Amsterdam Apparition and Mary as the "Co-Redemptrix"

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I am a new Catholic, but a Christian since a very young age. One of the few issues which created an obstacle for my family in the conversion process from the Episcopal tradition was the concept of Mary as the “Co-Redemptrix”. After communicating with many informed Catholics (including a few through these forums), I have decided that I am not comfortable with this title, and that my view does not in any way prevent me from being a good Catholic.

There have been various forum discussions on the “Co-Redemptrix” in the past few months, and they usually become less than effective at creating a source for real dialogue. Instead of focusing on the larger issue of Mary as the “Co-Redemptrix”, I wanted to focus on what the Amsterdam apparition might teach us (indirectly) about the validity of this title.

Recently, another forum member brought this particular apparition to our attention, claiming that it served as evidence for support of this title of glorification for Mary. In doing some research on this particular apparition, some serious issues of concern arose with the way this apparition presented itself and what it declared to be the truth.

For instance, Richard Paul Salbato brings up seven points concerning this apparition which are either in stark opposition to the Christian faith, or, at the very least, serve as serious warning bells to the beiever. For example, Richard points out that it is incorrect to view Mary as the “Lady of all Nations”. She can be viewed as the mother of all Catholics or Christians, but to extend it beyond that scope makes her into something which is not supported by the Scriptures. It also asserts that all are saved–with apparently no distinction as to their particular level of faith, or lack thereof. This would cast uncertainty upon the Last Judgement. Another example centers on the apparition’s declaration of the “Co-Redemptrix” title as dogma–before any such declaration has been made by the Church. Another one of his points which caught my attention centered on the assertion by the apparition that things had gotten “so out of hand” that they had to call in Mary. Christ apparently was not sufficient, and the whole gist of the appearances is to move the focus from the pure redemptive power of Jesus Christ to some undefined and vague notion of Mary as the real redeemer.

Since I am still somewhat new at this, I may have made some errors on the paragraphs above. The bottom line is this. If the Amsterdam Apparition was not Mary, then who was it? It seems to me that the answer would have to be the devil. If the devil did indeed cause a false apparition to demand the title of the “Co-Redemptrix”, shouldn’t this give the rest of us some serious concern regarding the use of this title? I don’t know about the rest of you, but the account of this apparition seems quite different than the more widely-accepted apparitions with which we are familiar. It seems more like an attempt by the enemy to mislead the Church, and the Mary of this particular apparition comes across more as a spoiled queen than any kind of blessed figure. What are your thoughts?
This is a good point… I guess the question is what is the official recogniction status of this particular apparition? From a quick search on the web, there do appear to be some serious questions as to the source of this appearance. If it is not of God, then it would have to be from Satan, right?
Re If it is not of God, then it would have to be from Satan, right? No. Such things can be from God, from human imagination, or from satan. This could even be from God and poorly reported. More likely it is the product of an overactive human imagination.

Be slow to give satan credit; he delights in attention. 😉
I am a new Catholic, but a Christian since a very young age. One of the few issues which created an obstacle for my family in the conversion process from the Episcopal tradition was the concept of Mary as the “Co-Redemptrix”. After communicating with many informed Catholics (including a few through these forums), I have decided that I am not comfortable with this title, and that my view does not in any way prevent me from being a good Catholic.

There have been various forum discussions on the “Co-Redemptrix” in the past few months, and they usually become less than effective at creating a source for real dialogue. Instead of focusing on the larger issue of Mary as the “Co-Redemptrix”, I wanted to focus on what the Amsterdam apparition might teach us (indirectly) about the validity of this title.

Recently, another forum member brought this particular apparition to our attention, claiming that it served as evidence for support of this title of glorification for Mary. In doing some research on this particular apparition, some serious issues of concern arose with the way this apparition presented itself and what it declared to be the truth.

