Amazon's Alexa says Jesus Christ is a "fictional character."

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It’s just one of the several “digital assistants” that is out there gaining in popularity. You don’t really “need” any of them. I think the goal is for them to be the centerpiece of a whole “smart house” lifestyle. If you need anything, you just speak. “Alexa, turn on the lights.” “Alexa, turn down the heat to 65 degrees.” “Alexa, send flowers to my mother for her birthday.” “Alexa, play my favorite song.” Etc.

Right now, Apple, Amazon, Google (and Microsoft) seem to be competing in this space with their own digital assistants. As far as I can tell, Amazon seems to be the most intent upon putting their AI assistant into a whole range of products from speakers to thermostats to refrigerators and more.
Why do people need this “Alexa” thing anyway?
I do not really need the thing, but since I have a very difficult time moving around it makes my life a wee but easier.
I also use it to listen to radio programs like (ewtn), read Audible books, word spellings and definitions to name a few.
Oh BTW mine does not say Jesus is a fictional character.
Why do people need this “Alexa” thing anyway?
I find it a useful thing to have - I use it mostly to ask the weather, set alarms when I’m cooking, set alarms when I take a short nap, and of course I ask it to play music on Spotify. Sometimes I ask it to ‘wikipedia’ a topic and it will read the first couple of sentences of the relevant wikipedia article. It could do a lot more (such as turn your lights on or off by voice command) but I’m not that interested in setting up a smart house right now.
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Why? He shows proof he didn’t edit the the audio with the screen view of the editing of the video, and 2 or 3 other videos are shown replicating
We have a few. Mostly technojunk. I use the one in my bedroom as an alarm clock, and a radio. I don’t have the lights connected as my sis is likely to turn them on and off randomly at night when she’s watching TV or playing FOE.
Why? He shows proof he didn’t edit the the audio with the screen view of the editing of the video, and 2 or 3 other videos are shown replicating
Perhaps because he has an agenda, and ginning up outrage gets him attention and success?
We have a few. Mostly technojunk. I use the one in my bedroom as an alarm clock, and a radio. I don’t have the lights connected as my sis is likely to turn them on and off randomly at night when she’s watching TV or playing FOE.
What’s FOE? A video game?
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How does the concrete evidence shown in the video not outweigh his agenda?
Multiple other videos showing Alexa saying the same thing, in addition to a screenshot from the companion smartphone app, in addition to Showing their video editing screen to show that they edited nothing in the video. Also, maybe watch a video before calling into question the honesty and integrity of its creator.
Is there any other evidence other than this video? I’m a bit skeptical seeing as how no one has been able to replicate the results.
Some people claim that they got more or less the same results soon after the video was uploaded, but as of the weekend after, the answers were altered.
I tried it when I saw the post, but no. Chalked it up to fake news.
The left has corrupted technology. They’re deliberately programming their crazy agenda into technology.
Don’t be so sure. The output of systems that are tied to neural networks and other types of A.I. isn’t necessarily deliberate. These systems are not the result of someone thinking of every possible permutation of a question and the appropriate responses. Rather they are trained through some data set.

The questions I’d ask are is this authentic (note: you can tell Alexa to repeat after you to get a recording of Alexa saying what ever you want) and if it were authentic then what data sources influenced Alexa to respond in such a manner.

A year or two ago Microsoft released an AI powered chat bot named Tay. Some people on the Internet intentionally had conversations with it in such a way to influence it’s wording patterns and semantic map until they got it to say offensive and racists things. Microsoft pulled it after that. When it comes to AI systems that have the capacity to continue to learn it’s not always known how its behaviour will change over time.
I tried it when I saw the post, but no. Chalked it up to fake news.
There’s also the possibility that the answers are tailored based on your prior history with Alexa, and your geographic location.

I’m a bit skeptical as well, though. Crowder seems like a good guy to me, so I hope it’s not “fake news” after all.
As one who watches his content, he seems like an honest guy, protestant conservatives.

His video presents various other videos of people getting similar results as well as showing unedited footage.

They did not prepare the questions in advance and did not know the answers, so they really were surprised when Alexa would say such a thing.
If I were you, I’d get rid of Alexa. It’s nothing more than a far left agenda machine. The left has to ruin everything good!
It’s not a “far left agenda machine” (although I really have no idea what that means). It’s a device to get you to buy stuff from Amazon. It’s certainly a capitalist agenda machine, though.

Other people have been unable to reproduce this response to the question. And I do know that if you’re a bit clever, you can manipulate Alexa (and devices like it) into saying pretty much whatever you want.
Maybe you’re right. I had never heard of the guy. The surprise just seemed a little canned to me. And the profanity turned me off. Not my style. I’m still suspicious.

But even if the footage is authentic, what does that prove? That Amazon is out to undermine Christianity? Or that Alexa had a bug? The latter seems far more likely than the former. Not that I think Amazon as a company is beholden to Christian ideals. But they are in the business of making money, so I don’t see them intentionally trying to irk Christians just for a private giggle.
From Siri:

God: I eschew theological disisquition.

Jesus Christ: I would ask that you address your spiritual questions to someone more qualified to comment. Ideally, a human.

Yahweh: That’s a topic for another day, and another assistant.

Allah: I would ask that you address your spiritual questions to someone more qualified to comment. Ideally, a human.

Jehovah: Humans have religion. I just have silicon.

Saint Peter: Knowlewdge article.

Mohammad: Knowledge article.
The entirety of the western political world is in islams back pocket.

Hence the huge amount of money they paid into the Clinton foundation when that seemed to be the sure horse.

I don’t find this surprising at all.

The Muslims grip globally on trade and resources makes things like this a certainty.
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