Advertisement on an 18-wheeler

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I’m a trucker and I have my own 18-wheeler. On the back of the trailer I have a room for a nice 3’ by 3’ advertisement for an EWTN, or Catholic Answers or Sirius Radio stream 160.

Many truckers, and other folks have satellite radio now, but if they are anything like me, they never go anywhere on the dial. With over 150 channels there is no way to find anything just by chance, so I have 6 preprogrammed channels: EWTN, The Catholic Channel, classical music channel, blues, classic rock and traffic report in one of the metropolitan areas. I don’t go anywhere else and I thing many people do the same.

If I had nicely done, attractive sign on back of my trailer, I could show many other folks, that there is alternative to the Howard Stern on Sirius. I travel about 150 thousand miles a year, so I have potential to reach many drivers in all states. I don’t want anything for it, just need someone to make that sign. I believe, that there will be more truckers willing to put sign like this on their trailers. What do you think about that idea?

Many trailers have small signs, advertising for a jobs for truckers, or for donations for shrines, or what have you, but I think advertising for a Catholic Answers will be the best idea yet. John Paul the Great called us all for a new evangelization, and Catholic Answer and EWTN responded to this call, but there are still people, who don’t know about them. They didn’t hear it. That’s why I think it is good idea. Anybody knows Karl? Maybe he can print small sign like this, with attractive design and colors, maybe reflective too, so it will be readable at night. No bigger, that, let say 36” by 36”.

When I contacted EWTN with that idea, I’ve got from them two small bumper stickers, which only says: EWTN. But that is meaningless for someone, who doesn’t know what EWTN is. Besides, this bumper sticker is so small, nobody notices. I need something big, bright and clever, so it will bring more people to Catholic Faith.

13"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Rom 10, 13-15)

And this is how back of my trailer looks like now. It really need nice accent like Catholic Answers advertisement, don’t you think?
Hmmm. I guess I’m the only one, who thinks it’s a good idea. Or who thinks at all about this. Well, if nobody cares, why should I. I discovered EWTN and Catholic Answers, let others stick to Howard Stern. They don’t have to know that Sirius has also valuable radio streams, don’t they? :mad:
bumper stickers rock. everyone reads them, even when they try not to.:tiphat:
I think it’s an excellent idea! I’m sorry, I never saw your original post, sometimes things get lost here because there is so much activity. Don’t think that no one cares. 🙂

I think it’s an excellent idea!.. Don’t think that no one cares. 🙂

I know, Liza, and I apologize for being little sarcastic. It was my frustration talking. Big sign on back door of the 18 wheeler, which travel 150 000 miles per year, can reach thousands of drivers. Many of them have Sirius Radio, but don’t even know there is good Catholic program on it. That’s why I get upset, when I feel, that nobody see what I see.

Listening to EWTN I heard requests for spreading the news about EWTN in churches after Sunday mass. That’s great, but I could reach people who didn’t go to church in years, if ever. And if EWTN or Catholic Answers make those signs, I’m sure it will be more drivers willing to put them on there trailers, so we can reach even more people. We just need some nice design and catchy slogan.

Some trucking companies have sign reading: “Start off the week right. Attend the church of your choice”. But we, as Catholics, believe, that it makes huge difference, what church we choose. What we believe and how we worship. And programs on EWTN can explain why. But if nobody listen, nobody learn. That’s why I think is important to tell about programs like Catholic Answers, father John Corapi, father Mitch Pacwa programs and many others.

You rock! I used to drive a while back, and I have never seen a Catholic advertisement on an 18 wheeler going down the road. I think its a great idea to get the word out. Have you priced how much a 3x3 sign would be? I’m sure we could raise enough money on here for the sign by pay pal or something.

Keep on truckin’ for the Lord!,

I am trying to get my creative director to stop looking all concerned and saying a 3’ x 3’ sign can’t be made.

We would be ever-so-happy if you would advertise our TV or radio show on your “Big Rig”.

Ten-four, good buddy, smokey’s in the cookhouse.

See, I know all the lingo.

