Awesome. I’d love to visit a church so filled with such beauty.
The parish I attend is not the one I live in. The nearest Catholic church to me is only a few blocks away and I did go there for nearly a year. The problem was, it was a church attached to a Catholic school and looks like an afterthought. It’s right next to the gymnasium, separated by a wall with large plexi glass doors. The appearance of the church gives one the impression that they just took the gym, divided it in half and made one side the church. It is not aesthetically pleasing in the least and the lighting is far too bright for my taste.
During the time I attended there I tried to overlook all this, feeling that the outward appearance shouldn’t matter all that much. Alas, ultimately it did and I just never had the quiet feelings I get at the Cathedral near where I work, so that’s where I have been going ever since.