Again. God is not a being.
So therefore you are not discussing God. Just who or what are you discussing?
So therefore you are not discussing God. Just who or what are you discussing?
Nor is God an all powerful perfect being. Who are you referring to or of?an all powerful perfect being
You are in error if you are referring to God in this saying.The all powerful perfect being cannot make a rock he cannot lift.
There is a question as to whether or not God is above logic. I don’t see how God could do something which is logically impossible.You are in error if you are referring to God in this saying.
I thought that in the Catholic view, God is all powerful and perfect. However, there are other philosophies that put some limitations on the power of God. I haven’t read about any imperfections that God would have?Nor is God an all powerful perfect being.
OK. But here is the reference to the Baltimore Catechism Question 2. Does it not state that God is the Supreme Being?The Church has never said God is a being.
What I read is:it does not say God is a being.
I don’t understand your point.God is the Supreme Being
Modern Catholic Dictionary, God:…
So you decline to offer a definition of God?
The one absolutely and infinitely perfect spirit who is the Creator of all. In the definition of the First Vatican Council, fifteen internal attributes of God are affirmed, besides his role as Creator of the universe: “The holy, Catholic, apostolic Roman Church believes and professes that there is one true, living God, the Creator and Lord of heaven and earth. He is almighty, eternal, beyond measure, incomprehensible, and infinite in intellect, will and in every perfection. Since He is one unique spiritual substance, entirely simple and unchangeable, He must be declared really and essentially distinct from the world, perfectly happy in Himself and by his very nature, and inexpressibly exalted over all things that exist or can be conceived other than Himself” (Denzinger 3001).
Reflecting on the nature of God, theology has variously identified what may be called his metaphysical essence, i.e., what is God. It is commonly said to be his self-subsistence. God is Being Itself. In God essence and existence coincide. He is the Being who cannot not exist. God alone must be. All other beings exist only because of the will of God.
Power, goodness, and beauty exist in created things and they exist in God. But to say that they exist means that they are, i.e, they fall under being though they connote in idea a certain aspect of being. For whatever is, exists, is to be. In the argument from Aquinas here, God is the uttermost, maximum, Supreme Being. Now if power, goodness, beauty, etc., exist in God and God is the maximum or Supreme Being, than it follows that power, goodness, beauty, etc., exist maximally or supremely in God or rather they are God for God is being or existence, power, goodness, beauty, etc. Also, as I said previously, philosophically considered, good is convertible with being and thus they are really the same but differ only in idea for goodness presents the aspect of desirableness which being does not present but being or existence is desirable and so whatever is, is good insofar as it is. Accordingly, again using Aquinas’ argument here, if God is the Supreme Being and good is convertible with being, than it follows that God is the Supreme Good.Are you familiar with Aquinas fourth way? Here it is: “The fourth way is taken from the gradation to be found in things. Among beings there are some more and some less good, true, noble and the like. But “more” and “less” are predicated of different things, according as they resemble in their different ways something which is the maximum, as a thing is said to be hotter according as it more nearly resembles that which is hottest; so that there is something which is truest, something best, something noblest and, consequently, something which is uttermost being; for those things that are greatest in truth are greatest in being, as it is written in Metaph. ii. Now the maximum in any genus is the cause of all in that genus; as fire, which is the maximum heat, is the cause of all hot things. Therefore there must also be something which is to all beings the cause of their being, goodness, and every other perfection; and this we call God.”
He talk about more, less, maximum too. I am simply questioning his first premise that there exists a maximum, in power, goodness, beauty, etc.
I am certainly Catholic, I consider myself fairly well informed on the Church’s teaching. Could you point me towards a source besides a video that explains your point. Saying" God is being" is using the word as an adjective (which I certainly agree with and understand ). Yet I thought we considered God the Supreme Being, a noun. What is the correct definition of being? I though it was one who exists.Tafan it’s the Catholic Church who is very careful and very sure on this point.