Abortion Total in United States Since Roe v. Wade Now Over 47 Million

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Ant the murder toll grows:
Abortion Total in United States Since Roe v. Wade Now Over 47 Million
by Steven Ertelt

LifeNews.com Editor
January 23, 2006

**Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) – **Sometime during 2005, the United States reached an ugly new milestone: more than 47 million abortions have been performed in the 33 years since the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion throughout pregnancy for virtually any reason.

The figure comes from analysis from the National Right to Life Committee, based on data from the Alan Guttmacher Institute. AGI, a research group affiliated with Planned Parenthood, compiles what both sides on abortion believe are the most accurate abortion statistics.

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Hitler was responsible for the death of six million Jews and we call him a monster…47million innocent deaths in the the US…what does that make us?
Mike Dye:
Hitler was responsible for the death of six million Jews and we call him a monster…47million innocent deaths in the the US…what does that make us?
According to the Culture of Perversion hoard: Compationate. Kinda Orwellian in logic, isn’t it.

😦 I can’t remember where I heard this, but the only 2% of all abortions are performed in the U.S. 😦
Mike Dye:
Hitler was responsible for the death of six million Jews and we call him a monster…47million innocent deaths in the the US…what does that make us?
That makes us practical. Imagine the US with 47 million more people in it. Where is the money to care for them to come from? Where is the food to feed them to come from? We have a large enough problem as it is in this country keeping children fed and warm. Why would we want to add 47 million more mouths to feed?
note: This does not include abortions induce by contraceptions which probably multiple the total by 5-10.
RCCDefender said:
😦 I can’t remember where I heard this, but the only 2% of all abortions are performed in the U.S. 😦

Yep, we’ve got a much large problem to deal with than we realize. Even if we eliminate abortion in the US, then we have the rest of the world to conquer.

It’s a good thing our Lord is as powerful as He is.
That makes us practical. Imagine the US with 47 million more people in it. Where is the money to care for them to come from? Where is the food to feed them to come from? We have a large enough problem as it is in this country keeping children fed and warm. Why would we want to add 47 million more mouths to feed?
Gosh, I don’t know. Maybe because it is a precious life in the sight of God? And his to give or take, not ours? And if maybe we trusted him more, and stopped killing his children, he’d give us the means to take care of them?
That makes us practical. Imagine the US with 47 million more people in it. Where is the money to care for them to come from? Where is the food to feed them to come from? We have a large enough problem as it is in this country keeping children fed and warm. Why would we want to add 47 million more mouths to feed?
Wow - I hope you are being sarcastic here because that is malthusian to the extreme. For those who wonder the same thing, let me just say this please - how about instead of worrying about how we’d feed that many people, we wonder how much better the economy would be performing now? How many new technologies and innovations would be invented, and therefore jobs created? How many more medical discoveries would be seen? How many more people would be fed?

How about we think of how much more money there would be in the Social Security system? How much more in taxes the US Treasury would have? How many more workers and caretakers there would be to see us into our old age? Instead, baby boomers and the children they’ve managed to keep alive will be snuffed out via “compassionate assisted suicide” when their lives are deemed to be “unproductive”.

Financially, abortion is causing us to reap what we’ve sown.

Spiritually, we have yet to see what God has in store, but I think many would argue that reaping has begun in ernest. If you are a person of God, do not forget the story of Baal. The ancients were sold the same lie.
Wow - I hope you are being sarcastic here because that is malthusian to the extreme. For those who wonder the same thing, let me just say this please - how about instead of worrying about how we’d feed that many people, we wonder how much better the economy would be performing now? How many new technologies and innovations would be invented, and therefore jobs created? How many more medical discoveries would be seen? How many more people would be fed?

How about we think of how much more money there would be in the Social Security system? How much more in taxes the US Treasury would have? How many more workers and caretakers there would be to see us into our old age? Instead, baby boomers and the children they’ve managed to keep alive will be snuffed out via “compassionate assisted suicide” when their lives are deemed to be “unproductive”.

Financially, abortion is causing us to reap what we’ve sown.

