Amsterdam Apparition and Mary as the "Co-Redemptrix"

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First I will explain, and then what follows are certain key messages from Our Lady of All Nations to Ida Peederman (which were approved by the Church), which support the explanation.

OK, you are going to have to do some reading to understand what this is all about and what is about to happen.

The answer is quite simply that you are talking to the wrong people. The priests that I know, are excited about the forthcoming declaration of the 5th Marian dogma. Once again, Mary as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate is already Catholic doctrine.

We are living through the Great Apostasy. Within the last few days the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued two Nota’s …one with respect to a priest and his writings, and another with respect to a priest and nun who are speaking in favor of homosexuality. Indeed there are liberals within the Church who seek to undermine it.

Pope John Paul II issued Ad Tuendam Fidem (“To Protect the Faith”) specifically because of the forthcoming Great Apostasy. Pay particular attention to whom it is addressed to [emphasis mine]:

We have been told for centuries through private prophecy that one of Freemasonry’s goals is to undermine the Church of Christ. So significant is this threat that Pope Leo XIII issued an encyclical against Freemasonry and issued an anatema to any Catholic who joins the Freemasons.

Pope John Paul II (through the CDF) affirmed this in

Further, it has been reported that after a particular mystical experience, Pope Leo XIII wrote the Prayer to St. Michael which we know today. However, the original version reads as follows (note the highlighted verbiage):

Further, he intercepted certain plans of the Alta Vendita (Freemasons) and part of their plans to undermine the Church. You will find it here:
Now, Genesis 3:15 of the Vulgate reads: ** **"I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel. " The woman of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 11:19-12:6 is the Blessed Mother of God. n.b. She is the New Ark of the Covenant, as she carried the Incarnate Word of God for nine months within her womb. The ‘Old’ ark of the covenant was burried in a cave by Jeremiah, where it remains today. The Ark of the Covenant that St. John spoke of in Rev. 11 has to be the New Ark of the Covenant the Blessed Mother…with that in mind read the first part of Rev. 1`2.

Further, in private prophecy we have been told that she will crush the head of Satan as follows (simply stated):

Additionally, we have been told that God’s plan (as in so many other cases) requires direct interaction on the part of man. ** We have been told that once the existing doctrine of Mary as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate is elevated to the level of dogma, that Our Lady will be given full power to crush the head of Satan as predicted in the Vulgate (Gen 3:15).**

If I recall…Dr. Mark Miravalle discusses that here (if not here then in one or more of his other writings):

(The link there to Coredemptrix, Mediatrix adn Advocate is down at the moment.

You will recall that the messages of Our Lady of All Nations address this title, and that the Church has approved such apparitions as worthy of belief. Clearly, that would not have been done if Mary as CMA was not already doctrine.

Now, back to the Great Apostasy…we have been told that we are living through it. Further, we have been told (and have seen) that the forthcoming Great Schism within the Church is already present within the Church, but it is not yet ‘formal’. Indeed there are a good number of priests who do not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Euchraist, etc.

Additionally, we have been told that when the 5th dogma is declared, that the Great Schism will be come open and ‘formal’. The Faithful Remnant will follow Pope John Paul II (and his true successor), while the great many will apostasize and follow the so-called False Prophet.

John Paul II is to declare the 5th Marian dogma, and as a result of the Great Schism and those intent upon undermining the Church will have to flee Rome. Wherever the Pope is, there is the true Catholic Church. A false pope will be illegitimately ‘elected’ and the apostates will follow him and his one-world religion.
Excerpts of Certain Messages of Our Lady of All Nations to Ida Peederman
Approved by the Church

(I have to post in multiple parts)

The following are excerpts of messages given to Ida Peerderman of Amsterdam from Our Lady of All Nations during the 1950’s, only. The apparitions and messages have been approved by the Church as ‘worthy of belief’ (n.b. the underscores, bolding and highlighting are mine):

“I have said: this time is Our time. By this I mean the following: the world is caught up in degeneration and superficiality; it does not know which direction to turn. That is why the Father is sending me to be the Advocate, so that the Holy Spirit will come. For the world is not saved by force, the world will be saved by the Spirit. For it is nothing other than ideas which rule the world. Very well then, Church of Rome, know your task. Bring your ideas, bring Christ anew.” (#32 April 29, 1951)

“I have said: this time is Our time. This means that the Father and the Son wants to send the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate throughout the whole world in this time.” (#34 July 2, 1951)

“I was already Coredemptrix at the Annunciation.”

“This means: the Mother was made Coredemptrix by the will of the Father.”

