to trust in God, and know that his ways are not the ways of this world. And it will be awfully tempting to follow the advice of this world and give in to ABC, but eventually, you will have to answer to God for whatever you decide. He has given us his instructions. It is up to you whether to listen to him, or the doctor who is advising you to sin.