Anyway, here is our website

I shall try to persuade the creative director to stop being so negative 🙂

Peter d’Iago
~Webmaster, Saint Michael’s Media

Have you priced how much a 3x3 sign would be? I’m sure we could raise enough money on here for the sign by pay pal or something.

Keep on truckin’ for the Lord!,

I don’t think sign like this cost much. EWTN already has those small magnet signs, Catholic Answers license plate frames, 3’ by 3’ sign with a message will be much more effective then either one of those.

Magnet sign which simply says: EWTN is useless for evangelization purposes. If someone doesn’t know this network, reading those letters won’t give him any knowledge about Mother’s network. Catholic Answers license frames give at least web site address, but that all they can do.

3’ by 3’ sign could say something like this: “Real fresh air. We oxygen the airways. Try Sirius stream 160, you may like it”, or “You really think they are wrong? You don’t even know, what they teach! Try Sirius 160 to find out the TRUTH”, or something like this.

As you can tell, English is my second language, so I’m not the best person to make those slogans, but I’m sure that Life on the Rock audience, or Stephanie Woods listeners, or you, guys could come with some excellent idea, much better then mine.

We would be ever-so-happy if you would advertise our TV or radio show on your “Big Rig”.
Sorry, but my offer is only for EWTN/Catholic Answers and Sirius radio. Nothing against your station, but advertising local TV station on 18-wheeler traveling thru all states will be only symbolic. Won’t bring you many viewers. I’m not interested in “feeling good action”, but in effective one. If I advertise stream in satellite radio, and guy stacked in traffic behind me has that radio in his car or truck, chances are he will try it. If I advertise TV station, which is 2000 miles from us, what’s the point?
Ten-four, good buddy, smokey’s in the cookhouse.

See, I know all the lingo.
Probably much better then I. I don’t even turn on my CB radio. I just listen to EWTN, Scott Hahn’s and others apologists tapes, Polish radio via Internet or pray rosary, while driving. No time left for talking on CB. Life is short, why waste it on pointless discussions about nothing?

Besides, my spoken English is even worse than written and I have to take a lot of cr**, if I ask something on CB. Some folks could be nasty, when they can hide behind microphone and there is big anti-immigrant sentiment among many people now. But just for you here is short movie taken from my cab on I-40 near NC-TN border thru my windshield. Just for the video sake I turned off EWTN and play tape with soundtrack from the movie “Convoy”.😉

BTW, those short movies I have I also use as a evangelization tool. I write on truckers forums in Polish language so I can reach guys, who would never visit apologetic or theological website. But when I make friends, sooner or later we are talking about God. And many of them visits my blog or forum.
Sorry, but my offer is only for EWTN/Catholic Answers and Sirius radio. Nothing against your station, but advertising local TV station on 18-wheeler traveling thru all states will be only symbolic. Won’t bring you many viewers.
:mad: I think I misunderstood what St Michael media is all about. You are not a local TV station, are you? You just “producing high-quality Catholic programming and publications”. I that case advertising for Sirius 160 and St. Michael Media could be one and the same thing.
I am a third generation of Polish immigrants on both sides who wishes he had your broken English (because then I’d speak some Polish)!

I’ll tell you what I tell my students who speak Spanish and are a bit self-conscious. Your English is much better than my Polish so don’t worry about it!

I love your idea. Perhaps getting in touch with Sirius would be the best method. If you were able to get people to try 160 (I listen to it), they would also get the message of watching EWTN through the programming. Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.

God Bless!

BTW, my family comes from a small town called “Barcice”. Ever hear of it?

I don’t think Sirius is interesting In advertising EWTN. They just killed EWTN in Canada to run The Catholic Channel. I don’t know why, EWTN was free for them, for The Catholic Channel they have to pay, but for some reason they choose to replace free program with one they have to finance themselves.

Here in US we have both and this is good thing. However EWTN is much more orthodox and educational, has more apologetics in its programming lineup, where TCC is more entertaining. But I’m not looking for entertainment, when I listen to Christian radio. Not primary. Sometimes I listen to The Catholic Channel, but rarely. I definitely preferred EWTN.