“The new and final dogma of Marian history will be the dogma of the Coredemptrix and Mediatrix As Advocate” (#37 & 38 1951)

“The Lady of All Nations hereby promises that those who ask will be heard according to the will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This prayer has been given for the redemption of the world. This prayer has been given for the conversion of the world. Pray this prayer in all that you do. This prayer shall be spread in churches and by modern means. The people of this world shall learn to invoke the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, as their Advocate, that the world may be delivered from degeneration, disaster and war. Tell this to your theologians. This time is Our time. Come before this image and pray.” (#38 December 31, 1951)

“The Lady of All Nations will stand above the community. Let everyone ask using this simple prayer, and the Lady will help them according to the will of the Father and the Son. She was Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord. She now wishes to be the Lady of All Nations. No matter who or what you are, come to the Lady of All Nations.”

“I warn the Christian people and say: realize the seriousness of this time. Join hands. Plant the Cross in the midst of the world. You are all responsible for your task which you have to accomplish in this time. Do not let yourselves be led to the wrong spirit. Pray every day that the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, may send the Holy Spirit over this world, and the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, will be your Advocate. So be it.” (#41 April 6, 1952)

“I implore and ask the Church of Rome: fight in this time with one accord for the one Truth, the Lord and Creator of this world, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This time is the time of the Holy Spirit. All of you, ask the Holy Spirit to bring the True Spirit over the world. The world is degenerating. The great ones of this world strive for power. The great ones of this world think only in materialistic terms. People are being scattered and misled.”

Now the Lady points at the globe. I see confusion and unrest among the peoples. The Lady says,
“Just look over all these countries. Nowhere unity, nowhere peace, nowhere tranquility for the peoples. Everywhere tension, everywhere anxiety. The Lord Jesus Christ allows this. His time will come. Beforehand there will be a time of unrest. Humanism, paganism, atheists, snakes - beforehand they will try to rule this world.” (#42 June 15, 1952)
I then see the world with all those groups of people on it, and, so to speak, an enormous hand clasping it. The Lady says,
“Listen to the Lady, who wants to be your Mother. Pray, nations, that your sacrifice may find favor with the Lord. Pray, nations, that the true Holy Spirit may come. Pray, nations, that the Lady of All Nations may be your Advocate.”

Then the Lady says very slowly and clearly,
“And now the Lady of All Nations promises to grant true peace. But the nations, together with the Church - understand well - together with the Church, will have to pray my prayer in this year. Tell this to the Sacrista. Say that the time has now come. Great world events are still to come.”

The Lady says the latter with emphasis.
“Your spiritual director shall see to it. Do not be afraid. It is Mary, the Lady of All Nations, who is bringing this message.”

The Lady pauses again for a moment. Then she says clearly and slowly,
“Under this title she will save the world.” (#45 March 20, 1945)

The Lady is standing before me. She says,
“I have come today to bring a special message. Ask the Holy Father to pray the prayer - which Mary as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, under the title ‘The Lady of All Nations’, has given to the world - and to lead the nations in praying it.”

“Tell him: apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, teach your peoples this simple yet profound prayer. It is Mary, the Lady of All Nations, who asks this of you. You are the shepherd of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Tend your sheep. Know well, great threats are hanging over the Church, are hanging over the world. Now the moment has come for you to speak of Mary as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, under the title ‘The Lady of All Nations’. Why is Mary asking this of you? Because she has been sent by her Lord and Creator so that, under this title and through this prayer, she may deliver the world from a great world catastrophe. You know that Mary wishes to come as the Lady of All Nations. She is now asking that the people may hear this title from you, the Holy Father.”

“The Pope’s Sacrista shall give this message, as the other ones, to the Holy Father. Through this prayer the Lady will save the world. I repeat this promise once more.” (#46 May 10, 1953)

“The Lady of All Nations will be allowed to bring peace to the world. Yet she must be asked for it under this title. The Lady of All Nations will assist the Church of Rome. The Church of Rome, the community, shall invoke Mary, the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, under this new title, ‘The Lady of All Nations’. They shall pray my prayer against degeneration, disaster and war, and bring it among all nations. I shall help the Church of Rome, the community. The nations shall invoke me under this title.”

The Lady says this with great emphasis. Now the Lady raises her forefinger as if in warning and says,
“Holy Father [Pope Pius XII], you have a great task to accomplish before you are taken up among Us. The Lady tells you once again: carry through with the plans that you have worked out. See to the final dogma, the crowning of the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. In 54 you are to bring this new title among the nations.” (#47 October 11, 1953)
Now the Lady pauses for a moment, gazing before herself. Then I feel something terribly horrid coming around the Lady. She says,
“The powers of hell will break loose.”

