Abortions again, from a practical point of view

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In which ethical system? There are quite a few.
Oh I’m sure there are lots of views. There’s a whole ethical system that says it’s A-OK to splash women in the face with acid as punishment for leaving the home unaccompanied. Another ethical system says it’s OK for a cop to crush a black man’s neck with his boot.

I’ll tell you what. Start a new thread to avoid derailment. Then you make your case justifying embryonic crushing of a defenseless human being from your ethical system. And may the best argument win.
No… there’s only certain times a woman can get pregnant it teaches the couple to be able to tell when a body changes in the partner my friends husband stopped dead in his tracks and told his wife you’re pregnant she laughed and said no… well lol she was 😂 its really an important thing I think everyone needs to get back to, to learn your body naturally getting to know your body not just who you are but your body as well. Put value back into women and men putting value back into a life and an importance a life is. The world will change and shift so fast if everyone held a value of a life greater than like God says we should. Humble appreciation it won’t be perfect but people will understand love because once you understand the basics of love you will understand life and if you understand life you will understand humanity and love.
Oh, I was not aware that we are surrounded by bloodthirsty psychopaths who only care about themselves. Reality check, anyone?
Sadly, murder is not only the realm of psychopaths.

However, it is the result of seeing the other as “less than” and putting your feelings before reason and morality.
The sex drive is very powerful since the continuation of the species depends on it. For some people, in some instances it seems to hijack their brain and they feel they cannot NOT have sex.

Some people have a lesser sex drive, for them, not having sex is less difficult, or even preferrable.

Perhaps the most practical thing would be for scientists to come up with pills that would reduce the sex drive, thus preventing a lot of the sex that would lead to unwanted pregnancies/children.

People not having sex would eliminate the transmission of STDs as well.

In humans sex plays a number of roles beyond being procreative, so it’s hard to predict how anti sex drive pills would affect other aspects of human relations. But the reality is that as long as sex remains one of the most powerful drives in human being, people are going to engage in it no matter what you tell them, no matter the consequences, no matter threat of eternal damnation. That will scare some people from engaging some of the time, but obviously will not keep the majority from engaging.
The practical methods are common birth control methods.
So they will have an abortion, but can’t find or use birth control. That kind of dissonance hardly makes sense.
My general (secular) advice for women is to vet men/be extremely selective. Why sleep with someone who doesn’t want to love and commit?
This is good advice. I don’t understand why someone would trust so blindly when partaking in something that they consider risky.
OP, just out of curiosity, are you Catholic?
Obviously s/he is not.
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Obviously not.
This would only be obvious to me had I read through this thread, which I have not.
OP, you’re more than welcome here, but what exactly is your desire? For us to give you non-Catholic answers to your questions?
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I think Jonathan Swift answered your question with a nice essay one time… “A Modest Proposal”… Practical indeed.

A long time ago, the paterfamilias (and still today, similar institutions/offices in society) would just throw their unwanted children into the wilderness.

Practical enough? Why are those things bad? Are they even?
And while I am “using” them, they also 'use" me. As long as we agree, there is no problem.
People use each other. But as Christians we’re called to be better than that. People deserve more than to be treated like a means to an end. Even if they agree to it.
And you still say that ABC is worse. I don’t understand.
Nobody is saying contraception is worse than murder. Don’t be ridiculous.
And still it could prevent abortions. Which one is more important?
You ignored the analogy. You’re talking to a specific group of people with a certain set of values. Would you allow people to assault someone instead of killing them, if it reduces murder? Or would you say both are wrong? You’re asking people who believe in openness to life, without even looking at that belief. You’re missing several steps.

But, we all know you’re just asking questions in bad faith at this point. There are already plenty of suggestions here but you keep focusing on contraception?
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What kind of PRACTICAL solution can you offer to minimize / eliminate abortions?
I suspect it will be your firm position that all Solutions to minimize abortions - and which do not themselves entail acts contrary to catholic moral tenets - are impractical.

