Abolish the Police

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That’s true. But when it comes to peace I don’t worry about the ‘more’, I worry about the ‘less’.

The one thing that war has taught us is how to kill each other more effectively.

The sad fact is that Fields is correct.
Well, no, because field biologists take conditions into account, too. Humans are not as extraordinary as we sometimes like to think. We’re human, not super-human.
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This is the exact event that came to my mind as well. I believe it is the reason that all (not SWAT) LAPD Officers were issued long-guns (or at least having the option to carry one).

I remember watching this incident on TV as a kid in L.A.
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It’s not “abolish the police”, It’s “defund the police” which means have police just focus on public safety and leave other aspects (personal reform, prevention, drug addiction, mental health issues…) to professionals. As such, take the funding out of the police for that (primarily by removing SWAT and such) and put the money to where it is useful.

The few that was abolishment are mere radicals (from both sides of the political aisle), those who want to reallocate funding are not radicals.
The same reformers who now call for defunding probably are the ones who a few years ago shifted a huge MH population, in effect, on the police and jail. Police are put in the position of rearresting juvenile delinquents, whom it almost impossible to get into Detention.

States have raised the age range for Juveniles, so that their records are now sealed so Police can’t get safety information on this individual. With bail reform. Police who risk their life to arrest someone see that same guy on the street in a day. All those "reforms’ mean someone else stats looks good.

Swat mostly means better defensive equipment. Nobody riots just because Police have vests and helmets. The last few weeks reinforce the need for such.
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Actually I was 13 or so when the actions occurred at Kent State whereof you speak.

The post specifically mentioned only the guard, as if, “police bad, guard worse’.
Yes that is correct. CDL Life has an app in which they took a poll which asked if truck drivers would be willing to go into an area which defunded or abolished the police. The majority said NO.
One reason among several given was that they feared prosecution if they had to take matters into their own hands. They replied they already go into dangerous areas as it is, and often feel unsafe.
My husband is a retired over the road driver so I keep up on this.
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This is what happens when we allow unbelievers to pull God and the Gospel from our country. Community programs can’t replace the Gospel. Ever. Community programs can’t solve broken homes, drug and alcohol abuse, promiscuity, abortion demand, violence, coveting, envy, lust, greed. We are reaping what we have sown for the last 60 years. We shouldn’t be surprised. We are being swallowed into a tidal wave.
It’s hard for me to imagine that we don’t need police when people call for their help on a secondly basis. It’s hard for me to sympathize with the idea that we don’t need police when there is a reason for those calls.
Did I suggest otherwise?
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you did. I’m saying that a field biologist would not be at all surprised if a population of mammals living under the stressful conditions we do were to have many instances of severe behavioral problems.
We cannot live as humans while placing the expectations on ourselves that would be appropriate for an animal. Animals couldn’t live like we do. It takes grace. We can’t do that by ourselves; we’re only human. Humans living without grace are not going to rise above the behavior that would be expected of other animals. Other animals couldn’t live in city-state conditions without developing severe psychological problems.
There are no words for all this, no police will lead to someone policing, organized crime, real terrorist taking over, gangs. The start of our society falling apart. And I fear something very ugly taking its place. It is mindboggling what is going on all over
People like me who want to abolish prisons and police, however, have a vision of a different society, built on cooperation instead of individualism, on mutual aid instead of self-preservation.”
I’d love to agree with you. But let’s face it, even in the Garden of Eden with only two people who walked and talked daily with God Himself–they STILL couldn’t manage to be that perfect.

We live in a fallen world and just trusting everyone to play nice is not going to pan out. if people played nice none of these deaths would have happened in the first place–both and either because criminals wouldn’t have been committing crimes in the first place and/or because cops would have been more perfect in the first place.
Fewer officers means under-staffing means the ones who are left need more extreme methods to come home alive.
This was my immediate thought on reading that. You don’t cut the chance for bad things happening. You increase the chance of bad things happening because cops are now understaffed, overworked, more tired, under more stress…and more likely to make mistakes.
Keep in mind the cities that have had the most riots also seem to be those that have long term liberal local government, with a history of police reforms. They had ample opportunity to gradually replace the administration and through affirmative action changed the make up of the force.
and more people should be asking–who has been in control of education, media, judicial positions, and a great deal of government for the last 40 to 50 years? Liberals.

If there really is ‘systemic racism,’ maybe we should be looking to the liberals who have dominated the media, education, Hollywood, the court system, and much of our politics. Whoever held the power must be responsible for that systemic racism.
This was my immediate thought on reading that. You don’t cut the chance for bad things happening. You increase the chance of bad things happening because cops are now understaffed, overworked, more tired, under more stress…and more likely to make mistakes.
Honestly, in their place I’d be very tempted to join the military, instead. It is a very different profession, but they aren’t currently being made into the enemies of those they risk their lives to serve.

Still, people have been making teachers into the bad guys because they can’t do the impossible for a long time, implying their jobs wouldn’t even be more impossible if they didn’t have unions, and yet still the dedicated ones hang in there and make a difference.
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I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you did…Humans living without grace are not going to rise above the behavior that would be expected of other animals.
Not to worry, no harm done 😄

I agree on the matter of grace; but I guess further discussion would be off topic!
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