For instance, Richard Paul Salbato brings up seven points concerning this apparition which are either in stark opposition to the Christian faith, or, at the very least, serve as serious warning bells to the beiever. For example, Richard points out that it is incorrect to view Mary as the “Lady of all Nations”. She can be viewed as the mother of all Catholics or Christians, but to extend it beyond that scope makes her into something which is not supported by the Scriptures. It also asserts that all are saved–with apparently no distinction as to their particular level of faith, or lack thereof. This would cast uncertainty upon the Last Judgement. Another example centers on the apparition’s declaration of the “Co-Redemptrix” title as dogma–before any such declaration has been made by the Church. Another one of his points which caught my attention centered on the assertion by the apparition that things had gotten “so out of hand” that they had to call in Mary. Christ apparently was not sufficient, and the whole gist of the appearances is to move the focus from the pure redemptive power of Jesus Christ to some undefined and vague notion of Mary as the real redeemer.

Since I am still somewhat new at this, I may have made some errors on the paragraphs above. The bottom line is this. If the Amsterdam Apparition was not Mary, then who was it? It seems to me that the answer would have to be the devil. If the devil did indeed cause a false apparition to demand the title of the “Co-Redemptrix”, shouldn’t this give the rest of us some serious concern regarding the use of this title? I don’t know about the rest of you, but the account of this apparition seems quite different than the more widely-accepted apparitions with which we are familiar. It seems more like an attempt by the enemy to mislead the Church, and the Mary of this particular apparition comes across more as a spoiled queen than any kind of blessed figure. What are your thoughts?
Hello again Writer
hey i was looking for something on Rick salbato about the lady of all nations. could you help me find his comments???

As far as the questions raised…the idea of our Blessed Lady being the mother of all nations makes perfect sense. Is God only the god of Christians?? of course not, he is the God of all of us. So is Mary as our Mother. She, as the Mother of God, is truly the mother of every human being. so as the mother of all of us no matter what race, age, religion , etc…she is the Mother of All Nations. does that make sense?? if not im sorry its hard to communicate what im tryig to say through the computer.

Now all of the accounts of the apparitions that i have read, have never given the impression that Mary is somehow diminishing the role of Christ as Redeemer, quite contrary she constantly points to him and to the trinity.

Also you say you are uncomfortable with the title Co-redemtrix. I can definitely understand this, noting your protestant background. You may want to check out an interview on, its very insightful as to what this title actually means. also remember, this stuff is not new, Mary has always been considered these things, but not dogmatically.

also note that the apparition has been declared authentic, as of 2002 by the current Bishop Punt. up untill that point it had been tirelessly investigated for 50 years.

this is by no means everything there is to talk about, but i hope that maybe some of this helps.
Re If it is not of God, then it would have to be from Satan, right? No. Such things can be from God, from human imagination, or from satan. This could even be from God and poorly reported. More likely it is the product of an overactive human imagination.
Be slow to give satan credit; he delights in attention.
Denial of the substantial effect of Satan’s efforts to delude, in fact, delights him!

Here is some historical fact on one instance:

Magdalen of the Cross - false "visionary"

“The mystical experiences of the great St Teresa of Avila herself were the subject of much suspicion and outright hostility on the part of many learned and holy theologians of the time, not necessarily to the concept of private revelations, or to the charismata as manifested in certain individuals, rather, at least in part, because of the fact that many members of the ‘theological establishment’ in Spain and throughout Europe had only recently been deceived by a false mystic, the notorious Magdalen of the Cross:…Magdalen of the Cross…at the beginning of the century of St Teresa of Avila, fooled almost the whole of Spain…on certain days she had either the stigmata or sweats of blood, and she announced the defeat and imprisonment of Francis I by the Spanish army at Pavia… Hence, the tide of enthusiasm of which he was the cause. Common people, parish priests, emperors, many venerated her, and consulted with her. However, an apostolic visitor from Rome was shocked by some detains he saw in her convent. He spoke to each of the sisters and, especially with the Mother Abbess, Magdalen of the Cross, who eventually confessed that, while a young shepherdess, she had sold her soul to the devil in return for his giving her the power of performing prodigies. Thus she deceived everybody for thirty years. (2) The footnote is from “Rev. Ludovic-Marie Barrielle, C.P. C.R. V., Rules for the Discerning of Spirits in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Angelus Press, Kansas City, MO. 1992.”
Extract from “Medjugorje, The Facts and Logic”, by Brian Hughes”

