American Idol Rigged?

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American Idol Rigged? Who Cares?
by Mark Faulk

Next week, ABC plans to air an expose’ on American Idol, which, according to “those in the know”, will tell about how the show manipulates the vote to favor certain contestants. It will reportedly also air an interview with former contestant Cory Clark, who is shopping a book where he claims to have had an affair with Paula Abdul. Who cares? Hell, I had an affair with Paula Abdul, and the entire time she just kept screaming out “You’re the next American Idol!” Granted, it was a dream, but an affair is an affair.
Do the producers rig the vote? I don't know, but since the show is rigged from day one in the tryout process, it wouldn't surprise me one little bit. I mean, c'mon America. Do you really think that all those incredibly sucky singers make it through the judging process because someone thought they have talent? Time to face reality, boys and girls....on TV, there is no reality. Even the news is rigged, why would anyone expect a lame *** talent show to be any different? 

Here's how it works: a few months ago, a friend of mine journeyed to New Orleans to try out for the show. He's a pretty damn talented pop R&B singer, and he stood in line along with the other several thousand singers waiting for a shot at "stardom". After waiting in line forever, he was ushered into a huge room filled with tables and judges......but not a Randy, Paula, or Simon in sight. The contestants were herded in like cattle, where a bunch of "pre-judges" weeded them out in record time. My friend was cut in round one, but what he told me was interesting, to say the least. 

Every contestant goes through THREE rounds of judging BEFORE the "real" judges even get ahold of them. While he watched, several great singers were rejected in round one....while the worst ones were told how great they were, and sent on to the next round. When the (as he described it) "yodeling gay cowboy" made it through while the best of the best were rejected, it became clear that there were TWO competitions going on here. One was for the next American Idol, and the other was for the next William Hung. 

So, those contestants who are the "worst of the worst" are set up by the judges. They survive three rounds of "pre-judging", where they are told how good they are, and then, finally, they get their big chance.....a shot at appearing in front of the Three Stooges Judging Panel of Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell. It's a setup from the start, but you won't hear that from Fox King Rupert Murdoch or the producers of the show. 

 Think about audition, and incredibly, make it past round one, then round two, and praise the Lord!, you even make it past the all-important third round. But then, something strange happens. After you've been told by three panels of judges that you're good enough to finally appear in front of Randypaulasimon (with the TV cameras rolling, no less!), you break into your song, only to have all three judges laugh out loud at you, and to have Simon say something like "Do you have a singing teacher? Do you have an attorney? You should call your attorney and sue your singing teacher. That was horrrrrible" You've been set up to be ridiculed on national TV, AFTER you've been pumped up by three other sets of judges. It's cruelty TV at it's highest level. 

Let's face it, America, this is purely entertainment, and not very entertaining entertainment at that. Cowell needs a new insult writer (Simon: your insults are horrrrrible. I've heard better insults from comic acts at a senior citizens' home talent show), Paula needs a new wardrobe consultant, and Randy needs to check his ID.....yo, dawg, you're way too old to say "yo, dawg". And ABC...get a life, guys, report on the stock market scandal, the Jeff Gannon fiasco, or any of the real news that you've chosen to ignore, and forget about who Paula Abdul did or didn't have sex with.....unless of course you've got explicit pictures or videotape. In that case, I take it all back, this IS newsworthy. And that, my fellow American Idols, is the Faulking Truth.
I think the guy who wrote the column went a little too far…but in general …It could be engineered… 😉 You would have to question a disgruntled former contestant…but I still like the show…its one you can watch with your family and its entertaining.
Well, the fact that they kicked Constantine while keeping Scott makes me wonder.

Scott’s a terrible singer and performer. Constantine’s gotta go, yes, but not before Scott.
Well, the fact that they kicked Constantine while keeping Scott makes me wonder.

Scott’s a terrible singer and performer. Constantine’s gotta go, yes, but not before Scott.
I think one of the reasons Scott is still there is because of the support he has gotten from the website

Check it out and you will see what I’m talking about.

I can say with great pride that I have never, ever watched an episode of that ****. I hope that the jamming campaign works, the worst performer is chosen, and the show outlives its usefulness to its vulture producers.

EDIT: Wait, this is what we’re talking about?
Who cares?
Never saw it so I don’t. What amazes me is that the contestants appear in NEWS programs like this actually matters. Huh? I’m sure it’s entertaining but newsworthy?

