Well, to start: Εν αρχή ην ο λόγος και ο λόγος ην προς τον θεον και θεός ην ο λόγος. In the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god. The word later in the passage being explained to be Christ.
But if that isn’t enough to convince you, you can progress through the prologue of John to vs 18 which again specifically calls Christ God, you can go to John 8:58 where Christ explicitly refers to himself as I Am, you can then see Thomas calling Christ his lord and his God in Chapter 20. Paul has a questionable quote in Romans which I won’t bring up since it cannot be clearly discerned if he is referring to the Father or Christ. However, he explicitly calls Jesus God in Philippians 2, and Titus 2:13, and insists that all things were made through Christ in Colossians 1 (a claim only made about God). Also, Peter refers to Jesus as God in 2 Peter 1:1. The author of Hebrews also makes explicit statements about the divinity of Christ in Hebrews 1-4, and also applies at least two passages that refer to YHWH directly to Jesus. Also in chapter 2 he insists that because we were flesh, Jesus had to come in the flesh, assuming that he began as divine. John also makes this same assumption in his first epistle when he warns his audience to test the spirits, any spirit that does not confess that Christ came in the flesh is not of God, refuting the docetic heresy that Jesus was divine and could not have come in the flesh but only seemed to do so. So there are many explicit and implicit references to the divinity of Christ throughout scripture.