Further information may be gleaned from Volume 1 ~ the collected works of St Teresa of Avila, translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D., and Otilio Rodriguez, O.C.D., Institute of Carmelite Studies, Washington, D.C., 1976: “Another visionary, Magdalena de la Cruz, a Poor Clare with a reputation for holiness, severe fasts, and long vigils, also bearing the stigmata, let it be known that she no longer required any food except the consecrated Host in daily Communion. In an investigation by the Inquisition she confessed to being a secret devil worshipper. Inspired by two incubuses with whom she had made a pact, she became very skillful at all sorts of legerdemain, Through her success in fooling both bishops and kings, she brought the fear of being deceived to all of Spain.”
From the Introduction to the above book, by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D., p.8

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says this of “private revelation”

"67 Throughout the ages, there have been so-called ‘private’ revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium, knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church.

"Christian faith cannot accept ‘revelations’ that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment, as is the case in certain non-Christian religions, and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such ‘revelations.’ " (Emphasis added.)

From another source:

*Satanic Mimicry

Fr. Groeschel cites the case of the Franciscan nun, Magdalena of the Cross, who had been “three times abbess of her monastery at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Complete with self-inflicted stigmata and the ability to levitate above the earth, with ecstasies and the gift of prophesy, she even convinced others that she had lived without food. She enjoyed a reputation for extraordinary holiness for several decades. Bishops, clergy, great nobles, and even inquisitors flocked to her. She succeeded in deluding a large number of Spanish theologians who prided themselves on not being easily taken in. However, in danger of death, she confessed that the whole thing was a fabrication and that in fact she inflicted the stigmata on herself. By her own admission she had sold her soul to Satan in return for all of these deceptive gifts, and she actually had to be subjected to exorcism” (A Still Small Voice, pp. 45-46). Rallying from her illness, the nun attempted to stage a “come-back,” and spent her remaining years in the care of the Inquisition.
Hello again Writer
hey i was looking for something on Rick salbato about the lady of all nations. could you help me find his comments???

Here you are:​ ##
As far as the questions raised…the idea of our Blessed Lady being the mother of all nations makes perfect sense. Is God only the god of Christians?? of course not, he is the God of all of us. So is Mary as our Mother. She, as the Mother of God, is truly the mother of every human being. so as the mother of all of us no matter what race, age, religion , etc…she is the Mother of All Nations. does that make sense?? if not im sorry its hard to communicate what im tryig to say through the computer.

Now all of the accounts of the apparitions that i have read, have never given the impression that Mary is somehow diminishing the role of Christ as Redeemer, quite contrary she constantly points to him and to the trinity.

Also you say you are uncomfortable with the title Co-redemtrix. I can definitely understand this, noting your protestant background. You may want to check out an interview on, its very insightful as to what this title actually means. also remember, this stuff is not new, Mary has always been considered these things, but not dogmatically.

also note that the apparition has been declared authentic, as of 2002 by the current Bishop Punt. up untill that point it had been tirelessly investigated for 50 years.

this is by no means everything there is to talk about, but i hope that maybe some of this helps.
All these apparitions of Mary demanding new titles look to me very suspicious, rather sinister and not like something Mary would do.

But, then, I am a catholic with a protestant background too.
Gottle of Geer said:

hey thanks for the link.
i have one question, what is his deal with the Legionares of Christ?
I am friends with a couple Legionare priests, they are extremely devout, orthodox young men. Ive heard nothing but wonderful things about their movement, especially from the vatican, until i ran across all this UnityPublishing jazz. These folks claim that they are a cult. I just found that really strange. It comes off like these people have a rabid dislike for the Legionares, i mean they have a whole link devoted specifically to slandering them.
Hello all,

Does anyone have a figure for the total times that Rome has actually approved or sanctioned Marian apparitions compared to the number of times that people have claimed to have seen her?

hey thanks for the link.
i have one question, what is his deal with the Legionares of Christ?
I am friends with a couple Legionare priests, they are extremely devout, orthodox young men. Ive heard nothing but wonderful things about their movement, especially from the vatican, until i ran across all this UnityPublishing jazz. These folks claim that they are a cult. I just found that really strange. It comes off like these people have a rabid dislike for the Legionares, i mean they have a whole link devoted specifically to slandering them.
== I’m afraid I have no idea - I just searched on Mr. Salbato’s name 🙂 ==
Just wanted to say a quick thank you for all the wonderful observations and suggestions. I thought I was subscribed to the thread, but never was made aware of the earlier posts. I look forward to returning soon and reading everything very carefully… Thanks!
Hello again Writer
hey i was looking for something on Rick salbato about the lady of all nations. could you help me find his comments???

