Abolish the Police

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Why don’t Catholic leaders talk about poor moral choices leading to poor outcomes for families? I hear them talk about racism, “income inequality”, and immigration, but when it comes to an actual area of expertise (morality) they are strangely silent…
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I hear them talk about racism, “income inequality”, and immigration, but when it comes to an actual area of expertise (morality) they are strangely silent…
Are you suggesting that racism isn’t under the umbrella of morality?
Are you suggesting that racism isn’t under the umbrella of morality?
Yes, racism is under the umbrella of morality.

But the prophetic role is to ask “which moral issues are mostly forgotten right now?” Racism is a moral issue currently affirmed by many other voices. That’s good it’s being brought up.

But what moral issues are currently forgotten?

When a genuine prophet speaks, the response isn’t usually applause. It might be “how dare you say that” if it is Moderately prophetic.

But when the Church, or any prophetic agent speaks really prophetically, the response is “Why are you bringing up that old issue”?
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Yes racism is an issue of morality. I suppose what I meant was how individual people can make their own lives better or worse by their own personal moral choices, such as avoiding sin in various ways. Following God’s moral laws. Ever hear the USCCB suggest that all individuals should follow God’s moral laws?
Ever hear the USCCB suggest that all individuals should follow God’s moral laws?
“The moral life requires grace. The Catechism speaks of this in terms of life in Christ and the inner presence of the Holy Spirit, actively enlightening our moral compass and supplying the spiritual strength to do the right thing. The grace that comes to us from Christ in the Spirit is as essential as love and rules and, in fact, makes love and keeping the rules possible.”
The problem with “The World” is that it focuses huge attention on certain truths, which vary from time to time, and no attention on other truths. It is prophetic for the Church to speak out against racism in a decade when nobody else is.

Of course if you are in a decade like now when issues such as chastity, abortion, the parental right in education, are now considered irrelevant or unimportant, the temptation for Dioceses (like mine) is to boldly speak out on racism; and be quiet about forgotten stuff.
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It often seems to me that the whole American mindset is one of “cops and robbers”. There is a bizarre number of crime shows on television, and it seems the number is rising all the time. It ingrains an “us vs them”, good guy, bad guy, everyone is under attack mentality. In my locality there is a station that shows nothing but NCIS for 16 hours straight on the weekends, and that’s not even cable tv. America really needs to take a long hard look at what it feeds on mentally and spiritually. I don’t own a tv and don’t miss having one. I can’t stand visiting my parents because it’s either the news or crime shows non stop, and since they live in Chicago…it’s often hard to tell which is which.

Two generations of kids at least have grown up watching that stuff ad nauseum. I’m sure some became cops (and sadly not always for the best reasons) because of it. These issues are rooted deep in the American psyche, I hope we can continue to look for better, real, long lasting and moral solutions.
The poor communities would be hurt the most if the police were abolished.
It sure is easy for rich celebrities (who can afford bodyguards and home security) to talk about eliminating the police.
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