The source is correct.The source you cite for Buddha’s miracles is a peculiar source. It starts out by having the Buddha say concerning miracles, “…I dislike, reject and despise them.”
You are making incorrect assumptions, due to insufficient knowledge perhaps. You would do well to read the original: Kevatta sutta (Digha Nikaya, 11).That would most likely be because he could not perform them
You have talked about signposts on the path. This is one of the signposts: “When you reach this point you will see a turning off to the side. Do not follow that turning as it will lead you astray and make it more difficult for you to reach the summit.”
Performing miracles is a distraction. Time spent doing miracles is time not spent meditating.
It is an error to apply Christian assumptions to Buddhism. The two religions are very different. The desire to perform miracle is just another desire to be overcome.