I asked for an argument for God’s existence and you gave one.
And isn’t it head and shoulders over all the rest. No need for philosophical word play or theological spoon bending. This is something that anyone, and everyone, understands. It’s why the vast majority of Christians are indeed Christians. Once it reached a critical mass, it became self supporting.
You started off as a Christian because you were brought up as a Christian. Same as Charles, although he is determined not to admit it. So was Augustine, so was the pope. So was, I’d be willing to wager, every Christian you know. Certainly all the ones I know.
If any of them were, at some later stage in life, to investigate philosophical or theological arguments for the existence of God, then how do you think they would react to those arguments? Arguments which are set out to confirm that which they already believe. Augustine et al are almost literally preaching to the choir.
So skip the theological and philosophical arguments. One, as far as I am concerned, they don’t work. And two, hardly anyone would be interested enough or cogent enough with the concepts to bother mulling them over in the first instance and three (this is the doozy), they are not required in any case. People believe in God without them. People are born into the religion.
So if someone doesn’t believe, then take them to St Mark’s Square. Show them the thousands upon thousands of devoted Catholics. Show them the architecture. The colonnades. Put some Bach through her headphones (maybe ‘Jesu, joy of man’s desiring’) and walk them through the Sistine Chapel and tell them to look up.
Let her soak in the history of the Catholic Church. The artists, the architects, the poets, the painters, the life of Christ in every panel, on every painting, in every aria, the Son of God moulded in marble at every turn. The men and women who devote lifetimes to a belief in Christ.
How could someone even contemplate that this is all for nothing? Centuries of sacrifice. Lives without number devoted to God. There must be something here. Surely, all these people cannot be wrong…
Look her in the eyes and ask that question. There’s no need for philosophical debate.
I’m still not fully ready to retract my assertion that you haven’t really studied the arguments for God existence.
That’s not my problem.