You might just want to point out some of the natural consequences of the immoral actions.
for example, one time I was talking to a stranger about homosexuals. She called me a homophobe because I said I’d never want my kids to have same sex attraction. I paused, trying to find the words–realizing that she probably wouldn’t respond to a lecture about God’s plan for marriage. Then, I just said simply, “It’s a really hard life.”
She nodded in strong agreement.
Another discussion that many can agree with is in regard to drunkeness. When I was in college, I knew too many girls who were raped at parties when they were drunk. Most people will agree it’s a bad idea to lose control.
I think you can show the natural consequences for sin–divorce, stds, broken families, pedophila arising from pornography, broken hearts from promiscuity, etc. Sometimes these discussions can lead into God’s law.
for example, one time I was talking to a stranger about homosexuals. She called me a homophobe because I said I’d never want my kids to have same sex attraction. I paused, trying to find the words–realizing that she probably wouldn’t respond to a lecture about God’s plan for marriage. Then, I just said simply, “It’s a really hard life.”
She nodded in strong agreement.
Another discussion that many can agree with is in regard to drunkeness. When I was in college, I knew too many girls who were raped at parties when they were drunk. Most people will agree it’s a bad idea to lose control.
I think you can show the natural consequences for sin–divorce, stds, broken families, pedophila arising from pornography, broken hearts from promiscuity, etc. Sometimes these discussions can lead into God’s law.