Advertisement on an 18-wheeler

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I have a 8-1/2’’ X 11’’ sheet of paper in the rear window of my car that say:


The other side of the window has a picture of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart.

Wow, I look like such a religious zealot. I love it.

Keep up the good work trucker! Catholics need to do far more evangelization!
Now I see we are going somewhere. I even changed size to 18” by 30” and also got a quote $30 for it. That much I could even afford myself. Now we only need nice, catchy design. I have no talents in that fields, but I’m sure you, guys, can design beautiful sign for me. (Mr. “nobody”, that doesn’t mean I don’t like yours, but few more colors could brighten it up.) On the other hand sign has to be also readable from the distance, which means too many colors would make it difficult to read.

Another possibility is to make two, or even three signs placed one under another to make sign 36”54” high and 30” wide. They could be applied together, so they will appear to be a single decal. Sure it will triple the price, but who knows, maybe we’ll find a sponsor. (Mr. Keating , are you listening?) Thanks, “Nobody”, great idea. Didn’t know that it’s possible to make signs like this on line. God bless. or
Glad I could help. Absolutely no offense taken - I am not a graphic designer, for sure!

I hope someone else jumps in here to help you.
If you are interested in a black (or white) decal, I can assist. I do those through my business on occasion.

Your price?

A few prayers for the cause for canonization for Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, plus shipping. For a decal, we’re speaking less than $5.

(If you would be willing to put a smaller decal on advertising one of my websites, I would be even more thrilled.)

PM me if you are interested.
How large is the decal?

If the decal is too small, Mr Pole, then why not approach the rector of your church and ask him to refer you to a parishioner who runs an industrial signage shop.

See if you can swing a deal for that person to provide very large vinyl glue-on signage in exchange for a small ad for his company which you will also place on your truck.

The decals, if they are small, can go on your windshield and near your plates, but can also be sold on the internet to raise funds for Catholic causes.

Karl Keating is raising money for his Wolf in Sheeps Clothing project. See my signature.

You might want to link up with him. Part of the money you raise can go to his project. Part can go to Fr Pavone for Priests for Life. Part can go to making a whole bunch of big truck signs for other Catholic truckers. And part can go toward something else of value.

Um… it occurs to me that you might want to start a part-time business making truck signage**?**

I think this is a great idea!

Many good ideas on how to accomplish this have already been listed.

I know someone locally who does airbrush art on large vehicles as his business, and hes’ Very Good! He’s done airplanes, trucks, t-shirts, etc.

Chicago area (90 mi NW), if you ever get to that area!
He’s a Christian man (tho’ not Catholic), ex-Marine, and I’ve known the family for yrs.

God bless you, and keep us posted if you get this done!

I think I’m misunderstood. I know that it’s possible to paint beautiful mural on any truck. It’s also possible to put a decal 50’ by 9’ on the side of the trailer. However reason for which I did start this tread was to find a sponsor. I thought that if I offer space on my trailer for free to advertise EWTN or Catholic Answers, one of those organizations will be more than happy to arrange something to make a decal and apply it to my truck.

If their goal is to reach as many people as possible and they even give away theirs signal for free to all radio stations willing to transmit it, if Jerry Usher is flying all over the country to help promote Catholic Radio Stations, if EWTN is looking for volunteers to do missionary job promoting EWTN (“YES! I would like to join the EWTN Media Missionaries in bringing the Eternal Word to my parish and community.”, quote from ), then why my idea isn’t going anywhere?

Just this week I drove from NC to California, and then to Washington State. On those west coast states there is different speed limit for trucks and cars, so I was passed by zillions of passengers cars. Many of them have Sirius radio and many of drivers has no clue that there is a good Catholic Christian program available.

I for instance don’t know all what Sirius offers. Never surf there, just push my 6 preprogrammed buttons. I’m sure many others are the same way. If someone won’t tell them, that there is a good Catholic radio program, they will never find out. That’s why I thing that big, colorful decal on back of my trailer with some catchy slogan will do more then many volunteers in average parish. And if someone wants to pay for painting sides of my truck or applying 50 by 9 feet decals, I’m all for it. Nevertheless goal of this tread is not to find another artist willing and able to paint a mural on my truck, but to find someone who will finance it.
Pole: As a former driver myself I know that your idea is a great one. But not everyone will realize this at first glance. Keep up the good work promoting the idea and I’m sure it will work out. Have you tried picking up the cell phone and talking to someone in EWTN’s promotions or PR departments?