As far as the questions raised…the idea of our Blessed Lady being the mother of all nations makes perfect sense. Is God only the god of Christians?? of course not, he is the God of all of us. So is Mary as our Mother. She, as the Mother of God, is truly the mother of every human being. so as the mother of all of us no matter what race, age, religion , etc…she is the Mother of All Nations. does that make sense?? if not im sorry its hard to communicate what im tryig to say through the computer.

Now all of the accounts of the apparitions that i have read, have never given the impression that Mary is somehow diminishing the role of Christ as Redeemer, quite contrary she constantly points to him and to the trinity.

Also you say you are uncomfortable with the title Co-redemtrix. I can definitely understand this, noting your protestant background. You may want to check out an interview on, its very insightful as to what this title actually means. also remember, this stuff is not new, Mary has always been considered these things, but not dogmatically.

also note that the apparition has been declared authentic, as of 2002 by the current Bishop Punt. up untill that point it had been tirelessly investigated for 50 years.

this is by no means everything there is to talk about, but i hope that maybe some of this helps.
Thank you for your post, Delorean Boy. I appreciate the open lines of communication on this topic. Below is an interesting quote from Rick Salbato on the issue you raised. While it is a bit on the complicated side, I think he may have a point here. Mary can’t really be seen as the mother of non-believers, can she? If she is seen this way, doesn’t it diminish her unique power of intercession she offers believers? It also seems to head us down the road of “universal brotherhood” in such a way that we lose sight of the significance of lost faith on the part of the individual. In other words, if Mary were seen as the Mother of All, wouldn’t we expect lighter treatment (motherly treatment) on those non-believers on judgement day?

“Then, who meets the definition of this title of “The Lady of All Nations”, strictly speaking from the standpoint of scholastic theology? The answer is the old Eve, because she was the mother of physical bodies of all descendants of Adam and Eve. Therefore, Satan is trying to sever crucial ties between the real Mary Mother and Catholic believers, while disguising the old Eve as the Holy Mother.”
whosebob said:

Dear Writer,

Did you ever have/take time to carefully and thoroughly read the following works authored by the late Fr. William Most?

Cooperation in Redemption

Our Lady’s Cooperation in the Redemption

Co-redemption and Queenship in Ad Caeli Reginam.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.


No, I will take a look… I think, though, that that there is a difference between cooperation and the title “Co-Redemptrix”. In fact, I think the Pope described Mary’s role as “cooperation”. Put it this way… If something demands titles for itself, it leads me to suspect it is not of divine origin. Titles emphasize the self, or the created as opposed to the Creator. That’s how it seems to me, at any rate.

Another interesting aspect of the Amsterdam apparition concerns the prophetic elements. Unlike Fatima where 100% of the prophecies came true, a number of the prophesies given by this apparition never passed into reality. According to another essay by the Salbato, there was a warning regarding meteors, for example, but they never appeared.

“(Page 31) Now I see written 51,53. [1951-1953] “These are meteors, watch out for them!”
[No meteors appeared from 1951-1953]”.
. . . I think, though, that that there is a difference between cooperation and the title “Co-Redemptrix”. In fact, I think the Pope described Mary’s role as “cooperation”. . .

I think Fr. Most’s point, though he never states it as such because it’s not the point he’s trying to make, is that:

(1) Mary co-operated in the objective redemption.

(2) She did so in either an immediate or a remote manner.

(3) If it can be said with theological certainty that it is a certain Catholic belief that Mary enjoyed an immediate co-operation in the objective redemption of mankind, then it is also important to note that she is the only human person for which this can or could ever be asserted.

Therefore, if #3 holds up, there is some “title” fitting for this unique role which Mary had in salvation history. Perhaps “co-redemptrix” is fitting, but maybe another title would be more appropriate, who’s to say?

By the way, there were several religious orders that were dedicated to Mary, Immaculately Conceived, centuries before the IC was defined in 1854 by Blessed Pope Pius IX.

