
Their justifications for abortion bother me so much. I actually heard one woman say that abortion is OK because it sends the baby straight to God…and that the baby doesn’t have to experience the evils of the world.I see so called “Christians” going in and out of the abortion clinic all the time. Some have crosses on their mirrors or those fish emblems on their cars.These are the people who are supposed to be fighting injustices like this! Not participating in them! I am afraid that the woman in this story may not have all her faculties intact. It is horror stories like this that make me wonder why we still have legal baby-killing through any stage of pregnancy. Couldn’t we at least get a ban on late term abortions or something? This is completely disgusting!!! All abortion is disgusting, of course, but don’t you think we could get a late-term abortion bill passed first, and then work from there? How many people could look at these pictures and not be horrified?
I had to walk away…see what OSAS can do to you? The sin of murder “doesn’t count” because you’re saved…and the belief that all babies are automatically saved is an excuse to murder them. Horrible.