Check Catholics Can Come Home. I saw one of their signs in the Washington DC public transit system.I’m a trucker and I have my own 18-wheeler. On the back of the trailer I have a room for a nice 3’ by 3’ advertisement for an EWTN, or Catholic Answers or Sirius Radio stream 160.
Many truckers, and other folks have satellite radio now, but if they are anything like me, they never go anywhere on the dial. With over 150 channels there is no way to find anything just by chance, so I have 6 preprogrammed channels: EWTN, The Catholic Channel, classical music channel, blues, classic rock and traffic report in one of the metropolitan areas. I don’t go anywhere else and I thing many people do the same.
If I had nicely done, attractive sign on back of my trailer, I could show many other folks, that there is alternative to the Howard Stern on Sirius. I travel about 150 thousand miles a year, so I have potential to reach many drivers in all states. I don’t want anything for it, just need someone to make that sign. I believe, that there will be more truckers willing to put sign like this on their trailers. What do you think about that idea?
Many trailers have small signs, advertising for a jobs for truckers, or for donations for shrines, or what have you, but I think advertising for a Catholic Answers will be the best idea yet. John Paul the Great called us all for a new evangelization, and Catholic Answer and EWTN responded to this call, but there are still people, who don’t know about them. They didn’t hear it. That’s why I think it is good idea. Anybody knows Karl? Maybe he can print small sign like this, with attractive design and colors, maybe reflective too, so it will be readable at night. No bigger, that, let say 36” by 36”.
When I contacted EWTN with that idea, I’ve got from them two small bumper stickers, which only says: EWTN. But that is meaningless for someone, who doesn’t know what EWTN is. Besides, this bumper sticker is so small, nobody notices. I need something big, bright and clever, so it will bring more people to Catholic Faith.
13"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Rom 10, 13-15)
And this is how back of my trailer looks like now. It really need nice accent like Catholic Answers advertisement, don’t you think?
images20.fotosik.pl/150/cb9a0ae9c84df72dm.jpg images21.fotosik.pl/101/99b2b894ff1b8e81m.jpg images21.fotosik.pl/101/863d589ce13cf499m.jpg