Spiritually, we have yet to see what God has in store, but I think many would argue that reaping has begun in ernest. If you are a person of God, do not forget the story of Baal. The ancients were sold the same lie.
You know, it would be wonderful to walk around with blinders all the time, but I’m not that type of person. How can you be so naive? There are not enough jobs to go around NOW, so you propose adding another 47 million to the welfare line is a good idea? There are not enough homes to go around, so just dump the 47 million on the street. If god is not giving us what we need to take care of the current possibility, what makes you think he’s going to show up on his chariot to save the day once we have just 47 million more people?
Sure, there may be more money in Socical Security and the Treasury, now, but what happens when those 47 million get old?
You’re proposing a country of aimless rabbit-women, just sittin around, waiting to pop out the next kid cause god said so.
Try looking at things from a logical point of view instead of relying on a 2000 year old book that fell from the sky.
You know, it would be wonderful to walk around with blinders all the time, but I’m not that type of person. How can you be so naive? There are not enough jobs to go around NOW, so you propose adding another 47 million to the welfare line is a good idea? There are not enough homes to go around, so just dump the 47 million on the street. If god is not giving us what we need to take care of the current possibility, what makes you think he’s going to show up on his chariot to save the day once we have just 47 million more people?
Sure, there may be more money in Socical Security and the Treasury, now, but what happens when those 47 million get old?
You’re proposing a country of aimless rabbit-women, just sittin around, waiting to pop out the next kid cause god said so.
Try looking at things from a logical point of view instead of relying on a 2000 year old book that fell from the sky.
So why did you post, just to insult Catholic Teachings? What is your next suggestion, kill off the elderly and disabled? I mean what good are they:rolleyes: Kill off people on welfare and unemployed? If you do this perhaps there would be more money to go around and make the “right” type of people happy. As Jennifer 123, pointed out by killing off our past generation, the younger baby boomers (my age group born 1955-64) now have to face a major uncertainy as to if we have SS/medicare. Our Penisions are being cut as we speak. Yet my generation has no one to blame but themselves. Not thinking beyond the here and now. We came of age in the 70’s and started most of all the problems of today. So don’t blame that little baby being born–blame the selfish late 40’s, 50’s and early 60’s something’s that started this problem. BTW-I don’t walk around with blinders on either, nor am I naive.
That makes us practical. Imagine the US with 47 million more people in it. Where is the money to care for them to come from? Where is the food to feed them to come from? We have a large enough problem as it is in this country keeping children fed and warm. Why would we want to add 47 million more mouths to feed?
from the income and taxes these additional workers would generate, not to mention the addional social security contributions they would be making. we have no problem in this country keeping children fed and warm, we have more resources than any nation on earth and could easily feed and house double our current population.

a child in poverty in this country is in that condition most likely because of a father who has bailed on his responsibilty toward the children he begets. For those parents who genuinely are unable to work for whatever reason we have sufficient social support to care for their children. that is the purpose of welfare, SS and insurance. we do have a huge problem in this country with selfishness, individuals and families consuming far more than they need and far more than their share of this country’s ample resources.

there is plenty of unsold and unrented housing available, there is however a huge number of property owners who want inflated unreasonal prices for their homes and rentals, or who demand government subsidies rather than fair market value.

in any given year we abort a million babies, and in any given year we have nearly 2 million families waiting to adopt a baby, families with ample income and resources to support that child.
…a child in poverty in this country is in that condition most likely because of a father who has bailed on his responsibilty toward the children he begets…

A phenomenon made more common thanks to abortion (and contraception) as the responsibility is now seen as the woman’s alone, after all, she should have been on “the pill”. These women making the “choice” to abort do so because they feel they have no choice.
You know, it would be wonderful to walk around with blinders all the time, but I’m not that type of person. How can you be so naive? There are not enough jobs to go around NOW, so you propose adding another 47 million to the welfare line is a good idea? There are not enough homes to go around, so just dump the 47 million on the street. If god is not giving us what we need to take care of the current possibility, what makes you think he’s going to show up on his chariot to save the day once we have just 47 million more people?
Sure, there may be more money in Socical Security and the Treasury, now, but what happens when those 47 million get old?
You’re proposing a country of aimless rabbit-women, just sittin around, waiting to pop out the next kid cause god said so.
Try looking at things from a logical point of view instead of relying on a 2000 year old book that fell from the sky.
You know, my argument wasn’t necessarily based on a biblical argument alone, just the facts, which aren’t getting reported on the MSM.