Lisa N
Our local news here in Cleveland is nothing but advertising anymore. Every newscast on our FOX affiliate has some kind of American Idol segment on Tuesday’s and Wednesdays. I’ve noticed other channels are starting to do the same now too. Usually once I see an ad in the news like this I’ll put a different station on out of protest 🙂
I think whoever would try and vote in the worst one (as they see it)is just plain mean. American Idol is a entertaining show and one the family can watch…I enjoy it and watch it every week…I don’t care much who wins but you can bet they do…

Its just light entertainment ,folks …fun to follow and guess who will win. nothing more. you don’t have to watch :rolleyes:
Who cares?
oh, don’t say who cares… there’s at least 6 posters out there that can’t handle that opinion… you should be hearing from them very soon… look out…
People still watch this unadulterated drivel? No wonder non-Americans consider most Americans uncultured, uneducated retards.
People still watch this unadulterated drivel? No wonder non-Americans consider most Americans uncultured, uneducated retards.
**AMEN :amen: :amen: :amen: :amen: **
People still watch this unadulterated drivel? No wonder non-Americans consider most Americans uncultured, uneducated retards.
I don’t care what non American or any one else things of what I like to watch on tv.

I think I am stunned at your use of uneducated retard… I thought better of you. sad.
I don’t care what non American or any one else things of what I like to watch on tv.

I think I am stunned at your use of uneducated retard… I thought better of you. sad.
I’d have used something stronger, but I am trying to fly under the moderator’s radar. I’m sorry that my opinions cause you to think less of me. I just don’t think that shows like American Idol stimulate or add value to our culture, considering it has nothing to do with actual talent. I prefer Star Search (when it was on). I absolutely love the kids talent show that they have on PAX, America’s Most Talent Kids (or somthing similar).
Ah, the reason I don’t watch Network television or anything on any cable channel that’s “reality” based. Never saw an episode of that show or most of the stuff that’s on TV now. Stick mainly with Discovery-Times Channel, History Channel, History Channel International, National Geographic. Never saw Survivor or the other gar-ba-gay on TV: Chasing Farrah, The Gottis, etc.
Ah, the reason I don’t watch Network television or anything on any cable channel that’s “reality” based. Never saw an episode of that show or most of the stuff that’s on TV now. Stick mainly with Discovery-Times Channel, History Channel, History Channel International, National Geographic. Never saw Survivor or the other gar-ba-gay on TV: Chasing Farrah, The Gottis, etc.
I’m fascinated that some of these reality shows are so popular (Fear Factor, Survivor, the Gottis). I have to admit I can’t speak from experience but they just don’t sound very interesting and I’m constantly subjected to ‘teasers’ on that silly Gotti show when I’m watching A&E…which seems to have fewer and fewer worthwhile programs. Now we have Airplane. Good grief, I find airports quite insufferable. I would not want to experience more of them.

BTW on American Idol, I take it somehow the public judges this? I thought there was someone named Simon as well as Paula Abdul who were judges. If it’s public then it can be really subverted by people who think it’s funny for example to vote for the worst or most vulgar performer. That’s too bad. I thought the idea was to discover some new up and coming talent.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
I’m fascinated that some of these reality shows are so popular (Fear Factor, Survivor, the Gottis). I have to admit I can’t speak from experience but they just don’t sound very interesting and I’m constantly subjected to ‘teasers’ on that silly Gotti show when I’m watching A&E…which seems to have fewer and fewer worthwhile programs. Now we have Airplane. Good grief, I find airports quite insufferable. I would not want to experience more of them.

BTW on American Idol, I take it somehow the public judges this? I thought there was someone named Simon as well as Paula Abdul who were judges. If it’s public then it can be really subverted by people who think it’s funny for example to vote for the worst or most vulgar performer. That’s too bad. I thought the idea was to discover some new up and coming talent.

Lisa N
American Idol is a contest of sorts …the ‘judges’ at the I think final 12 only give their judgment on the preformance…people vote on the person they like the best by phoning in…so I supose it could be influenced by some negitive people. Its not a vulgar show …I like most of the singers …its something you could watch with your family and not worry.
But some don’t like it and I understand that…hey …we don’t all like the same programs. 🙂
American Idol is a contest of sorts …the ‘judges’ at the I think final 12 only give their judgment on the preformance…people vote on the person they like the best by phoning in…so I supose it could be influenced by some negitive people. Its not a vulgar show …I like most of the singers …its something you could watch with your family and not worry.
But some don’t like it and I understand that…hey …we don’t all like the same programs. 🙂
I’d never heard that it was vulgar or tasteless like some of the reality type shows. I just didn’t understand the way people were voted off the show. Recently someone named Constantine (this stuff seems to be news) was voted off although I understand the consensus was that he had great talent. Do you think it was a fair vote or did someone try to manipulate the results.
Lisa N
this is interesting, and, to me, humorous and at the same timg enlightening.

i haven’t watched tv in quite some years. i don’
t think i have missed a whole lot.
what is american idol? why ;is america so important?
i am a mixed up breed. if you want to be prejudiced.

the last time i saw tv was in the house of an acquaintance. jerry springer??? jerry!, jerry! with raised fists! seig heil! seig heil!
doesn’t anybody see the relationship? the eeuu is but a step away from fascism. i’m scared. i need my social security check for another 10 or 20. years, after that, you can have the place.

to digress a bit, if any fool can vote, you will surely get a fool for president

i’m done spouting off…
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