My guess (and my experience) is that the real porn addiction is as rare as addiction to alcohol - essential majority of people use alcohol only occasionally and in the amounts that never come close to becoming drunk, it is just for taste, for ritual, for enjoyment. My experience also is - that people can use porn when they are not in normal relations, but there is no problem to abandon it when the right second half is found.
Besides - use of porn (and also use of popular (sub)culture) is the class issue. Intellectuals and people of higher class can use porn but their life if full of other activities, ideas and creativity, porn is just minor side issue. It can be different for lower class people who spend their days in agriculture, warehouses, malls, etc. Not always they manage to find meaningful mental and spiritual order of life and then the subculture and porn overwhelms them and even start to hurt them.
It is good that Church stands against porn and again and again says that it is bad thing and explains how bad it is to the watchers, to the producers and to the mediators. While I believe that essentially genuine porn stars can be (who enjoy their business and who is not subjected to the exploitation), the majority of actors are impoverished people.
That is why I think that it is good to listen to the Church, but more worldly means of solutions should be used. E.g. if the porn production is the social issue, then social security should be provided by the state. Social security and economic solidarity are essentially Catholic things. There are lot of saints who did just that.
And for individuals - psychology and psychotherapy should be used to manage the porn. My guess is - that while porn is not considered especially harmful by those medics, they nevertheless can point that more meaningful life above watching porn can exist and that it can be achieved by some therapy.
I have heard that not always therapists are speaking against porn. But we should be careful here. Those sad human beings who seek the psychological or even psychiatric help, are going through such amount of problems that more or less extensive use of porn is only minor side issue that can even help to live somehow through the basic problems. That is why therapists usually neglect the issue of porn (even when the patient brings it up) and try to focus on the core issues and not to overwhelm patient with additional strain. When the core issue is identified and resolved then the porn issue can be raised, but usually the patients have already left therapy by this time due to achieved results (and therapy costs).