So, how many illegal immigrants do you , in fact, know? Are you friends with them? Do you sit beside them at Mass? Have you been to a Baptism of their children?This is a logical fallacy. One doesn’t have to know immigrants to know the issue, and I don’t see people who are angry other than the people who aren’t getting into Hungary and just seemed to expect a free pass.
Look, some of the liberal secularists would clearly like Americans to believe that it’s only hard-working Mexican families crossing the Southern border. The fact is that people from all over the place cross over that border, often at their leisure.
And the situation with the EU is VERY different. Europe has major immigration problems that the media often cover up, and their immigrants are not assimilating.
Now, there are some things in the EU that they should assimilate, like so-called gay “marriage”, but they often live in very isolated communities.
There are PEOPLE. Not facts on a spreadsheet.
That’s the “catholic” way to look at it.
Servant of free, Gentile or Jew, woman or man…