Continued from post 813.
It is the humanizing population of thousands which the Catholic Church strongly opposes. There is a huge difference between the Catholic doctrine (revealed truth) that all humankind descended from two real fully-human, body and soul, parents and the science position that a large breeding population (polygenism) produced an evolving population resulting in the current human species.
Articles which address science aspects of human origin.
Book which addresses human origin.
Informative website.
The origin of the individual Adam has to be part of a population consisting of one male and one female spouse. More than one Adam would mean that there would be numerous original sins. Numerous originals would violate the principle of non-contradiction. Thus, human origin of two, Adam and Eve, is an essential part of the doctrines in connection with Original Sin.Not exactly. The Church’s issue is not so much with the origination of the species as it is with preserving the teaching of original sin a) being a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and b) which, through generation, is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own.
What is not readily apparent is that the basic tenet of human evolution is that human nature, over time, descended from a common ancestor Homo (human)/Pan (chimpanzee) of thousands, not from a population of two. See Misconceptions About Humans" in this link evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/_0_0/evo_07The real sticking point, as stated in Humani Generis, is, …“it is in no way apparent how such an opinion (polygenism) can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin.”
However, in the intervening 65 years the two, scientific theory and theology, have moved closer in that the former has offered plausible possibilities that are not in direct refutation of the latter and even suspects to have physical evidence of common ancestral lineages. So,what was once “in no way apparent” now has at least a glimmer of possibility. I don’t think (Alas, woe! The arrogance of me!) the Church really cares about the origin of the species as long as the scientific explanation is consistent with revealed truth.
It is the humanizing population of thousands which the Catholic Church strongly opposes. There is a huge difference between the Catholic doctrine (revealed truth) that all humankind descended from two real fully-human, body and soul, parents and the science position that a large breeding population (polygenism) produced an evolving population resulting in the current human species.
Articles which address science aspects of human origin.
Book which addresses human origin.
Informative website.