I was tempted to go to a sda church where this program was being shown. Wear my collar and cause them to squirm a bit. But I am just to busy as Easter approaches.
I watched the most recent seminar, the one from Sunday evening last night online. WOW… there were sure a lot of mis-representations as Pastor Bachelor attempted to identify the Vatican as the Anti-Christ… I had to laugh he did not use the catechism as a reference for HIS presentation of Catholic doctrine once.PLEASE PRAY
I was informed of one woman in upstate New York (from an Adventist friend) who has just decided to leave the Catholic Church and enter Adventism… spiritually, through our prayers, she may find her sight. Please pray for her, and hundreds of other Catholics this month who are in danger of leaving the fold.
Hugo Mendez
Yes, and that’s why it is so sad when they manage to misinform others.For everyone reading this post, I want to make one thing clear: don’t villanize Adventists – ALL of them are sincerely deceived, tragically misinformed, or trapped because this is the only foundation they know.
The SDA church goes by the Bible.
And by the writings of Ellen G White
The Bible does not each veganism, that Christians are to worship on the Jewish sabbath. The Bible does not teach “soul sleep” not does it teach the "investigative judgement or that Jesus did not die for our sins, but they will be transferred to Satan. The Bible does not teach that the SDAs are God’s only “true remnant church” and that all others are “apostate”. The Bible does not teach that the Catholic church is the "whore of Babylon’ and the Pope is the “beast” Where is your “proof” for any of that?Code:"Everything they preach is strictly by the Bible and there is proof for all of it."
Ellen G White was no more a “prophet” than Joseph Smith. The majority of “her” writttings were plagairised from others. She had her “visions” because she was hit in the head with a large rock when a small girl.Code:"Yes they do believe in the prophet Ellen G. White"
I will take your word on that, but you beleong to a very judgemental church, How can your church call the Catholic Church the “whore of Babylon” and not be judegemental? The fact is that the SDA sect is the most Catholic hating organisation in existence bar none.Code:" I'm not a judgemental person and im not going to judge anyone in this forum."
“The SDA church is as honest a forward as they can be.”
If the SDA sect is so honest then, then why do they lie about the Catholic Church and say that we dropped the fourth commandment, why do they find it neccesary to hide their identity as SDAs? In everycase that I know of when they hold their “prophecy seminars” they hide thier affiliation. The seminars are held in rented locations, never in the SDA churches, they do not reveal their SDA association until the very end. The SDA media like 3 angels broadcasting does not reveal it’s connection and ownership by the SDAs, not do the SDA print media, prefering to go by names like Amasing Facts.
"P.S.Just so everyone knows I’m a teenager that loves God "
I am sorry to speak so firmly to a teenager, but you still need to know the truth about the organisation you belong to.
It is fact that SDAs absolutely hate and lie about the Catholic Church. They do call us “the great whore of Babylon” and the Pope “the Beast”. They lie when they say that we dropped one of the ten commandments. They lie when they claim that the Papal triple tiara is inscribed “Vicarious Filii Dei” which supposedly eqauls 666. BTW no pope since John the XXIIIrd way back in the '60’s has even worn this pieace of headgear, it has been permanently discarded.QUOTE]
There is also no evidence coming from them that the tiara had those words on it. All evidence is to the contrary.
God bless,