Christian/Catholic theology accepts fully the notion that an Absolute, Universal Truth exists, and the Church asserts that its own dogma - God came to our planet in the form of Jesus, Jesus redeems us, etc- represents the most important absolute truth. If that is the case, and if all humans have immortal, sacred souls and are created equal, then why has only a tiny percentage of humanity - mostly those humans originating in or influenced by Europe - been privy to this Absolute Christian Truth? What about the billions and billions of people alive in the world today who have not heard that Jesus is the Truth, the Way, and the Life, or who have not been given any compelling reason to believe? What about the billions of people in countless centuries past who knew absolutely nothing about Christ? Why was the Absolutely True Message not given to any of them? What about people of other religions who think they have been given the Absolutely True Message in their own religion, and whose commitment is every bit as strong as the most devout Catholic? Are they just plain wrong? Why would God allow that to even happen, if He only has one Truth?