So the answer is no, you’re not willing to admit that you might be wrong. Hmmm…and people think that I’m the prideful one. Interesting.Partinobodycula;14126119:
My claims are not the issue. You can’t provide any evidence that my claims can’t be proven or that it is a real issue at all. If it was, others would be making the same demands.You’re right, I can’t prove anything. I wonder however, are you willing to admit the same?
No, this suggestion right here of yours is called a “red herring.” It’s a distraction during a forensic debate designed to draw attention away from the main point at issue. It is what is known as a “logical fallacy.” While it may raise plausible issues, in the end they are irrelevant. It is a tactic of diversion.
The real issue is not whether I can prove anything, but that you’ve failed in your claims. Turning the tables can’t work to do anything but make you look like a worse failure and imposter because it shows your desperation.
This introduction of a side issue is saying: “Don’t point at me for failing to prove my issue that I raised. Let’s shine the light at you to turn the attention away from my failure and let’s see if I can sneak away under this type of smoke screen.” Sorry, but not falling for that.
But I will add this. The fact that I can succeed in defending my God is a promised sign of those God blesses to speak His truth. It is written:
“Show me a sign of your favor,
That my foes may see to their shame
That you, O Lord, console me and give me your help.” --Psalm 86:17.
A sign that one comes from God is their speech that cannot be denied. “No one has ever spoken as this man does,” they said of Jesus at John 7:46. And Jesus stated: “Everyone who is sufficiently trained will be like his teacher.”–Luke 6:40.
The “sign” of God’s blessing can be that a speaker is like their teacher Jesus, someone that cannot be fought against. The real proof is the wisdom seen in your speech. Can you see the teacher Jesus in the student who has been trained by him? Does he speak with undeniable wisdom like the Lord? If you really want to be like God, learn from Jesus. Learn to speak like him. I promise you, if you do this, you will have your proof.