The pilgrimage trade is lucrative, and hard to give up even when the Church has spoken again and again and again. The Holy Office, forerunner to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave the first condemnation of Amsterdam and Ida Peerdeman’s writings and her phony fist-shaking “Mary” in the fifties, and the condemnation has been oft repeated as disobedience continued. The condemnation is final. Nobody can undo Vatican condemnation but the Vatican.
Under the onslaught of millions of petitions from VOX POPULI, run by Mark Miravalle of Franciscan University (former promoter of Medjugorje), the Church appointed a committee to separately consider the “Final Dogma,” which it denounced. The committee included Fr. Rene Laurentin, who never met a Marian apparition he didn’t like. Further, Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said it was never going to be adopted. NEVER! CoMA is confusing and, as one theologian put it, “a waste of all that infallibility.”
Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate, the “Final Dogma” of Amsterdamned, is stupid. It’s stupid to slam three poetic titles together and call that one dogma when it is inherently confusing. It’s stupid to adopt Marian dogma that doesn’t define Jesus’ nature reflexively. It’s stupid to adopt something as Marian dogma that does not apply uniquely to Mary. All believers are called to cooperate with Christ’s redemption, and to mediate and advocate with Christ.
Why reinvent the wheel? Do you know why it is so hard to find the writings of Ida Peerdeman online? She’s not just a heretic, she’s a goofball. Peerdeman called another Church-condemned French-Canadienne “seer” the reincarnation of Mary. That doesn’t even touch the anti-Jewish passages, or “Mary’s” communist demands, or “Mary’s” fist-shaking rant while she counsels the laity to fight the Church. Even the provisional bishop’s illegal permission for pilgrims stated that Peerdeman was a goofball. Whether influenced by the world, the flesh or the devil, this is not of God. The term is “preternatural,” the word for false miracles not of God.
CoMA is condemned. Pray for the ultimate miracle. Pray for Mark Miravalle to repent and undo all the damage to those millions of souls propagandized by VOX POPULI’s error, not the least of which is through Miravalle’s Queenship Publishing arm, which spreads Ida Peerdeman’s condemned writings.
Blessed Virgin Mary, pierced with a sword of sorrow that the thoughts of all may be revealed, expose all thoughts, cleansing them in the fire of your Son Jesus Christ’s Sacred Heart. AMEN
Under the onslaught of millions of petitions from VOX POPULI, run by Mark Miravalle of Franciscan University (former promoter of Medjugorje), the Church appointed a committee to separately consider the “Final Dogma,” which it denounced. The committee included Fr. Rene Laurentin, who never met a Marian apparition he didn’t like. Further, Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said it was never going to be adopted. NEVER! CoMA is confusing and, as one theologian put it, “a waste of all that infallibility.”
Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate, the “Final Dogma” of Amsterdamned, is stupid. It’s stupid to slam three poetic titles together and call that one dogma when it is inherently confusing. It’s stupid to adopt Marian dogma that doesn’t define Jesus’ nature reflexively. It’s stupid to adopt something as Marian dogma that does not apply uniquely to Mary. All believers are called to cooperate with Christ’s redemption, and to mediate and advocate with Christ.
Why reinvent the wheel? Do you know why it is so hard to find the writings of Ida Peerdeman online? She’s not just a heretic, she’s a goofball. Peerdeman called another Church-condemned French-Canadienne “seer” the reincarnation of Mary. That doesn’t even touch the anti-Jewish passages, or “Mary’s” communist demands, or “Mary’s” fist-shaking rant while she counsels the laity to fight the Church. Even the provisional bishop’s illegal permission for pilgrims stated that Peerdeman was a goofball. Whether influenced by the world, the flesh or the devil, this is not of God. The term is “preternatural,” the word for false miracles not of God.
CoMA is condemned. Pray for the ultimate miracle. Pray for Mark Miravalle to repent and undo all the damage to those millions of souls propagandized by VOX POPULI’s error, not the least of which is through Miravalle’s Queenship Publishing arm, which spreads Ida Peerdeman’s condemned writings.
Blessed Virgin Mary, pierced with a sword of sorrow that the thoughts of all may be revealed, expose all thoughts, cleansing them in the fire of your Son Jesus Christ’s Sacred Heart. AMEN