**I. Is consent to sex consent to pregnancy?
Yes, it should be. Not that it must result, but that the person shpupd be open to the possibility.
II. Is general consent to a pregnancy consent to undergo a pregnancy which turns out to be unexpectedly abnormal, dangerous or painful?
Yes, in that the person should be open to the risks of pregnancy
III. Is consent to pregnancy irreversible or ongoing?
Yes. Not that it requires having sex in the future, but that, once the act ia done, the openness to the results of that act can’t be revoked and certainly once a pregnancy occurs it cannot be revoked for the same reason and in addition to that, a new human life is involved, that being the person’s child.
**IIII. In what situations does consent become overruled by self-defense? **
Let me back up here. If a partner in a willing couple wishes to stop sex mid act, there may be prudential reasons for doing so in limited circumstances. Certainly in rape, the person is not to consent to the sex act itself, and may attempt to remove the aggressor’s seed, if possible. Once a new person is involved, that being a child who is not an aggressor, the child’s death cannot be considered as self-defense. The direct killing of a child is never acceptable. If the mother has complications or medical issues, and treatment of those issues (that don’t consider murder as treatment) can or do result in the loss of the child’s life, that is permissible.
V. When pregnancy is not consented to (rape, ignorance, impaired judgement, coercion, etc.), acknowledging the right to live is not the same thing as the right to be kept alive by another person, does a woman have the right to unplug the child from her body without causing him any intentional harm?
No. The parent has a responsibility to provide for the security of her child, and the child has done no wrong. The father does, too, but two wrongs don’t make a right. That the child was not willed does not absolve the parent of responsibility.
VI. What is the method for establishing the value of a human being without a heartbeat or brain activity on a secular, political level?
I don’t want to say that all human beings must have the same legal rights (voting, driving, drinking, and perhaps more), but it is never right to murder another person. The embryo is a person, dependent on the mother for nutrients, but still a whole being in himself, with his own cells, his own DNA, he’s begun developing as an individual towards adulthood.
**VII. In America, parents have the luxury of adoption. Do the ethics change when mothers are forced to literally abandon their careers, passions and dreams after giving birth? **
Parents have a responsibility to care and provide for their children, whether that means both spouse’s working, one spouse working, or giving a child up for adoption. Adoption should ve done in the best interests of the child, never as a matter of material convenience or comfort.
VIII. How does the concept of bodily autonomy apply after birth? Does a child ever have the right to use his mother’s body then? For example, would a woman have the right to refuse to breastfeed her child if there were no breast milk alternatives available?
The parents have a responsibility to feed their child. If in the unlikely circumstances there literally were no alternatives, yes, the mother would be responsible for breast feeding. But allowing ome’s own child to starve when one is caoable of feeding them in the name of personal autonomy is horrendous. That does not obligate a parent to donate their heart and such for a child, though, if their child needs one.