It’s also inherent to catholic moral theology that one must not pursue the immoral in order to bring about good outcomes.

So I suspect there is not much room here for faithful catholics and you to find common ground on how to pursue the objective.
My Father is a lawyer. In his lawyers mind Abortion should be Legal.
In his personal and Fatherly mind abortions should not be so.
What kind of PRACTICAL solution can you offer to minimize / eliminate abortions?
The thing is, people are never going to want to stop abortion right now. It’s always about the women’s body and it’s “her right” to decide whether she keeps the baby or not. Personally I think Abortions are ruthless, destructive, heartless and sinfull. let us pray for the baby’s being aborted from this life.
My Father is a lawyer. In his lawyers mind Abortion should be Legal.
In his personal and Fatherly mind abortions should not be so.
I’m a lawyer too and I used to make this distinction.
However, I ran into a few legal snags eventually:
  1. The Supreme Court and Constitution are often concerned with protecting people who have little power, such as racial minorities or those with unpopular views, against the popular opinion, in essence preserving the rights of the underprivileged. An unwanted baby in utero is likely the least privileged of anyone in society. Redefining the baby as a “fetus” who isn’t a true person in order to get around this is not only legal gamesmanship/ a cowardly move, but also a bit frightening; if the fetus is not a person and has no rights, then the state, or its father who would have to pay child support, should be able to kill it as easily as the mother, which obviously are not desirable outcomes.
  2. Also, the mother of the child, and society at large, want to consider the baby in utero a person if the mother wants the pregnancy. For example, if baby momma wants the baby, and baby daddy doesn’t and kicks her in the stomach and kills the baby, baby momma and society would consider that murder and would not object to his being brought up on a homicide charge. But if baby was below a certain age then it’s not a person being killed, which makes homicide charge difficult.
In the end it seems like the legal personhood of a powerless individual is dependent on the whim of its mother. That doesn’t sit right with me. Even if we frame it as a women’s rights issue, roughly half of those babies in utero are women whose rights are being infringed. I’s just wrong.
Redefining the baby as a “fetus” who isn’t a true person in order to get around this is not only legal gamesmanship/ a cowardly move, but also a bit frightening; if the fetus is not a person and has no rights, then the state, or its father who would have to pay child support, should be able to kill it as easily as the mother, which obviously are not desirable outcomes.
So glad you made this point. I’ve never understood the logic behind the legal thinking. From a male perspective the baby is a “fetus”, which has no rights, and can be aborted (only by the mother). Males have no say on the issue. However if she decides to keep the ”fetus” then the male then has responsibility for child support at a later date. So it’s her body with her total control, then it both parties’ after a certain time period?

The criminal perspective also perplexed me. As you said if someone assaults the woman it could be potentially a dual crime against both the mother and the child. And if the mother drinks alcohol or consumes drugs, damaging fetal development, she is potentially liable for mistreatment? It’s a child with dignity, then it isn’t, then it is, then it isn’t, depending the context.
The vast majority of women who have abortions do it because they are pressured they’re afraid they’re at risk they feel they have no other choice scratch that since that they have no other choice. Sometimes it is family pressure, sometimes their partner or spouse, medical professionals, education, I’ll lose my job and won’t be able to feed my other kids, thousand ways women are painted into a corner and the world around us tells her abortion is her only chance to escape with her life intact.

What do we need to do? We need to create a society beginning in our own backyard where abortion is simply unthinkable. Where no woman is so afraid of losing her family for housing for job or income her health that she must resort to abortion. This means an amazing support system where pregnant women in any state of Life married single high risk know that both they and this child will be supported both with material things with emotional support with medical care with job security secure housing.

We need to change things so a woman who decides to place her child for adoption need not be embarrassed about it, even if she has other children, or if she is a very first time 16 year old mom, where we see placing a child for adoption as a heroic acts.

No our own communities safe Haven laws for babies help get the word out help educate your community oh, this will save lives.
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