Alabama, and social media

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So regarding the whole Alabama thing, I am quite glad they put a ban on abortion. As someone who prolife, I am happy they banned that. But everywhere, from my social media to real life, so many people are outraged. I expected more people to be happy and prolife tbh. The whole situation has made me uncomfortable. I had to block so many accounts because they were encouraging these outrageous acts and mocking others. I wish that there were more people who were glad about how this ban could save numerous lives, but I guess not in this day and age. Also, is it true that woman would be put into jail for having one? Some people have been saying that but it has not been confirmed.
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I am pro-life too.

And seeing so much social media, it’s making me question myself. Not on my pro-life views, bu still, I wonder if I am even able to speak the same language as some of these people. I also wonder if I’m missing something as to the outrage.

I don’t want to block any of them! That’s how people end up stuck in their own camps, without dialogue. But at the same time, I don’t really know how to respond to some of them.
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The law made performing an abortion a felony. Not having an abortion.
Some people say lots of things. For this exact reason, I completely avoid the cesspool known as social media. It matters little what the penalty for bank robbery is, as long as you are not a bank robber, correct?
The women will not be punished. This is fake news being spread by pro abortion “progressives”.

I think this is bringing out the cesspool that places like Facebook really are.
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Social media tends to censor conservative voices, so it’s an echo chamber.
@PBWY @po18guy @RealisticCatholic @nightshade Thank you for answering it. I am honestly quite tired of them spreading lies to spread evil. I’ve been pro life my entire life, and it’s honestly been difficult with this situation. I’ve been able to stay strong despite all those nasty comments about pro lifers. But regardless, I’m glad laws are being made to prevent such evil acts.
As for me, it’s not so much that. It’s the fact that most of my Facebook friends are millennial or college students and tend to distrust the Right and conservative voices, anyway. The Trump era hasn’t helped.

I wish being pro-life could be a Democrat position. It would help clear some air.
Just remember they probably think you are evil, too.

Not all pro-choicers on social media are evil. They may intend the good but may be really deceived!
I noticed this on FB. Friends, family, acquaintances. So many negative comments from males and females alike. I felt forced to have to use the snooze for 30 days option. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to see these people in the same light again. So sad and discouraging. 😦
I wish being pro-life could be a Democrat position. It would help clear some air.
You know, the way politics are right now with the stranglehold of the two party system is really unfortunate. The whole “pro life people are really only pro birth and don’t care about the baby after it’s born” argument doesn’t work on me. I am for universal health care if it was implemented correctly AND I am pro life which seems to go right over the heads of many “progressives” on the left, that one can hold those two views simultaneously.
I don’t want this to get into politics, BUT, I must say that I tend to agree with Democrats on most things… but NOT abortion. And abortion is such an important issue, so it is very hard for me to navigate the waters as well.
I am just saying that the polarization we have is ridiculous and I hate that it has to be the way it is.
Most pro-lifers actually do lots of things for women though.
The pro-life club at my college did all sorts of things for low-income pregnant women. We held diaper drives. We raised money to get clothes to our local choices pregnancy center.
One man and his wife protested outside that clinic for 10 years or so. One day they offered to adopt a baby from a woman considering abortion. She took them up on it. They had fertility issues. So, they literally adopted a baby that might’ve been aborted into their family.

We’re pro-birth only though. :roll_eyes:

Just like these people don’t want to look at scientific evidence on abortion. They couldn’t be bothered with looking at how much Christians and Catholics actually do in terms of charity. And tbf, most of these liberal people don’t do any charitable things at all.

Anyways, we shouldn’t get discouraged. When Roe v. Wade ends, we need to get pro-life laws passed in as many states as we can. Let them wail and gnash their teeth.
The same people that scream we should not paint groups of people with a broad brush, turn around and do so with pro life people by claiming they are only pro birth and don’t care about people already born. I think it makes the cognitive dissonance that is required to justify the murder of innocent life more palpable if you dehumanize the people that are both unborn and those that support the unborn.
You know society is screwed up when it advocates convenience over the lives of the unborn.
Even they know that’s a bad argument. That’s why they want to talk about rape, incest, and health of the mother all day long. Even when these are reasons for 2, MAYBE 3% of abortion.
So, 97% of abortions are completely unjustified with their main talking points.

“I want to pursue my career and don’t have time for this child right now” isn’t very compelling.
Is there anything that can be done about infant mortality?
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