Margaret… Sanger embraced Malthusian eugenics.
Thomas Robert Malthus, a 19th century cleric and professor of political economy, believed a population time bomb threatened the existence of the human race. He viewed social problems such as poverty, deprivation and hunger as evidence of this “population crisis…” Malthus condemned charities and other forms of benevolence, because he believed they only exacerbated the problems…
Malthus disciples believed if Western civilization were to survive, the physically unfit, the
materially poor, the spiritually diseased, the *racially inferior, *and the mentally incompetent had to be suppressed and isolated–or even, perhaps, eliminated. His disciples felt the subtler and more “scientific” approaches of education,
contraception, sterilization and
abortion were more “practical and acceptable ways” to ease the pressures of the alleged overpopulation…
In 1929, 10 years before Sanger created the Negro Project, the ABCL laid the groundwork for a clinic in Harlem… “established for the benefit of the colored people”… Sanger suggested the answer to poverty and degradation lay in smaller numbers of blacks…
Sanger knew blacks were religious people–and how useful ministers would be to her project.