OK, one more time; it really didn’t like “inordinance” much. I guess none of us should-that’s the problem! Sorry. OK, I’ll clean it up and even add to it a bit:
Yes, but where did
inordinance come from? Why would Adam act in an inordinate manner, or tend towards inordinancy, or possess an inordinate trait? Pride is said, by Aquinas, to be a vice. What’s the
origin of this vice from within God’s good creation?/QUOTE]
Thanks all for your post’s.
In part you are right that I ask why did A&E sin. But I was asking could they have been divine. We know it to be answered by the sin of pride. The same sin that satan fell by. Yet satan was not a human creature.( I know he was not divine either, as he was also created by God, he was an angel)
I’m pondering on what A&E could have made of their relationship with their creator. It is far to easy to say they were free from sin, and the effects of the original sin that we know as their decendants, especially death, and then be told they were prideful and wanted to be like God, but without God, when they were only human creatures, who it seems were expected to remain in relationship with God, but had no divine will in order to do it.
If they had a divine will, or something of an angels will, but then refused to obey God that seems reasonable that their relationship with God would be seriously affected to the point that they were no longer subject to his Grace. The fall happens because the parents are no longer in communion with God or each other.
So if they had no divine nature in some form, how would God fairly test their level of temptation?
And your question above (in red) were did their pride come from? They were not created perfect, only good, yet that doesnot explain how a sin that is the effect of the original sin caused the O.S to happen.
Satan would have been aware that being only of human nature they would give into his lie, God would have known this also. Yes, we can say they should have gone back and asked God etc, but they need not have done that because they had sufficent knowledge in which to make an conscious adult decision.
Being sinless with this knowledge is incredible, to say they need to ask God would make them out to be not so clever after all. The fact that they trusted satan over God would suggest their relationship wasn’t as good as it should have.
It basically sounds like humans today, yet we are the ones born after the fall, that until we are baptised, then I believe nothing can separate us from God.
BTW just to add, I believe we all have a freewill to do what we think is correct, to remain in communion with God or not. I’m not blaming A&E, I’m just investigating what it would be like for them as the first, free from sin couple, we don’t have evidence of the actual sin they committed, we know it to be a deed that took place at the very beginning, and so it does leave it open for some speculation, and imagination.