American Medical Association tells hospitals to eliminate processed meat

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Resolution 406: Healthful Hospital Foods

RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association hereby call on US hospitals to
improve the health of patients, staff, and visitors by (1) providing and promoting
plant-based meals that are low in fat, sodium, and added sugars for hospital
patients, staff, and visitors, and (2) eliminating the use of processed meats from
patient menus. (Directive to Take Action)

I am surprised.
No more bacon? That right there is a good reason for staying out of the hospital.

(Never mind that it might have been bacon that put me there in the first place 😮 )

I have talked with our nutrition people and they say no one buys the healthy stuff. Ever hear of chicken fried steak? Maybe that’s why obesity and heart disease are so prevalent.
They don’t want us to drink orange juice that has been sweetened a bit to make up for the fact that the oranges were picked before fully ripe, but they do want us to drink water that comes out a city tap laden with God-only-knows what.

And, of course, they want sweet or fattening things taxed in order for the government to subsidize whatever the bureaucrats think is healthy food.

Just one more excuse to tax.
I’ll add this, though. I think most processed meat is really unattractive and probably is unhealthful due to additives. I try to avoid it, but it’s getting harder all the time to do that.
That’s a good recommendation, but I doubt it will happen.
Hospitals are money making corporations. They’ll go as cheaply as they can get away with.
our American Medical Association hereby call on US hospitals to
improve the health of patients, staff, and visitors by (1) providing and promoting plant-based meals…
How would you get vitamin B12 if you only eat plant based meals?
Supplements. But hardly needed since none will be completely vegan.
they do want us to drink water that comes out a city tap laden with God-only-knows what
We know at least fluoride, since it is purposefully put there. We are drugged against our will and most importantly there is no dosage control. It is highly immoral.
How would you get vitamin B12 if you only eat plant based meals?
Or B3 if your diet is too corn heavy. Pellagra was epidemic in poor people in the South. Lots of people died from it and many more were ill.
I have read that it is more expensive sadly to buy healthy foods than non healthy foods. The price of fresh fruits can get expensive, especially for a family of 4 ,although vegetables are not so bad. Skilnless chicken breasts can cost as much as fat filled red meat etc.

I don’t really know how true this might be. Any comment about this from our posters?
I think you are right. unhealthy food is ls also more available. Plenty of McDonald and Burger Kings but how about fresh fruit and vegetable vendors?
fat filled red meat
Doesn’t need to be. Fully grass-fed is expensive because there’s no organized market, but its “good cholesterol” level is about the same as fish, but without the mercury.
I think it can be more costly to buy healthy food. You can of course grow your own if you have enough land for a garden. But also many can probably cut back on other things to allow more money for healthy foods.
I’ll add this, though. I think most processed meat is really unattractive and probably is unhealthful due to additives. I try to avoid it, but it’s getting harder all the time to do that.
Unfortunately, small butcher shops are becoming rarer and rarer. The best bologna I ever had came out of small meat processing plant. The most expensive I ever bought, but it was worth it.
The price of fresh fruits can get expensive, especially for a family of 4 ,although vegetables are not so bad. Skilnless chicken breasts can cost as much as fat filled red meat etc.
Fruits I’m sure is due to how fast they rot. And the canned or jarred stuff might be cheaper but they have added sugar. There’s nothing bad about frozen nutritionally though except you don’t get to pick them yourself and texture and etc.
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Yes, frozen may be most practical but I don’t know how frozen, fresh and canned compare in cost.
I looked at peaches (all measures in Canadian dollars and metric). And peaches aren’t in season too. But as of now:
Fresh: 87.7 cents per 100g
Frozen (sliced, in-store brand): 50 cents per 100g
Canned (sliced in juice (aka sugar), in-store brand): 47 cents per 100g
Thanks for the research. I am kind of glad to see frozen doing well. Next question is pesticides.
I sure saw a lot of politics written into that list, but on this note, they go to far, tampering with the delicious cuisine that is hospital food.
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