The law of non-contradiction and the law of excluded middle say that you are wrong.
I don’t see how your point applies to my point about someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in God’s existence. I agree that in reality, there are only 2 options, which is ‘true’ or ‘false’ but those options must be judged for or chosen and the agnostics that I brought up have not made a decision. This is no different than a Democrat, who being given a choice between 2 candidates, chooses neither.
I can even support my case of how contradictory beliefs are possible in the ‘mind’ as opposed to reality, but your objection was towards another point of mine.
Again you forget that atheism is the lack of belief in ANY god or gods. The Christian God is just one example of ALL the gods atheists do not believe in.
This is no different than what I said for agnostics, that is they have no belief nor disbelief in God’s existence; in other words no belief. When you say that you don’t believe, that is not the same as saying that God is true or God is false, so therefore no belief towards god’s existence.
The only disagreement I have with you is that there are atheists who don’t simply lack belief but rather they believe that God is false or does not exist. As soon as you offer a reason for your belief, like the incoherency of God’s attributes, then that constitutes as a belief that God does not exist. This is because
A) you offer a belief or reason which is different then having a lack of belief and
B) the belief relates to God’s non-existence.
There is no reason to speculate why an individual atheist does NOT believe. One size definitely does NOT fit all. Personally, my lack of belief (which may or may not be shared by others) is rather simple. The alleged attributes of the Christian God are partly nonsensical, partly mutually exclusive and partly refuted by the observed reality. It has nothing to do with the veracity of the bible.
Too bad that there is no “partly” when it comes to having a lack of belief. Absence of belief towards God’s existence means that you have NO belief as opposed to having ‘some’ belief. Had you said that you don’t believe because of lack of evidence, then I could see your point since that would be no difference than a baby who lacks evidence for God and therefore has no beliefs towards his existence.
This is the majority of active atheists. Very rarely do you see an atheist come on a forum, especially a Christian forum, and have no belief or views towards God’s existence. Atheists usually have their own underlying philosophy which by itself leaves no room for God, and then they have viewpoints that stem from those underlying views which comes out when they want to defend their views.
Many believers love to redefine the inconsistent attributes as “mysteries”, so they can exercise double-think and maintain the mutually contradictory ideas and believe both of them. How do they do that, I cannot imagine. When I first read 1984, I thought that such a society cannot exist in reality. People are not able to entertain two mutually exclusive ideas and accept both as correct. But then I realized that people are able to do that, by rationalizing the problem away, like redefining contradictions into “mysteries”. Very strange.
I’m glad you have had this observation because not only does it support my point about how agnosticism can be a mutually exclusive position but it also just happens to be the reality of the mind. The brain does not always function as a unified whole as far as thought goes but can function as multiple components, left brain and right brain, and then that can be broken down into individual compartments of each component., limbic system, frontal lobe, etc. Anyways, this is possible psychologically since we have observed such behavior like when it comes to having conflict between thoughts and emotions, 'cognitive dissonance, ‘compartmentalization’, ‘ambivalence’, ‘split-brain syndrome’, etc … just to name a few examples.
Even on a rational basis this can occur like when you have an issue that has evidence for and against it. This would of course only happen in matters where the truth is not definitively known.