Next it is as if I heard thunder and terrible noise about her. But then the Lady smiles and says,
“They will not, however, defeat the Lady of All Nations.” (#48 December 3, 1953)

“Because Mary is Coredemptrix, she is also Mediatrix, she is also Advocate. Not only because she is the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, but - and mark this well - because she is the Immaculate Conception.”

“It is the crowning of your Lady.”

“This dogma must come as a keystone of Marian thought. Tell the theologians that the Lady of All Nations wants to see this fulfilled.” (49 April 4, 1954)

“The Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate is now standing before you. I have chosen this day - on this day May 31 ] the Lady will be crowned.”

“On this date the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate will receive her official title as ‘The Lady of All Nations.’ Mark well, these three thoughts in one act. These three.”

Now, all of a sudden, it is as if I were standing with the Lady above the dome of a big church. As we enter, I hear the Lady say, “I am taking you there. Relate what I let you see and hear.”

We are now in a very big church, in St. Peter’s. I see lots of cardinals and bishops gathered there. Then the Pope enters. It is a Pope I do not know. He is being carried in a kind of chair, but later he continues on foot. People cheer; the choir begins to sing. Now the Holy Father is announcing something in a language I do not understand, while holding up two fingers.

All at once the Lady stands on the globe again. She smiles and says, “Child, thus have I let you see what is the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. This day will become the coronation of His Mother, the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary.”

“The Lady of All Nations wishes for unity in the true Holy Spirit. The world is covered by a false spirit, by Satan. Once the dogma, the final dogma in Marian history, has been proclaimed, the Lady of All Nations will grant peace, true peace, to the world. The nations, however, must pray my prayer, together with the Church. They shall know that the Lady of All Nations has come as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. So be it.” (#50 May 31, 1954)
"Satan is not yet expelled. The Lady of All Nations may now come in order to expel Satan. She comes to announce the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will then come over this earth. You, however, shall pray my prayer which I gave to the world. Every day and every moment you shall think of the prayer which the Lady of All Nations gave to this world in this time. How strongly Satan is ruling, God alone knows. He now sends His Mother, the Lady of All Nations, to you, to all nations. She will defeat Satan, as has been foretold. She will place her feet upon Satan’s head."

“You will go through a great deal yet, in this century. You, nations of this time, know that you are under the protection of the Lady of All Nations. Invoke her as Advocate; ask her to stave off all disasters. Ask her to banish degeneration from this world. From degeneration comes disaster. From degeneration comes war. Through my prayer you shall ask that this be staved off from the world. You do not know how great and how important this prayer is before God. He will hear His Mother, as she wants to be your Advocate.”

“Great events are going to happen…There will be alarming inventions, such that even your shepherds will be astonished and say: we are at a loss”

“Understand, the Holy Spirit is nearer than ever. The Holy Spirit will only come when you pray for it. From the beginning, He already was. Now, however, the time has come.”

“The world no longer knows where to turn. Very well then, peoples, trust in your Mother, for she has never forsaken her children. She may come under this new title: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate.”

“Once you begin to ask the Holy Father for the dogma, the Lady will fulfill her promise, and true peace will come. True peace, nations - that is the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is nearer than ever. Understand these words well. It is really and truly the Mother, the Lady of All Nations, who is telling you this. My admonitions: do not listen to false prophets; listen only to your shepherds, to your ministers, to the voice of your conscience - to a Higher Being. And this I say for those who do not belong to the true Church.”

"I just said: alarming inventions will be made. God allows this; but you peoples, you can see to it that it does not result in disaster. You peoples, I beg you…the Lady begs you; hear this well. Never has the Mother of God begged you "
Now the Lady pauses again and then says, “So that you do not arrive at alarming things, nations, the Lady begs you now, today: ask the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to protect His people, to bring His people to unity once again. People have to attain unity, to be one, and over them: the Lady of All Nations. One community, peoples; here I am stressing these words: one community.”

“I said: I will give consolation. Nations, your Mother knows life, your Mother knows sorrow, your Mother knows the Cross. Everything you go through in this life is a passage that your Mother, the Lady of All Nations, went before you. She went this road before you.”

The Lady pauses again for a moment and then says slowly,
“But she went up to the Father; she returned to her Son. Nations, you also go up to the Father by your way of the Cross; you also go up to the Son by your way of the Cross. The Holy Spirit will help you. Invoke Him in this time. I cannot say this enough to the world: go to the Holy Spirit in this time!”