Your rebuttal with all due respect sounds a bit more naive than my argument, which is shared by many economists.
You know, my argument wasn’t necessarily based on a biblical argument alone, just the facts, which aren’t getting reported on the MSM.

Your rebuttal with all due respect sounds a bit more naive than my argument, which is shared by many economists.
So where is it that you get your facts from? Not being sarcastic here, just an honest question.
That makes us practical. Imagine the US with 47 million more people in it. Where is the money to care for them to come from? Where is the food to feed them to come from? We have a large enough problem as it is in this country keeping children fed and warm. Why would we want to add 47 million more mouths to feed?
sounds like something hitler would agree with.
So where is it that you get your facts from? Not being sarcastic here, just an honest question.
Here’s some info I just happened upon while doing a search, but this has been forecasted for a while now. I just happen to know the basics about this research because I keep up on life issues.


The writer is a senior fellow at the New America Foundation and author of “The Empty Cradle: How Falling Birthrates Threaten World Prosperity.”

"The core problem remains one of human capital: As a nation, we are not producing enough children to provide us with the support we will need, and expect, in old age. Today, 18 percent of women ages 40 to 44 are childless. That’s up from 10 percent in 1976.

Meanwhile, large families are disappearing. In 1976, almost 60 percent of women ages 40 to 44 had three or more children. Today, that percentage has dropped in half, to 29 percent. All told, Americans no longer have enough children to reproduce themselves, let alone finance the Social Security system."


John D. Mueller is Director of the Economics and Ethics Program of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He previously served as an EPPC associate scholar.

Mr. Mueller is also president of LBMC LLC, a firm in Washington, D.C., specializing in economic and financial-market forecasting and economic policy analysis. He has more than 25 years’ experience in those fields.

“Most of the decline in live births and future taxpaying workers since the late 1960s is due to legal abortions. If not for legal abortions, the ratio of workers to beneficiary would be even higher today, about 3.6 workers for every Social Security beneficiary, instead of the current 3.4; in 2050 the ratio would be 2.7 workers for every beneficiary, instead of the projected 2.0. If the other factors projected by the Social Security actuaries remained constant, the choosing of life over abortion by the boomers would have kept the Social Security system in balance indefinitely–with a large cumulative surplus–without either raising payroll tax rates from current levels or cutting promised benefits.”
Human beings are the best renewable resource. The great problem now faced by European countries is underpopulation.

Underpopulation in the U.S. results in underfunded Social Security. (Because social security works just like large families used to work: The younger generation supports the older generation.) Let’s hope we don’t go any further down the European route.
That makes us practical. Imagine the US with 47 million more people in it. Where is the money to care for them to come from? Where is the food to feed them to come from? We have a large enough problem as it is in this country keeping children fed and warm. Why would we want to add 47 million more mouths to feed?
My heart weeps for Soulspeak23’s post. I sense a true lack of faith, respect for life and for God’s hand in creation of every human life. Are we to believe that we have faith, but God will not provide for our needs as well as the 47 million innocent lives taken through the lie that abortion is the answer? How sad that a civilized and powerful nation such as the US would butcher their own. You have really answered the very question you asked. Had we not aborterd 47 million innocent human beings we would now have tens of millions additional taxpayers to support the government and all of the social programs that are proposed and adopted. Some of them certainly would be handicapped, poor, addicted to drugs, criminals, etc. But there also could have been a future president, a founder of the cure for cancer, a spouse for your child, etc. What an opportunity for the Christian family to answer God’s call to care for those in need. "What you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me. I pray you will think of that and for a change of your heart. God Bless you.
Are we to believe that we have faith, but God will not provide for our needs as well as the 47 million innocent lives taken through the lie that abortion is the answer?
God seems to be doing a pretty bad job at “taking care” of the starving children in Africa then. I’ll assume that children are a blessing anywhere, and not just in the US. explain to me how God provided for an African mother who chose to keep her children, but they starved to death? i cant reconcile how to the church teaches God sends children as blessings and will provide for them, but from day one those children begin a short life full of malnourishment and starvation to death.
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