Does anyone understand what I am saying here?
Peace, Love and Blessings,
I agree with mercygate
I observe, even in your reservations, a profound respect for the Sacrament as Catholics understand it. You are already more than half way there. Don’t rush it. Let the Boss take his time with you.
I agree with StJeanneDArc:
Your intellect can lead you to belief–on the other hand feelings are often unreliable.
I agree with Timidity:
I wish you much peace on your spiritual journey, and I am glad that you are actively trying to understand rather than just following along.
Most things take some time to learn. To sum up my thinking argument: if Eucharistic Adoration was only empty idolatry, then those who practice it should never be shining examples of bearing the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. We can never succeed by looking at poor examples to follow. It is always best to look for the best examples to follow.
Fulton Sheen wrote such wonderful books and shows such depth of spiritual knowledge, including practical knowledge that seemed to work for me. Fulton Sheen always made it a point to respond that his spiritual strength came from daily Eucharistic Adoration. That is how I came to intellectually accept it. If Fulton Sheen lied about that, how could he be so spiritual? And if he did not lie about it, then he told the truth and Eucharistic Adoration was a mighty source of strength in his life.
Having concluded that Eucharistic Adoration was a good thing, I must admit that it may seem rather uncomfortable at first (and it was a few weeks before I did). But I just did it anyway. And it did not take very long for me to be quite inspired by it. It often exceeds my expectations.
So give it time. And as a suggestion, ask your RCIA sponsor (or an RCIA leader) to help you with it if you are ready to try it some time.
I’m glad you tried to pray the rosary on your own. I don’t have all the prayers memorized. But I pray it on my own just saying the “Our Fathers”, the “Hail Marys” and the “Glory Be”. And skip what I don’t know. I don’t have the mysteries memorized yet either. I have come to love my rosary quite a lot because it means so much to me at this time.
This morning, I had an extremely bad pain in my ankle (probably a reaction to a new statin drug my doctor prescribed). I took a few aspirin and it helped some – but I was still unable to walk. I played a CD of Pope John Paul II praying the rosary and other prayers. By the end of the CD (half an hour later), the pain went way down. Much more than what the aspirin would have done. Aside from that, praying the Rosary (hearing the Pope’s CD) is so comforting. I like to praying the rosary in Church before mass if the church does it.
I am still quite new myself, so I don’t have so much experience.