Abortion contest on radio station

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as sick as starting a serial killing contest

edit: to be more accurate, abortion is serial killing
Momofone said:
Excellent suggestions, but what about ratings? I know that some of us here on this forum listen to secular music radio stations and have family/friends who also listen. letting them know that ratings will drop if they don’t clean up their act would be a good incentive, don’t you think?

There are a couple of problems with this route:

A) The type of people who will complain about a show like this probably are not listening to that station or show, anyway.

B) Clear Channel is practically a monopoly which owns so much is mass media that it is grotesque. They really can’t be avoided by any boycott. Though, precisely because of this, what one could do is be very insistent with your Respresentatives and Senators in Washington (and particularly with President Bush who supports fostering and ratifying expansion of such monopolies) to change the laws and force companies like Clear Channel to divest. But, frankly, they aren’t likely to want to do that. Sadly, as long as we vote for Republicans, we support such radio, therefore.
Now, that said, it is sometimes possible to force their hands when they get so much bad press and genuinely risk losing real money that they blink. For example, Opie and Anthony were thrown off of their show after the shennanigan of airring an account of a couple who mocked sex in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Of course, now they’re back… just on XM. So who won in the long run?

Anyway, I’m going to offer an alternative take on this stunt. Not as a sign of support for it, necessarily, but as an observation which I believe it causes one to think about. Perhaps, what the promo really ilustrates most is the absurdity of it all. To the extent that people would actually go so far as to call in and brag about their abortions in order to win a prize. Such isn’t necessarily a celebration of or promotion for abortion. Instead, it could very well make clear what a sick world and hardened, crazy people we have become.
I am listening to the Drew Marioni show. He mentioned a radio station that was having a contest, and giving a prize to the winner, of who had the most abortions. That is sick. How could anyone be so sick?
i’m not suprised!!! http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/6.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/6.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/6.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/6.gif
Let’s not forget something here, folks. Western culture equates license=freedom. Worst sin is to get caught.

You can contact the chain all you want.

You need to hit them between the wallet flaps, and here’s how.

#1. First of all, snail-mail your complaint to the station manager of DC101. Law requires him to respond to your request in a timely manner. Big trouble otherwise. Even if he gets 5,000 complaints by registered mail…

#2. Call the FCC and demand the log recording of DC101 for the hours in question. Go through that recording and list out ALL THE ADVERTISERS. Repeat step #1 with ALL THE ADVERTISERS. Believe me, nobody on the far end of those letters will be cool with it. Thank God shareholders and Boards don’t like controversy.

#3. CC your congressman on everything.

#4. Hook this all up with our evangelical brothers and sisters. You good folks copy?

Don’t waste your time contacting Clear Channel, they probably have an entire call centre somewhere filled with abject apology specialists who will stay on the phone apologizing to you in tearful solidarity for as long as you want to pay for the call. They’ll just transfer you there.

Clear channel is about one thing: MONEY. Nothing else. Why else do you think they permitted this guy to make murdering innocent babies into a BIT? Letters and LOTS of them to the advertisers and the congress.

Virtually none of that stuff is live anymore, it was all put together in advance, even if only a little while in advance. Which is what makes me even MADDER about this. There was a whole chain of command that could have said no, gone with a plan B instead and decided this was the ‘best’ choice.

The mike monkey gets approvals first because everything on a drive-in show is strategic in a market the size of DC. The mike monkey, is of course, JUST a mike monkey. As with all captive monkeys, they toss him a couple of bananas every day to make him fidget less.

The advertisers, folks, the advertisers. They can speak the only phrase Clear Channel will ever respond to: “advertising contract renewal declined due to listener objections.” Advertisers are a lot more skittish than you might think. They have more shareholders than Clear Channel.

And if you don’t hit the advertisers, Clear Channel will just be concerned that all the names are spelled correctly in any press you help to generate, is all.

Sorry to be this blunt, but Clear Channel does not care about morality, they care about advertising dollars. You want to get their attention, you have to threaten their advertisers. Nothing else will make a dent.

In commercial radio, it’s all about the commercials. Advertising = Oxygen. You want to pinch off Clear Channel’s Oxygen supply. Really really hard.


