This really isn’t specifically geared toward the actual dilema you are in, it is more of a “broad” piece of advice that works for me in nearly all scenerios I face- big & small.
It sounds like you are approaching this with a level head (as you do online

) a clear conscience and an open heart. I think this is the VERY best way to be open to God’s plan in our life. If we close any of these, we do ourselves and God a disservice.
Oh Abby, I can just feel for you now. I’m sure you and your husband want a family- and would love these babies with all your heart. But I can tell your level head is keeping your eyes open to all eventualities, and you can see this is certainly not going to be easy.
I have found that as I move through life, through the
“God I don’t know what to do!” and
“God please show me the way.” and
“God what is your plan for me?”
That the closer I get to the answers to these questions the more “everything” seems to fit into place.
As someone who seems to be open to God’s plan in their life, I hope you know what I mean here. When we finally do accept “whatever will happen”, we find little things that tend to reinforce our decision. Or on the other hand maybe we want something so desprately and things just aren’t working out while we try to force the issue and get what we want.
Truly, the older I get the more I realize the beautiful irony that is God’s plan. That the very answer to our prayer is something we could have never imagined for ourselves, and is probably something that has been before us the whole while.
Now I certainly cannot presume to know or to even advise you on this very complex and sensitive situation, but I do know that God IS showing you the way in his subtle and compassionate way. Just keep your heart open to those little nudges and tugs- and you WILL find your way.
And for the record, I cannot imagine a more qualified set of parents for these two babies in this complicated and grim situation than you and your husband.
You will do the right thing.
And I will pray for you.Lord God, King of heaven and earth,
I am facing a difficult decision in my life
and I do not know what road to take.
You have given me the awesome power to choose freely
as well as the intelligence to choose wisely.
Inspire me to make the right decision
no matter what it may be.
Let me carefully weigh the reasons on all sides
from a human point of view
and then rely on Your grace for Divine help.
When the decision has been reached,
let me not look back,
in the firm knowledge that I have done my part
and have made a right decision in Your eyes.