I don’t think it’s fair to call Countylifer a martyr. She did what is expected of women in our world. She played by the rules and didn’t end up with a fair deal. She came here looking for support and reassurance that her anger and hurt are justified.
I’m angry that she’s had to put up with this mistreatment from her husband but I don’t see it as her fault. She doesn’t cause him to mistreat her. He chooses to do it. To say she let him do it is too simplistic for me. Many women are in the same spot she is because of the expectations of women in our society. Calling them martyrs is only victimizing them again.
Countrylifer, the problem is where do you go from here? Your husband has been in control of you and it sounds like he isn’t about to relinquish that control. His anger and brushing you off is part of how he controls you.
I think you need support. Maybe you want to go to counseling on your own first. Or try reading some books about dealing with controlling people like Boundaries by Cloud/Townsend:
scroll down to read the reviews.
I doubt you can just continue on as you have been. I think you’re coming to some realizations that aren’t going to be able to continue to be swept under the carpet.
My prayers go out ot you. I know how difficult it is when dealing with loved ones who are controlling and dismissive of your feelings.