Dear kfarose,I think the thing that makes me believe in the inferiority of women the most is the fact that Jesus was “born of a woman.” In other words, that’s all she was good for: a vessel for something greater, though otherwise not great herself. Okay, so that’s not entirely true. Mary was a pure woman and an excellent servant of God. But let’s face it, if she didn’t have Jesus, we probably would have never heard of her. Besides, the son of God was not the daughter of God, and God Himself is almost never referred to in the feminine. Even God doesn’t want to be feminine!
Please refute the above statements, but be nice. I shall try to seek out some sort of counseling, though I am still a bit nervous about mentioning these things to a flesh-and-blood person. I’ll also keep attempting prayer. Be sure to include me in your prayers too.
There is a videotape I bought that changed my skeptical mind about Mary. It is called “Mary, the Mother of God,” by Fr. Thomas Keating. It gives a different perspective of Mary than I’ve heard before, and really shows what a great example she is, of strength of personality and obedience to God.
You can find the tape at: contemplativeoutreach.org/miva/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=COB&Product_Code=V-212&Category_Code=IVTBFTK
It costs 25 bucks, so you might want to check with your diocese office and see if they might have a library with it.
Disclaimer: To all those posters who want to jump in and tell you “stay away from Keating because he’s New Age,” I am hereby warning her myself so you may I ask that instead of hijacking this thread if you want to argue about Keating I’ll tell you where you can go: forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=13373