I thing Catholic Answers or EWTN would be the best organizations to produce those “oversize bumper stickers”. Sirius prefers to spend its advertise money on Stern. If I only knew how to steer someone from them (CA or EWTN) to this tread. My family supports monthly both: EWTN and Catholic Answers. I can display advertising for them also for free. I’m only asking them for providing advertising material, a sign. That’s not too much, don’t you thing?

PS: I checked in Wikipedia’s Polish Edition “Barcice” and I found several villages with that name. There is one is southern Poland, near Krakow, one in central, near Warsaw and another one in the North, near the Baltic Sea. There is few more with two word’s name, like “Barcice Górne” (Upper Barcice). “Barć” is old Polish name for ” beehive”, specially that kind where “wild” bees were living in the forest, inside tree’s trunks. But no, I don’t recall hearing about them when in Poland, even thou it’s very likely that I was near this “southern Barcice” at some point of my life.
May I suggest that you cross post your original information in the [forum=51]Radio[/forum] forum? That way the CA Radio department will be sure to catch it. But you’ll need to sit tight for a couple days until they can get back to you.

Thanks for your patience,
I have plenty of time. I’m trying to get someone interested in this idea for months, I can wait few days. If I only knew what you think by: “May I suggest that you cross post your original information in the Radio forum?” Just copy my original post and post it over there?
And this is how back of my trailer looks like now. It really need nice accent like Catholic Answers advertisement, don’t you think?
I definitely think your beautiful truck needs a nice accent. Not only the back, but the left side which is huge and the right side which is huge. And what better accent than Catholic Answers? With a smaller accent saying “Choose Life!

You, Sir, will start a trend. Soon our highways will be festooned with messages for God. It’ll be the only way to travel.
Besides, my spoken English is even worse than written and I have to take a lot of cr**, if I ask something on CB.
Hey! If folks start giving you a hard time on the CB, have some good Catholic music ready to play to them. (See my signature.) The second link is to a guy who was in Cats. God took away his voice completely for three years and he saw the light. Now he is producing music for the Pro-Life movement. Go and check it out.

Or if not, then there is no shortage of Catholic music in the world, and notably in Poland! Yay!
I think it’s a great idea. I’ve never made a sign before, but I’d be willing to try.

What kind of material should it be on? I have tons of canvas - would canvas work? I could use acrylic paint - I think acrylic paint is good for outdoors. I have a friend who makes outdoor murals with the same paint that I have.

I also had an outdoor show of acrylic paintings last summer. Even when it rained, there was no noticeable damage to the paintings. They got wet, but they dried just fine, and are in the same condition now that they were when I first put them up.
I definitely think your beautiful truck needs a nice accent. Not only the back, but the left side which is huge and the right side which is huge. And what better accent than Catholic Answers? With a smaller accent saying “Choose Life!

You, Sir, will start a trend. Soon our highways will be festooned with messages for God. It’ll be the only way to travel.
Actually I have a Pro-Life bumper sticker on side of my cab. Here are the pictures:

I bought them before I bought my own trailer, that’s why I don’t have any on back of my truck, where it will be even more visible.
I think it’s a great idea. I’ve never made a sign before, but I’d be willing to try.

What kind of material should it be on? I have tons of canvas - would canvas work?..]
I think it should be made on vinyl, like a bumper sticker. It will be great, if could be made of reflective material. There are plenty of shops, which can scan project and make a vinyl sign. All those police cars, city buses, company trucks and vans etc. have some kind of computer generated graphics on them. Technology is probably very similar to that of bumper stickers. I just have more room, then average bumper. And yes, I can put something on sides of the trailer too.
Totus Tuus Trucking! Man, you are the real deal! I think you deserve a big wrap around vinyl sign for your whole trailer.

As for the acrylic paint: it will last technically, but dust will erode it. It would at least need laquer over it, but why go to all that trouble. Just put an image up on the computer in photoshop and take it to an industrial printer. They’ll make a big glue-on sign for the trailer in a material which will withstand hiway dust and sunlight and sleet and so on.
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