St. Benedict, pray for us to learn how and when to slap upside of heads in charity.
Excellent advise & excellent post. As a radio personality myself I know that a lot of stations allow thier dj’s to push the FCC envelope to attract listeners, a bunch of Howard Stern wanna be’s. Thanks be to God that I work for a Christian owned station.
Here’s what I wrote:

I strongly object to the “contest” Elliot Segal had on his show recently regarding the number of abortions women have had. Abortion is a touchy subject for both sides of the spectrum and he made a mockery of it all. This “man” needs to be fired immediately. I used to listen to his show in the mornings but then I got sense. Now, I don’t listen to DC101 at all because I will not support a station that has such a disgraceful and sickening employee. I hope that those at clear channel develop what I call a conscience and fire Elliot. Why doesn’t clear channel play music in the mornings instead of listening to Elliot’s shocking remarks? He is not funny or clever. If making jokes out of killing babies is tasteful in your opinion, then I feel sorry for you.
That was Elliot! I cannot STAND that guy! I used to listen to him on the way to work but stopped when he was talking about eating placentas. He is SUCH a jerk. I won’t even turn the station on to DC101 in the mornings.
I agree. I live in the DC areae as well and I occationally breeze through 101.1 on my way to bigger, better things and for the few seconds that Elliot is on, he makes me sick. He has absolutely no class and I am beginning to question the intelligence of the programming manager.
I have an easier answer - don’t listen to inappropriate programming. Advertisers want listeners, if they don’t get them, they will advertise elsewhere.

Sometimes a flurry of objections works, and sometimes it doesn’t but has the opposite effect of prompting people to want to hear something shocking.

I say just turn the dial. There are plenty of good stations to listen to.

Oh Lord…they are waging war against our unborn and now it seems it has become a contest and a matter of humor for some…Please Lord, I pray for the conversion of these people and I call for the end of this war against our unborn…Please touch their hearts and let them see the error of their ways.​

These are some sick, twisted bastards…I am just going to leave it at that I am so PO’d right now…I have to just stop typing before I type something that gets me booted off.
B) Clear Channel is practically a monopoly which owns so much is mass media that it is grotesque. They really can’t be avoided by any boycott. Though, precisely because of this, what one could do is be very insistent with your Respresentatives and Senators in Washington (and particularly with President Bush who supports fostering and ratifying expansion of such monopolies) to change the laws and force companies like Clear Channel to divest. But, frankly, they aren’t likely to want to do that. Sadly, as long as we vote for Republicans, we support such radio, therefore.
you are right. and the Bush people on the FCC are the worst. they want to protect their corporate buddy’s profits.
To tell the truth, my first reaction was Great! Everyone will be utterly revolted, even the pro-aborts. I mean abortion is just not something you brag about, right? At least not in my world. Even with pro-choicers the actual event is swept under the rug.

But that shows up a contradiction: If it’s morally okay, why the secrecy? It could be a good thought experiment for some people.

BUT, on second thought, given the level of human depravity now, people may just as easily go to the other extreme and start glorifying abortion and reveling in their “choices” as a way of fighting that inner voice of guilt. So the culture gets that much worse.
Here we go again…now it is Bush’s fault…Just like global warming and whatever else he can be blamed for…Personally, this is an abomination and I totally despise what this DJ did on his radio show, but I do not want our government to limit the right to free speech for anyone in this country. I am the biggest pro-lifer you will find and my posts prove that, but I do not believe in the government regulating our rights to free speech. Trust me…do not open pandoras box. If we give the government the power to do this…I see nothing but rough times ahead for Christians, because eventually we will be the target for censorship…We won’t be allowed to openly assemble or speak publicly about our Faith…mark my words…

I despise scumbags like these people who glorify abortion, but I am not willing to give the government all the power to prevent the freedom of speech, assembly, etc…
you are right. and the Bush people on the FCC are the worst. they want to protect their corporate buddy’s profits.
Sorry. Didn’t read your post thoroughly!!! Must’ve been over my CA time limit or something and the eyes were all fuzzy.:o
No, Drew Marriani is not the one having the contest. He mentioned another radio station that was having it. I don’t know an adress to the actual station that did this.
Drew Mariani is on Relevant Radio, a Catholic radio station, he’s awesome. (And very handsome!)
Okay. Now I feel like a moron:yup: . I guess I have not heard of Drew for some reason. I enjoy Relevant Radio though. Guess I’ll have to “check him out”–not because he’s handsome of course:D

I’ll be joining everyone in sending emails or what have you regarding this awful contest.
To tell the truth, my first reaction was Great! Everyone will be utterly revolted, even the pro-aborts. I mean abortion is just not something you brag about, right? At least not in my world. Even with pro-choicers the actual event is swept under the rug.

But that shows up a contradiction: If it’s morally okay, why the secrecy? It could be a good thought experiment for some people.

BUT, on second thought, given the level of human depravity now, people may just as easily go to the other extreme and start glorifying abortion and reveling in their “choices” as a way of fighting that inner voice of guilt. So the culture gets that much worse.
HA! The pro-aborts don’t care(at least most of them don’t). How much have they said about forced abortions in China? Nothing that I have ever heard. If they aren’t revolted by that, they won’t be revolted by this.
Dj Roy Albert:
Excellent advise & excellent post. As a radio personality myself I know that a lot of stations allow thier dj’s to push the FCC envelope to attract listeners, a bunch of Howard Stern wanna be’s. Thanks be to God that I work for a Christian owned station.
By way of vague qualification, I spent several years on-air in major markets as well. Aside from that, this whole thing ENRAGES me.

