although evolution appears to be entirely random (it isn’t) God is either controlling its progress or has set the physical world up in such a way as to ensure its outcomes.
Hence theistic evolution. As opposed to Godless evolution.
The point I am making is such qualifiers are meaningless.
Pretty much so, yes. But the term has evolved (no pun intended) because of the intransigence of those who deny that evolution even occurs. There are three players in the game:
Evolution deniers: They either don’t understand the process (they’re ignorant of the science itself) or they do but deny it anyway, claiming it’s all Intelligent Design (they are biblical fundamentalists). And guess who the Intelligent Designer is! God has made all creatures great and small and there may be minor changes within a species but no speciation.
Atheists: They believe that life as it is now is the result of the evolutionary process. They don’t believe in God so they don’t believe that there is any supernatural aspect to the process at all. It is a blind and unguided process (but one which does not exclude the possibility of God).
Christians: They also believe that life as it is now is the result of the evolutionary process. But they believe that God is either controlling it at each stage or has set up the initial conditions knowing what the result would be. Us.
Now our chums the evolution deniers claim that accepting evolution is denying God. As I said, it isn’t. But whenever this is pointed out, even by an atheist such as myself, they stick their fingers in their ears and go lah, lah, lah until the discussion moves on. They believe that evolution is just a ruse to get people away from God.
Our Christians also find themselves trying to explain to the deniers that evolution doesn’t exclude God. And must actually include Him. ‘But no’, cry the deniers. ‘You are just like Freddy, believing in this blind process which by its very description must deny God!’
And their response is 'No. The evolution we accept includes God. We see His hand in the process, guiding it so that after billions of years of evolution it results in us! So what we believe in is…I dunno…I guess we can call it ‘theistic evolution’.
When atheists wants to name the process they always use the term ‘evolution’. As do Christans when talking to other Christians or to atheists. But when Christians talk to deniers, they sometimes roll their eyes, do the air quote thing with their fingers and use the term ‘theistic evolution’.