That’s quite straightforward to answer. It isn’t a description of God. Which is blazingly obvious because he didn’t believe in God.
And you are sliding away from giving an accurate account of when you were a Christian. So let me take a stab at this…
Your mother was a Christian. Your father was a Christian. To allow for the law of averages, three of your 4 grandparents were Christian. If you have any siblings, I am going to suggest that all of them were brought up as Christians but one or two left the faith.
I’d also suggest that you wouldn’t have know one end of a theological or philosophical argument for the existence of God until you were in your twenties.
You kicked over the traces for a while in the sixties (let’s face it, we all did), then returned to the family religion became it gave you, as it does a lot of people, comfort and a direction in life that you couldn’t find on your own.
Then you started looking at the arguments for God. And wouldn’t you know it…they all supported the belief With which you were brought up.
Whodda thunk…
How’d I do?