The Marians of the Immaculate Conception are one example, founded in 1673 by Father Stanislaus of Jesus Mary Papczynski.

Also, take into consideration the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Catherine Labore in 1830:

From the link above
As if from rings set with precious stones dazzling rays of light were emitted from her fingers. These, she said, were symbols of the graces which would be bestowed on all who asked for them. Sister Catherine adds that around the figure appeared an oval frame bearing in golden letters the words “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”; on the back appeared the letter M, surmounted by a cross, with a crossbar beneath it, and under all the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the former surrounded by a crown of thorns, and the latter pierced by a sword.
Now, I do understand the point you’re making about somebody demanding a title, but it seems that Our Lady in the past has been involved in the promotion of the truths about herself.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

I do not know the truth of this, nor where I heard it, but I have heard the Holy Father was advised by over 100 Marian theologians to let this go and he did so. Does anyone know?
hey thanks for the link.
i have one question, what is his deal with the Legionares of Christ?
I am friends with a couple Legionare priests, they are extremely devout, orthodox young men. Ive heard nothing but wonderful things about their movement, especially from the vatican, until i ran across all this UnityPublishing jazz. These folks claim that they are a cult. I just found that really strange. It comes off like these people have a rabid dislike for the Legionares, i mean they have a whole link devoted specifically to slandering them.
New fruitfull, orthodox, Catholic orders are always under attacked. Even by many well meaning Catholics, and yes even bishops. It is so bad the Legionaries have a web site to defend their name.

Here is an artilce about some of the abuse they have gone through.

Sorry off topic.
Our Lady of All Nations apparition in Amsterdam received the local bishop’s approval in 2002.
All I know is that the Church opposed the acceptance of this particular apparition for nearly half a century–pretty agressively, too. A local bishop apparently made the cause his own recently and succeeded in obtaining a local level of “approved” status. It is unclear whether this amounts to the same thing as church-wide acceptance, however. As I observed in a related thread, sometimes these appearances seem to develop a kind of nationalism about them. I am not sure, but it seems something similar has taken place with regards to this particular appearance.

Also, can the word “supernatural”, as used in the page linked to above, refer to a variety of supernatural orgins, or only divine supernatural–e.g. satanic influence?
In looking at the prayer below and some excerpts from the apparition, I am struck with the emphasis on something akin to the “flavor and tone” of modern psychology and sociology movements of the period in which the apparitions took place. Unlike the great Catholic writers such as G.K. Chesterton who wrote against eugenics when it was all the rage, this apparition appears ready to adopt the flavor of the month without any hessitation. As Salbato notes in the second piece found on the Unity website, what she is preaching is more akin to Communism than Christianity–a unity of all peoples whether, or not, they are actual believers. Also, look at the apparition’s prayer for a moment…


#1 Are we to pray for the avoidance of personal suffering? Perhaps at times, praying for relief or respite is fine, but if this is our only focus, aren’t we focusing on ourselves too much. Wouldn’t it be more in line with Church teaching to pray that we do right when times are difficult, when we’re suffering? The attitude here reminds me of what my problem was with the popularity among Christians of the “Prayer of Jabiz”. The emphasis is on the needs of the self, not on God.

#2 “Who once was Mary”
Excuse me, but doesn’t this phrase send up some warning flares? We believe that Mary was assumed into heaven (either before or after a natural death, as I understand it). This implies Mary is no more…that she has been replaced by something more powerful, something which rivals the redemptive power of Christ for our allegiance and attention.

The Lady of Nations is important because, if we don’t accept it as a valid and true apparition, it casts doubt upon everything (it) demanded of us–e.g high titles of “Co-Redemptrix”. From what I have read, so far, this apparition’s source looks to be more likely from the direction of Screwtape than from the glory of heaven. I would suggest we keep saying the Rosary and don’t replace the prayers with the “prayer” of the Lady of Nations. The humility, love, and wisdom of the true Mary is readily apparent in the Bible and the more widely-accepted apparitions of the Catholic Church. The Lady of Nations appears to me to simply be an attempt by the enemy to muddle ur thinking and turn us against ourselves–all the while asserting the “unity of nations” and the brotherhood of man.

Hope everyone has a blessed and sparkling Christmas this year!
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