American Medical Association tells hospitals to eliminate processed meat

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Can the apples be tree-ripened? Oh, and can the oranges be those ugly little juice oranges from the Rio Grande Valley that are as sweet as sugar cubes?

I don’t know a good banana from a second-rate one. So I have nothing to say about those.
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So, if lactose tolerance is inheritable, then what else might be? And what might not be? Is the “Mediterranean diet” good for people of Mediterranean ancestry, but not for people in Ireland? Should Irish people keep on eating beef in large quantity, which they do?.
The Mediterranean diet is something of a myth.
Organic - the only other option. He spits out conventionals. (just noticed I left that out - lol)

You’d never guess he came from a shelter. 🤣🤣
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I was kidding. The rags to relative riches story of my Mal is a family joke. I assure you - he is spoiled well. 💕💕
Gun control, prison monitoring, mandatory suicide prevention training annually, state-mandated sugar levels in drinks.

It is one thing for them to tell of the dangers. It is a political action to say that these things are codified in law. They are doctors, not baby-sitters, educators, of correction officers.
So, if lactose tolerance is inheritable, then what else might be? And what might not be?
Just a biological note: all humans are born with the ability to make lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose (a type of sugar) in the intestinal tract. They need to be lactose-tolerant because human breastmilk contains plenty of lactose.

However, nearly all humans lose upwards of 95-99% of lactase production by their second birthday. Europeans included.

The fact that some adult humans retain slightly higher lactase enzyme counts enables them to tolerate milk consumption to a higher degree than others.

But even those who retain some tolerance into adulthood have a limit. As anyone knows who has consumed copious amounts of milk, ice cream, cheese, and/or yogurt in one setting only to beset with all the cramping and unpleasantness soon after.

As long as my English ancestry continues to permit me an occasional bowl of ice cream, we are at a peaceful detente.
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Meanwhile, Outback Steak House has rolled out a single meal that weighs in at 3500 calories. It’s a blooming onion topped with cheese sauce of some ilk and ribs.

What the…???
The fact that some adult humans retain slightly higher lactase enzyme counts enables them to tolerate milk consumption to a higher degree than others.

But even those who retain some tolerance into adulthood have a limit. As anyone knows who has consumed copious amounts of milk, ice cream, cheese, and/or yogurt in one setting only to beset with all the cramping and unpleasantness soon after.

As long as my English ancestry continues to permit me an occasional bowl of ice cream, we are at a peaceful detente.
Occasional? Not to be a smart aleck, but my only limit on milk product consumption is the capacity of my stomach. It never, ever makes me sick or gives me pain.

It’s more than retention of a tiny bit of tolerance, and the variation even among Europeans is huge.
You might be right about loss of 95-99% of lactase production, but dietary tolerance suggests otherwise to me.

But my point was not, in any event, to argue some kind of European superiority. Quite likely there are similar phenomena among other groups in dietary tolerances, just as there are in disease immunities.
Occasional? Not to be a smart aleck, but my only limit on milk product consumption is the capacity of my stomach. It never, ever makes me sick or gives me pain.
There are outliers in every population, nothing untoward about that. You are welcome to my portion of ice cream, as I’m more leery of excess amounts of sugar in general than specifically lactose!
You might be right about loss of 95-99% of lactase production, but dietary tolerance suggests otherwise to me.
That information came to me courtesy of an Anatomy & Physiology class in my college days, back when I fancied becoming an M.D.

I still have my textbook. Fascinating class, but somewhat disturbing sometimes.
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Wow! And most of it saturated fat.
I don’t know about the fat, but MREs have almost as many calories. Of course, they’re for soldiers out in the field, burning calories like nobody’s business.
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