America’s Chris Wallace Problem |

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Anyway, you think the OP’s article is biased?
The American Spectator article? Yes, I think it is biased. Chris Wallace did a passable job. The only reason he interrupted Trump so many times was that Trump was interrupting and Wallace, as the moderator, was trying to get control and stop some of Trump’s interruptions. There is no doubt that Trump objectively interrupted more than Biden. I don’t think it would have gone substantially different unless the moderator was an extremely-biased Trump supporter. There are many conservatives I could see as excellent moderators. But the way conservative is being redefined these days, Trump supporters would just call them CINOs.
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Who do you feel would make an unbiased moderator for Presidential debates?
I’m guessing there won’t be anymore debates, unless both candidates are in different locations.

Even if the president has a mild case and is feeling better, there’s still the chance he’s contagious.
I think they should have selected a public high school debate coach who has a record of producing champion debate teams over several years.

A college debate coach might also work, but is more likely to be “liberal” (or at least act liberal in public) to protect his/her job at the college/university. High schools seem to have room for differing viewpoints, especially public schools which welcome students from all walks of life, all colors, sexual orientations, religions, and of course, political parties. It is likely that a high school teacher would be able to keep his/her own bias under control and follow the rules of the debate.

An experienced debate team coach is also likely to recognize when the rules are ineffective and not enforceable, and could presumably offer alternative “rules” that would be more likely kept by the candidates and moderator. (E.g., I happen to believe that 2.5 minutes is not long enough to offer an opinion and points in favor of that opinion–I think 5 minutes is more realisitc–perhaps the “rules of debate” would agree with me–or maybe not).

A high school debate coach who has coached teams to championships is likely to be extremely firm about following rules, and would presumably have been able to use his/her experience to maintain control of the debate and keep both candidates in line.
I think a debate coach deal with good debaters or at least ones that want to debate well.

Someone who shouts, and interrupts, and bullies wouldn’t make the debate team.

They’d probably not even be able to stay in regular school if that behavior was constant in the classroom. They might need to be sent to an alternative type school, maybe a military school or something similar.
I think a debate coach deal with good debaters or at least ones that want to debate well.
I’m sure many high school students don’t start out being good debaters. They have to be trained.

A good debate coach would speak with the contestants (Pres. Trump and VP Biden) in advance and explain the rules to them and the consequences of breaking those rules.

Yes, we still would have seen interruptions, outbursts, sneering faces, “shut ups”, name calling, etc.–but the coach would have instantlyl put a stop to it and penalized the miscreant.

Yes, it’s not a high school competition, but we in the U.S. love a competition of any kind, and seeing that Pres. Trump tallied up 250 demerits, while VP Biden tallied up 200 demerits would tell us that Pres. Trump doesn’t follow rules and VP Biden doesn’t either. It would give us satisfaction that the “competition” was “fair.”
experienced debate team coach is also likely to recognize when the rules are ineffective and not enforceable, and could presumably offer alternative “rules” that would be more likely kept by the candidates and moderator. (E.g., I happen to believe that 2.5 minutes is not long enough to offer an opinion and points in favor of that opinion–I think 5 minutes is more realisitc–perhaps the “rules of debate” would agree with me–or maybe not).
I know!!! That 2.5 minute limit was absurd!!!
I am absolutely fatigued by the utter lack of respect, Christian charity, Catholic virtues, and Catholic Christian behavior toward President Trump and anyone who supports him.
Ironic, considering how un-Christian like he acts…
I am absolutely fatigued by the utter lack of respect, Christian charity, Catholic virtues, and Catholic Christian behavior toward President Trump and anyone who supports him.
Ironic, considering how un-Christian like he acts…
I agree with Horton. This is a Catholic Christian forum. This should be the one place where issues are spoken with Christian charity and Catholic values, one of which is to honor those in authority.
I think that Trump merits the treatment he receives – what criticism of him has been unfair? A person can disagree with allegations but the factual comments have been accurate.

As to un-Christian attitudes, folks here should examine how detractors on this forum treated the Obamas.
Come on. You know she’s far right. Try again.
In today’s atmosphere, nobody is going to be neutral or apolitical, and if anyone of national stature claimed to be, I would distrust that person most of all. This is not a need for neutrality, but of fairness. Bartiromo is courteous, actually knows something about economics (unlike most) and often has interviewees who are well to the left of her and treats them well.

She’s hardly “far right”, though I guess anybody who isn’t far left is regarded as far right by the Democrats.
Would you like to see a white nationalist college dropout moderate the debates?
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