Abortion vs. contraception

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Okay, how else would you define “love”?
Let’s discuss it in a thread of its own. Here it would be just another derailment.
A discussion of “love” in a thread where you wish to promote contraception and abortion would indeed be troublesome.
Nevertheless, we are part of the great apes.
This is the problem. Every other item here is a distraction from this.

If you think we are “really smart apes,” then I don’t see a problem in your argument. But we’re not “really smart apes.” Until you see that, there’s really no point in arguing about this - or about “ethics” at all. After all, if all we have are instincts, and what we want is what we want, and if we can get it then why not get it at whatever cost?

This is why Aristotle and Thomas both start their discussions of ethics with an investigation into happiness. And it is why of the 10,000 threads on this forum (and the millions upon millions on other forums) whenever someone wildly apart from Catholic ethics (or even normal virtue-ethics) makes these kinds of arguments they will almost always not grasp the point if they don’t start with an inquiry into “happiness”… They want to know why x is bad, without ever agreeing on what the point of “ought” is at all.

I’d suggest a deep study of the first few Questions of the Prima Secundae in the Summa Theologica, on man’s last end… It is an eye-opener.

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It’s called “virtue”. Virtue is practical, by definition.
Do you know what virtue is?
Chastity is just one of the virtues.
Do you know what chastity is?
Your concept of virtue is not universal. Love would be a much higher virtue.
You asked for practical solutions. I gave you the most practical solution.
And you deflect.
Did you deflect because you don’t want to discuss virtue? Or is it inconvenient to your narrative…
Do you know what the virtue of chastity is…?
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So there are three aspects; procreation, unifying and pleasure seeking.
this is correct. But you can’t separate these three aspects. All 3 must be present for the sexual act to not be sinful.

It doesn’t matter how many people are doing what. What matters is knowing what is and what isn’t sinful behavior.

It is obvious that contraception has not led to happier marriages and families. And it is no coincidence that legalized abortion quickly followed social acceptance of a contraceptive mentality.

there are only two forms of successful contraception: abstinence and sterilization
So there are three aspects; procreation, unifying and pleasure seeking.
this is correct. But you can’t separate these three aspects. All 3 must be present for the sexual act to not be sinful.

It doesn’t matter how many people are doing what. What matters is knowing what is and what isn’t sinful behavior.

It is obvious that contraception has not led to happier marriages and families. And it is no coincidence that legalized abortion quickly followed social acceptance of a contraceptive mentality.

there are only two forms of successful contraception: abstinence and sterilization
(I just want to head off the inevitable confusion by noting that abstinence is not contraception.)
So, u are saying i can’t marry someone without possibly having a child. Icantmarry someone and in agreement with my partner enjoy this wonderful sacrament without the risk ofprocreation. NFP is not infallible and risky for a couple who wants no children.
Any priest who hears you speak of “risk” will be inclined to withhold this “wonderful sacrament” from you until such time as you manifest the intention to accept children lovingly into your relationship.
there are only two forms of successful contraception: abstinence and sterilization
Sterilization is not 100% effective at prevention. Of pregnancy. I used to have a newspaper article where the man had a tubal ligation and she got pregnant. After that pregnancy, the husband had a vasectomy and they got pregnant again!!

The only 100% methods of contraception are the removal of both ovaries in the woman or testicles in the man.

this is correct. But you can’t separate these three aspects. All 3 must be present for the sexual act to not be sinful.
Actually, it isn’t correct. Unity and procreation are the twofold purposes of the conjugal act. Pleasure is a byproduct, not a purpose.

And of course, unity and procreation cannot be disconnected from one another. This is why each conjugal act must be per se ordered to both unity and procreation.
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So, u are saying i can’t marry someone without possibly having a child.
A permanent intention against children is indeed an impediment to valid marriage. But that isn’t what we are talking about here. These are two different things.

It is entirely possible to have properly ordered intercourse that does not result in conception. And a couple may need to do that for an indefinite period.
Icantmarry someone and in agreement with my partner enjoy this wonderful sacrament without the risk ofprocreation. NFP is not infallible and risky for a couple who wants no children.
A true permanent intention against children is indeed an impediment to valid marriage.
Again, so if a wife and a husband don’t want to introduce children into their lives,they should have never gotten married nor had sex, either married or not. Make them turn out to be 95 year old virgins. Or nuns and priests.
if a couple wants to marry in the Catholic Church they must be open to life. If either expresses the intention to never have children then they can’t get married in the Catholic Church.

All Catholic marriages must be open to life.
The purpose of NFP is not to avoid having children, it’s to plan a family.
Married couples don’t become robots. Human beings are “left in the power of our own counsel…”
It depends on what you mean by “successful NFP”. Many couples use NFP to achieve pregnancy by optimizing their sexual activity for the woman’s most fertile times.

If you always practice NFP to avoid conception (and let’s assume you’re not just 100% abstaining from sex) then that could be a factor in a future nullity case. But since marriages enjoy the favor of the law, the marriage would not be presumed null until after a divorce and a tribunal case is brought by the parties.

Anecdotal evidence (and personal experience) shows that couples who do not intend to have children frequently have “oops, whatever” moments that result in conception of children.
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Nfp is natural birth control
It’s to avoid having children if a husband and wife deem so. So,is having a vasecromy.
So you’re saying that people who practice NFP never have children!!
do tell
Vasectomies are not a moral procedure to undergo. Your statements are not in accordance with the teaching of the Church.
You asked for practical solutions. I gave you the most practical solution.
Personally it would be a practical solution. But how can you convince others to follow it? The aim is still to minimize / eliminate abortions. Use that as a “filter” in your replies. 🙂

As for “virtue”, your concept of virtue is not universal. And there are many meta-ethical systems. A few are: divine command, deontological, virtue ethics, consequentialist, utilitarian… and a truckload more.
this is correct. But you can’t separate these three aspects. All 3 must be present for the sexual act to not be sinful.
The concept of sin is meaningless for non-believers.
there are only two forms of successful contraception: abstinence and sterilization
If that is what you wish to practice, it will be your business. I will not try to convince otherwise.
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