My point here is this:

You give this guy’s immediate AND uber-bosses a bloody nose really fast and things will get hot in that monkey cage really fast, too.

I repeat: MONEY.

ANYTHING that threatens the flow of money from the advertiser to the station and/or chain, will get boardroom-level attention Real Fast.

You want to make them hurt? Punch a hole in their moneybags, and let the leaking do the work for you. Nothing else will even get their attention.
you are right. and the Bush people on the FCC are the worst. they want to protect their corporate buddy’s profits.
It’s awful ironic that the only consistent (and often disparaged for it) voice railing against this kind of broadcasting on the FCC board has been Democratic Commissioner Michael Copps. Even the now gone Commissioner Powell was quite horrid in his reputation on these matters, only finally blinking (and I would suggest weakly and unwantingly) after all the outrage which followed the Superbowl incident.
Oh my. This is the lowest of the low. I hope this Drew person is run off the air. Is there an address or email address in order to send our complaints. This is absolutely horrifying. Jesus have Mercy on this man’s soul.
I am horrified. I can’t believe this. Can you verify this? Which radio station and DJ?
I am horrified. I can’t believe this. Can you verify this? Which radio station and DJ?
I posted some links. Plus, there is a link to the story-about 2 or 3 responses down from the OP.
I agree. I live in the DC areae as well and I occationally breeze through 101.1 on my way to bigger, better things and for the few seconds that Elliot is on, he makes me sick. He has absolutely no class and I am beginning to question the intelligence of the programming manager.
I’m going through this thread trying to make sure everyone catches this theme: NOTHING and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, not prestige, not ratings, not shame, not fear of almighty GOD HIMSELF will have the slightest effect on a program manager whose station is making money by raising its advertising rates while the ratings are rising. Controversy encourages watercooler talk, which brings in or recovers listeners. If the controversy is severe enough, it may bring in listeners immediately. Make no mistake in your thinking this is about money first, money middle, and money until the end of time.

Commercial radio is about the commercials. Advertisers pay stations to play theirs the most. That is why they call it commercial radio. It’s about the commercials, and the commercials are about money for the station.

In a commercial radio station, NOBODY messes with commercials. Not for long.

You want to get to get their attention, you attack their ADVERTISERS DIRECTLY. Advertisers react exactly the way you would expect the program manager to react–like human beings. The advertiser isn’t getting paid to plumb the depths of depravity. They pay the radio station to do that for them.

Pick up a phone, call them, and leave a question asking what their Board’s policy is on sponsoring Abortion Contests. 4:45 in the afternoon is probably a real good time to leave a few thousand of these questions. That way they can start phoning people back first thing in the morning instead of whatever else they were planning to do that day. And management will have to make ALL of those calls. Swish! Very early on in that day, A Phone Call will go to the corner office of that station. Very early indeed. Things will suddenly change.

See, if the advertiser discovers that the public, even a small, but vocal segment of the public, doesn’t like it, they will pull the rug out from under an advertising contract faster than you can say ‘Dell Dude’ And if any of those calls are from interested reporters? The Phone Call will get to that corner office SO much faster. And it will be much more, um, concerned. It might even be from counsel. And no matter what the bravado, General Managers keep fresh trousers on hand in case of a call from an advertiser’s lawyer.

That way, they can conduct market surveys and, um, focus groups to find out what the public REALLY feels about the idea of an abortion contest.

It all depends on how the advertisers think about the radio station’s, er, antics. Blow the whistle with the advertisers. If you do it right, it could pinch off the station’s or the chain’s oxygen supply. With a big Vice-grip that has that nice, satisfying clunk sound when it locks down.

Somebody should get together and buy a share of Clear Channel’s stock to attend their annual general meeting and ask the board of directors how successful the abortion competition promotion at DC105 was, how many more abortion competition contests they will be sponsoring this year, what other kinds of family oriented programs they will be integrating abortion competition contests into, when they expect to take the promotion national, if they have an abortion contest for girls product in development–maybe a tie-in cross promotion with Mattel–and what flagship advertisers, especially from the fast-food sectors have already stepped up to sponsor. C’mon, it’s the AGM, we’re all shareholders. You can tell us. You could follow up by suggesting Clear Channel could lead the charge in introducing an advertising industry-sponsored National Abortion Challenge. Something all Americans can unite in feeling proud of again. Right, Elliot?

Make sure you invite the press when you ask that question. And be sure to look over at the advertiser’s head table for the last part.

I don’t mean to sound like a downer, but advertisers control content because content is there to keep you from changing the dial until the next commercial cluster comes along. Sorry if that burswts anybody’s bubble about radio, but ask Jerry Usher. Jerry you copy?

Some might say CAL is the reason God made Catholic Answers. Except I couldn’t get on with this thing today!
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