Do you mean the snake is the one to blame? If so, why did Adam and Eve get the punishment they got? They had to have done something that warranted their punishment, which I believe was self inflicted.it was the snake!
Some interesting thoughts indeed. I am no big fan of Freud whose theories are pinned on one tiny part of his body, but I have observed, particularly in Americans, a certain phallus fixation. Sometimes eating fruit is just eating fruit. The snake is not a phallic symbol, the fruit from the tree is not a phallic symbol, the first sin was not even about sex: it was the same sin that damned Lucifer: Pride.Do you think it possible the Original Sin was oral ejaculation? It would explain how Eve ate first. It goes against the process of creating life. On the “Sodimite” string it is being discussed, regarding homosexual and hetrosexual intercourse. It would have put Adam in the position of using Eve, thus he would become her god, in an ill way. Eve would have had to agree to do it, thus making Adam her master, which became part of her punishment. Had Adam made the initial decision to ask Eve to perform the act it makes sense that he would be punished with government over Eve, with right judgement removed, ie they were both left to themselves and learned how to survice using each other…until Jesus came and turned things around.
Yes, yes, yes Antigen, I agree with you 1000%, the union of husband and wife is the greatest ecstasy God created between each other and Himself and the resulting creation of new life is soooo awesome.Some interesting thoughts indeed. I am no big fan of Freud whose theories are pinned on one tiny part of his body, but I have observed, particularly in Americans, a certain phallus fixation. Sometimes eating fruit is just eating fruit. The snake is not a phallic symbol, the fruit from the tree is not a phallic symbol, the first sin was not even about sex: it was the same sin that damned Lucifer: Pride.
Sex in the Talmud beautiful. When God created man in His own image, it wasn’t the 70 kg male of the species He was talking about, it was man and woman together in congugal union! We as human beings are never closer to “as God” as when we come together to create not just another life, but a life animated by the breath of God just as Adam was.
This is the true hideousness of sins like adultery, fornification, sodomy birth control and abortion. These are all abasements of God Himself.
Thanks to those who have taken this question as seriously as it may have deserved to be taken.
We see, with or without an Adam and Eve, that we will never be able to prove everything in scripture before the Second Coming. As we all know, that we walk by faith, not by light, in one sense.
but, in another sense, Thy word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.
We have Revelation - which means it has been revealed to us truthfully.We see, with or without an Adam and Eve, that we will never be able to prove everything in scripture before the Second Coming. As we all know, that we walk by faith, not by light, in one sense.
I may be old but I am not that old dear.How did sexual perversion begin? Was it with man and woman or man and man?
How do we know the first sin was not sexual? This is very important for me to know. Please tell me.
I suspect that there is a literal translation of the Torah behind the misconception that Eve was subserviant to Adam. In the Talmud, there is an instruction that goes:Did Adam fall to the same sin? Did he begin to believe he could be like God, if he had a subject to rule? Eve? Did Eve fall to Adam’s desire in sloth? Did she not remain diligent to keeping The Lord Our God, first and foremost and let Adam be her lord? When God told her part of her punishment was that Adam would be her master, doesn’t that punishment fit the crime, as I’ve described?
When the ancient texts were written, I bet they had the same problem with certain translations being used to keep women in oppressive tribal roles.When the Creater made woman, he did not choose a bone from Adam’s head. She was not to rule over him. He did not choose a bone from his foot either. She was not to be a servant beneath him. Rather, the Lord took a rib that man and woman should be togther, side-by-side, a helpmate to each other.
http://christianbbs.net/jesus-sign.gif The Peace of Christ be with you!:tiphat:Leaving it at that, I am grateful for this forum and the opportunity to explore the possibilities.
Peace to you,
Gen 3:6 And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold: and she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband, who did eat.And why? I’ve heard both sides, Eve was to blame because she gave into the temptation, and the other, Adam was to blame because he failed to protect Eve.
Forget them, who created the serpent andlet it wander around loose in the Garden?And why? I’ve heard both sides, Eve was to blame because she gave into the temptation, and the other, Adam was to blame because he failed to protect Eve.
And just who taught it to talk? (and gave it vocal chords, and told it about the tree…)Forget them, who created the serpent andlet it wander around loose in the Garden?