The Lady says the latter very slowly and with emphasis.
“Your Mother will tell you something consoling. When the time of the Lord Jesus Christ is at hand, you will notice that false prophets, war, discord, dissension are going to disappear. Now the time is dawning. The Lady of All Nations is telling you this.” (#51 May 31, 1955)
“The dogma of Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate has to be proclaimed before 1960.” (#52 may 31, 1956)

"If they do what I have said, I will assist the peoples, all of them, even the most primitive, and I will be allowed to bring true peace." (#53 May 31, 1957)

“This Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, will be taken up among Us at the beginning of October of this year. The Lady of All Nations, the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, will lead him to eternal joy.”

[This prediction came true, as Pope Pius XII died on October 9, 1958.] (#54 February 19, 1958)

“Warn the clergy of false doctrines, particularly concerning the Eucharist.” (#55 May 31, 1958)

The Prayer of Our Lady of All Nations
to be prayed before the Cross:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,
send now
Your Spirit over the earth.
Let the Holy Spirit live
in the hearts of all nations,
that they may be preserved
from degeneration, disaster and war.
May the Lady of All Nations,
who once was Mary,
be our Advocate.

This Time Is Our Time

Source of messages:


God bless you and your family,

cub 👍

PS: Let’s pray that Pope John Paul II declares the 5th Marian Dogma THIS May 31st !!!
“The dogma of Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate has to be proclaimed before 1960.” (#52 may 31, 1956)

"If they do what I have said, I will assist the peoples, all of them, even the most primitive, andI will be allowed to bring true peace." (#53 May 31, 1957)

“This Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, will be taken up among Us at the beginning of October of this year. The Lady of All Nations, the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, will lead him to eternal joy.”

[This prediction came true, as Pope Pius XII died on October 9, 1958.] (#54 February 19, 1958)

“Warn the clergy of false doctrines, particularly concerning the Eucharist.” (#55 May 31, 1958)

***The Prayer of Our Lady of All Nations ***
to be prayed before the Cross:

**"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, **

send now Your Spirit over the earth.
**Let the Holy Spirit live **
**in the hearts of all nations, **
**that they may be preserved **
**from degeneration, disaster and war. **
May the Lady of All Nations,
**who once was Mary, **
**be our Advocate. **

This Time Is Our Time

Source of messages:


God bless you and your family,

cub 👍
the fifth dogma coredemptrix will never be declared. this has been stated over and over again. just because some people want it to for whatever reasons doesnt change church teaching.
I agree with your post #111 as you were told by many, this will never be the fifth dogma.
The followers of that apparition though (like followers of many other unapproved apparitions) will of course argue with you . This apparitions has not been approved. It is the same as Medjugorje and other unapproved apparitions. Some have approved it, some have condemned it. So this thread will probably be shut down by the moderators like the Medjugorje threads, as that is one of the rules of this forum. No talking about unapproved apparitions. There are very few approved, fatima,lourdes,guadlupe, and i think 2 or 3 others.
Hmm… We just returned from the Rite of Election at the Cathedral in Portland, and I see that there has been a lot of writing here. I think I agree with the opinion expressed in the last post–we seem to be chasing our tails here, and perhaps it is time to end this thread. I have tried to promote some dialogue through my little essay. I also offered to share the writings from a contact in the Netherlands. This writer exposes the fallacies, one by one, of this false apparition much better than I was able to do. He demonstrates convincingly where it stands in direct opposition to the Scriptures–even where she twists verses around for her own dark motives. I pointed-out problems with “who once was Mary” as well as the passage which appears to encourage homosexual behavior. I pointed-out that there were some strange predictions which never came to pass–e.g. the horrible meteor storm. Any predictions which did come to pass were likely simply by the shear odds of probability–given the number of total predictions.

Bottom line, what the proponents cite in their defense, appears to me to be wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. Given that Mary’s place appears to rival that of Christ’s in the minds’ of the supporters, debate is obviously falling on deaf ears. Since no one can make any progress on the topic and the suggested reading sources, which would conflict with their own pre-conceived notions of Mary, are not ever commented on constructively, it is probably time to call it a day. Furthermore, (and please don’t take this the wrong way) it occurs to me that support for the “Co-Redemptrix” and willingness to accept certain apparitions may be more pronounced within certain cultures. That might make it an issue which becomes intertwined with a culture’s own sense of identity. No matter how much logic or Scripture is offered, if the belief is held that strongly to heart, it is very unlikely that the issue be examined in a critical sense. Any criticism of the title or the apparition might be seen as a criticism of a culture, and that never was my intention at all.

Time to get back to other writings for a bit, but thanks for everyone’s wonderful (name removed by moderator)ut!
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