Adding to Gods words

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What do the various scriptures which speak of warning against adding to or taking from Gods word mean?
Revelation 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:5-6 as examples.
What is the word of God being spoken about? Do any of these scriptures refer to the entirety of the Biblical texts? Are they taken to mean relevancy only to the texts within which they are found? Are the texts of the bible, old and new testaments, what these scriptures are referring to, the word of God being equated to divine revelation as revealed in all the texts of the bible?
What is with the focus on texts? We live under the New Testament - and that is NOT a book. It is Jesus Christ in the Eucharist - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. There is a collection of 27 books that later came to be known as the New Testament, but the book is not the origin of the term. The last supper is. From the King James Version:
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
The New Testament is the Holy Eucharist.
We have all met people, some of us have encountered entire denominations/sects, that are built around taking the Gospel then adding on more.

Some denominations/sects teach that water baptism is not salvific however speaking in tongues is required of all Christians.

Others teach that on top of the Gospel there is a very strict dress code, hair styling, etc. required in order to get to heaven.

Heck, I have encountered Catholics who will try to bind fellow Catholics to things that are not binding. For instance, in the US we are not bound by pain of sin to do penance on Fridays outside of Lent. It is a pious custom and is a commendable practice, however, we cannot force others to do it (this one varies by Bishop’s council, what I am saying speaks to the US only).

God knew that people would try to add extra burdens to others in His name, so, He gave us the warning. God gave us the Church, to not only help us know what to do, but, also to know what is going beyond the requirements.
The focus is on the texts because the texts is the origin of the verses of which I am quoting. What is it that is being spoken of that can be added to or taken from?
Are you saying that what scripture is speaking of is merely going beyond what is required? And what of doing less than is required by scripture? Since these things are spoken of in the same context, going beyond or doing too little, if that’s what you believe, then I assume the consequences for doing such things would be the same. What do you think the consequences would be? Are these serious offences against God? The context of the scriptures sure makes it seem so.
I think of adding to God’s words as adding words to federal or state laws. No court would ever entertain embellishments to the statutes. It would cause anarchy. As the word of law is fixed, so is the word of God.
Christ started a Church to provide guidance and direction.

We humans often want to do more or less than the Church requires. That is human nature, God knew that, He did not leave us to figure it out on our own. We go to the Church.
Just to clarify, your saying the Church fixes the word of God that may not be changed or added to or the Church follows the fixed word of God? If the former are you saying that scripture is not the fixed word of God that it itself refers to but its referring to the interpretive words of the Church leaders concerning what can and cannot be added to or taken from Gods word? If the latter are you saying that the texts of the bible are the fixed words of God that scripture is referring to, which may not be added to or taken away from? In either case what would be the consequences of doing either thing - taking away or adding to the word of God do you think?
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I am confused?

The Church is who determined what was and what was not Scripture. The Church still guides us in interpreting the Scriptures.

Without the Church, you have random ancient writings and must decide for yourself what to believe and what to discard.
I believe we are talking about two different things. Scripture declares that we should not take away from nor add to the words of God. What words? The words written in scripture?
I believe we are talking about two different things. Scripture declares that we should not take away from nor add to the words of God. What words? The words written in scripture?
Sounds like you dont put much value in the Holy Spirit. If the written word was all we needed why would God have the need to send us the advocate? Why are seeming to limit God’s word to only the wretten form?

it also sounds like you are making the written word and the living word as two different things. This is not the case.
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And where did you get the idea that God sent his advocate? Is it not the case that all tradition as concerns Jesus are mere commentaries on the only records we have of his actions which were written in scripture? I am not nor do I have the right, obviously, to limit Gods words to anything. God spoke these words in scripture, not me. We are not to add to nor take away from Gods words. You haven’t answered the question. I simply wish to know what God is talking about through the referenced scriptures? If this is a commandment we have to be able to recognize what it pertains to. Surely the answer is not so open ended as to render the original message meaningless.
it also sounds like you are making the written word and the living word as two different things. This is not the case.
How is it that the written word and the living word are synonymous? Are you saying the letter and the creator of the message are the same? Are you saying that the languages of scripture given languages finite and fallacious capacities for delivering a perfect model of reality are indistinguishable from Jesus as the living word? I’ve missed your meaning if you could elaborate for me.
Blessings be with you always.
You actually believe God functions according to the logic of Mathematical rules? Is the so called fixed word of God then only that which pertains to this reality and this reality is based solely on Mathematical logic? Interesting to think that the understanding of Gods word could be reduced to a mathematical formula.
You actually believe God functions according to the logic of Mathematical rules?
Imo this is actually a very deep question which you assume to have an obvious answer. In God is truth itself. So it seems logic itself is also very deeply related to God. Mathematicians have argued for centuries about whether or not mathematics is composed only of logic. I don’t see it as such a handwavingly easy question.

God is, at the very least, quite fond of mathematics.
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I must apologize if I had given you the impression I had come to a final conclusion on such things. I have not. The question was a serious question hoping to get further evidence for such a thing to be presented.
It seems to me though that some things can be demonstrated to be illogical as logic functions as defined in this universe. Miracles are one example. Many things in this universe are discontinuous in their nature in this universe and logic does not deal well with discontinuity in my opinion. I’m aware of some of what your talking about concerning illogical mathematics. I hadn’t the time nor possibly the ability to understand most if not any of it. I do know though that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle seems to me to be a demonstration of the limitations of Mathematics where reality continues on where Mathematics ceases to be relevant. This alone should tell us God and his word is more than Math can demonstrate.
Do you mean the ideas the words of the Bible conveys? The books of the Bible have themselves went through many editorial processes which alter a word here, misplace a word there etc.
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