Once someone does the work of designing the sign on the computer, it would be simple to get hundreds of them printed at any local graphics shop. Of course it would not be cheap. I think a 3’ X 3’ graphic will cost at least $100 per trailer. Still, I think its a great idea and well worth the money.

Considering a one day ad in USA Today costs $75,000 per page you could make decals for 750 trailers. That would reach an awful lot of drivers over the lifetime of the sticker which is probably several years. Keep promoting your idea, its a good one and should definitely catch on.
Pole: I just called a graphics company in CA. They told me that you could get a 3’ X 3’ sign for your trailer with 4 colors and some graphics for around $125. They also said that if you could round up 100 trailers, the price drops to around $35. There is also a $15 charge for laminating each sign. This adds 2 years to the life of the sign, but even without laminating the sign should last 2 years. Sounds like a bargain compared to any other sort of advertising.

Oh, and I agree with your thoughts on CB talking. Most of the folks who frequent the CB airwaves are dumb as a box of rocks and have the morals of a pimp. I only turned mine on in emergencies.
Pole - I do this type of work. I can only do 1 color now, but I would do it for free. 3’x3’ is a little too large for me.

If you wanted full color, I could do a magnetic sign.

Please let me know if you are interested.

FREE (for you).
Wow, what a simple, yet effective way to get the word out! No matter what you decide to put in your message or how big you decide to make it, I would make this suggestion … You might want to contact your local Knights of Columbus Council. I am sure that they would be willing to, at the very least assist, in covering any expenses you would entail, if not take it all on.
I haven’t read through all the responses, but what about Auto Lettering. They can do customized magnetic signs for vehicles.

I hope you find what you’re looking for!!!
Just heard you on the radio today. I have not the time to read all posts here, but where are you located? I am in PA.

I may be able to somehow help you, maybe you can also help me. 👍

By the way, I live 15 minutes form Our Lady of Czestochowa National Shrine in Doylestown. It is beautiful there, and Our Lady’s presence is truly there (besides Her Son, our Lord, of course). See :heaven:

May Our Lady of Czestochowa continue to bless you. :signofcross:
Good for you. 👍
what about those vehicle wraps - maybe they can design one for your semi.

Youtube has videos of how they apply wraps - not sure about semi’s but seems to me if they can do a large vehicle they can do a back door of a semi.
Good for you. 👍
what about those vehicle wraps - maybe they can design one for your semi.

Youtube has videos of how they apply wraps - not sure about semi’s but seems to me if they can do a large vehicle they can do a back door of a semi.
I’m all for it. However I can only offer free space, door, and/or sides of my trailer. Wraps like that probably cost a lot and I’m struggling to stay in business. You won’t get rich trucking, trust me on this. But if someone is willing to finance big signs for my truck, the trailer is his.

One more thing, my offer is not for anybody, not even for any good, Christian cause. I’m willing to advertise Sirius radio, because it make sense on the road. It would be cost effective and efficient way to evangelize. However I’m not willing to, for example, to advertise complicated web site address, which nobody will remember 10 minutes after passing my truck.
Just heard you on the radio today. I have not the time to read all posts here, but where are you located? I am in PA.
I live in NC, but most of the time I’m on the road.
I may be able to somehow help you, maybe you can also help me. 👍

By the way, I live 15 minutes form Our Lady of Czestochowa National Shrine in Doylestown. It is beautiful there, and Our Lady’s presence is truly there (besides Her Son, our Lord, of course). See :heaven:

May Our Lady of Czestochowa continue to bless you. :signofcross:
I’m not sure what you have in mind, but you can e-mail me at and explain. And a copy of an icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa is present on dashboard of my truck. Legent says that this image was painted by St. Luke on table top from Mary’s house. And She is Queen of Poland. Helps me concentrate, when I’m praying Rosary. 😃
wow, what a great idea and nice of you.

The word EWTN might not get people’s attention. A year ago, I would not know what EWTN was all about.

You might want to have somewhere saying “Catholic’s …”

God bless!
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